Hey, @Batbrony! It's always good to see old faces, but if there was ever someone deserving of recognition for all your work, it's most certainly you!
Your presence is one of the earliest memories I have with the forums and my own staff tenure (how could one miss Poniverse's resident Derp Knight?), especially the weekly gatherings to watch the latest FiM adventure. I would always anticipate your in-depth analysis of each adventure, and I keep remembering going back to watch the episode again just to comb over it more thoroughly alongside your posts. Who needed YouTube reviewers?!
But even beyond the forums, you've always been a wonderful guy to know and a great voice of clarity and honesty. I can't quite recall, but did I see you at the 2019 BronyCon? I know there was quite a large group of us from the Poniverse around for that one, but it may have been the previous year you were at.
In any case, I can appreciate that being a teacher is occupying much of your life nowadays (solidarity, brother! ), but it's nice to see you still find time to do what you've always loved. May it travel with you ever onward!
All the best, and God bless to you.