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Posts posted by 1Bit

  1. Got my hair cut!!!! Chopped all my hair off; I was so happy to get all that hair gone. ;3;


    Before and after !



    You look really nice with the new haircut! ^3^ Looks very cute :D




    It's been, like, months since I posted a picture here  ^_^ So yeah, hey again everyone. It was an absolutely beautiful day  :please:




    Dear god, my hair looks windswept. I mean, it was windy on the beach but still  :wacko:

    • Brohoof 12


    This doesn't make any sense. Are you saying it's a bad thing that you get better as you play? That's not even entirely true, since there are certain gamers who are just naturally better at the game than others.


    Everyone gets better as they play for the most part, that's not the problem. There should be more to the learning curve than just that. For example, in Battlefield you have to learn the bullet drop mechanic, the best way to operate vehicles to win in a 1v1 against another, the tactics associated with each conquest map. The different classes all have different learning curves. That is a good skill gap in my opinion. A player can still pick up a gun and play, but it's not the same as CoD where that is basically all there is to it. 



    It's not necessarily Call of Duty's fault, but many companies try to leech off the success of the series instead of creating an identity of its own and that's the problem. Double horrible if it's an already existing franchise


    It's a lot harder than it sounds nowaday to keep an identity and yet still remain incredibly successful, especially when you're competing against Call of Duty. Hell, the new DOOM takes ideas off of all of the popular Shooter games nowadays, and that's why its multiplayer has received so much criticism. There's only so many fans of the FPS genre to go around, and when the majority are controlled by CoD, it's very difficult to stay unique and yet somehow draw fans in to the franchise. Gamers today simply expect something similar to CoD for it to be enjoyable, and it's incredibly irritating.


    This isn't a new thing either, the idea of copying bits off of pre-existing games has been a thing for years.




    For "lack of a skill gap" to be a thing, everybody's K/D should perpetually hover around 1.0, and going much higher than that should be near herculean, if not downright impossible. We wouldn't see people reliably jetting around the map and taking out dozens of enemy players if it was all a "slot machine." This isn't a botmatch. There are real people behind each of those characters you are killing. That is the precise definition of the "skill gap" you claim is missing.


    The point is it is not a skill gap with a learning curve. Becoming good at a Call of Duty game is effectively as much as playing the game for longer. Skill is a grind in that game, nothing more (at least from my experience) If the argument that "because it's PvP" means there is a skill gap, you could say any game has one which just isn't true.



    Good!   I hope other shooters continue to draw influence from Call of Duty. I've tried many shooters, and none have been able to match the fluidity and consistency of COD's gunplay and overall depth.   I disagree with the video's claim of COD being successful due to "skill compression". Individual skill is not "out of the equation". Good players in COD will dominate, bad players will not. COD grew in popularity because it has massive depth (tons of unlocks, maps, game modes, weapons, perks, etc) and excellent shooting.


    Fair enough, we all have opinions after all and I doubt Call of Duty would have nearly the same following if people didn't enjoy it for various reasons. I mean, I personally stopped playing after MW3 but meh.


    I would argue a game like Battlefield has a much larger depth to it in comparison, and a game like Halo generally provides a better skill gap while still providing an entertaining, casual basic layer. 

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Honestly...at peace. It's a really peculiar feeling, perhaps because I'm still running off the high of finishing my AS exams. But here I am, just enjoying some music and feeling so chillaxed. It's bliss :D

    • Brohoof 3
  6. While I know a plethora of people who aren't the biggest fan of BDobbinsFTW and his continuous preaching on his YouTube channel, I believe his recent video has actually brought up an interesting point about modern gaming and how Call of Duty has possibly affected the way that first-person shooters will be handled for years to come.


    In the video, along with quotes from developers and using examples, he explains how Call of Duty is such an expansive and successful franchise that other games trying to compete with it like Halo and Battlefield, have to sacrifice part of their own identity in order to leech fans off of the franchise. Every game has a focus group, a small band of gamers to play the game early and tell them what works and what doesn't; the problem is that these focus groups will play Call of Duty in the majority of cases, so when they play a game that isn't enough like Call of Duty, that becomes a criticism of theirs. 


    I could explain more, but honestly the video does an incredible job of explaining all the information and it is a great watch:

    • Brohoof 1
  7. There are definitely some gaming commercials I remember better than others :D Oddly, they come from Xbox  :huh: which somehow surprises me.


    The Forza Motorsport 6 one is just so fantastic:


    And the Halo 5 trailer was so hype  :pinkie:

  8. I don't know what the concern is, her involvement hasn't ever been detrimental to the story, nor detracted away from it in any way. In fact, she's only appeared in two episodes this season in any role larger than a minor cameo, and thats because those episodes were written by Nick Confalone who seems to use her as a signature character of his writing this season :P

  9. "Has anyone ever noticed how the moment we try to do something, this ship just throws yet another other thing at us to divide our time?" Amber raised an eyebrow, looking down the hallway which the large majority of ponies had gone down. "Like, for every main quest we do, about a dozen or so side-quests then distract us from actually progressing the story." The pegasus groaned. "as if there's some actual reward for completing them...She mumbled, turning her attention towards the gate that they were supposed to be going through at that moment. "I bet by the time we finally get through here, we'll have already had some more drama to deal with, and then some. I'm beginning to question whether or not we're actually going to make it out of this debaucle alive.."



    "You're damn right I would," Solar smirked at her marefriend, "then I'd know what the friggin' things are!"   She couldn't help but smile as Amber awkwardly tried to save grace after the waiter caught her talking trash about the fancy-pants names.   How is she so adorable?   She just looked at the menu and quickly skimmed it. "I think I'll go for the spaghetti and hayballs."


    When the waiter looked blankly at Solar, Amber stepped in with a graceful smile. "Uh, she means she'll have the maccaroni azzese." The pegasus said, reciting the menu before her with ease. "I think I'll have one of the risotto's if possible, followed by the meiton ratatouille please." She placed the menu back down on the table, crossing her hooves and turning her attention back to Solar. "I assume you'll be drinking?" She asked, smirking.

  11. If I knew for certain WHEN the show was going to end, perhaps I could make some better predictions on HOW it's all going to conclude. I mean, there's a lot I want to happen, but it probably won't because of the show's target demographic and general style.


    I would honestly like to see some of Equestria destroyed; a drastic change to the status quo. Perhaps, knowing Hasbro will make a generation 5, some kind of link between Gen4 and the next one. For example, Equestria falls as Canterlot slides down the mountain from its perch, crumbling away, forcing the ponies of the land to evacuate and find a new place to settle. Through all of this, we lose Celestia and Luna, and Twilight becomes the leader of the land, trying to maintain and organise what remains of Equestria in a new kingdom. This new kingdom could then be the setting for the next series of MLP after Gen4 is over ^^


    But these are just ramblings :P

  12. Nope, never been offended. The only time I get offended is when someone else, another person, actually says something offensive or treats me in such a way because of who I am.


    But MLP is a work of fiction, that aims to teach morals to children and provide a pleasant, uplifting source of entertainment every saturday. Any offence that the show could cause is not intentional nor should be put on anywhere near the same level as the offence that other people can cause you.



    • Brohoof 2
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