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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by 1Bit

  1. ayyy, these forums changed quite a bit.

  2. Nom. Nom nom nom.

  3. So much to sort out, so little time.

    1. Unicorncob


      You want help? :o

  4. I'm alive again apparently

  5. Et tu, future?

  6. Beep Bloop, Bloopy Deep Dip! ^3^

  7. When in doubt, butts.

    1. backpon


      butts n stuff! butt stuff!

    2. Unicorncob


      Secret butt fun

  8. Okay, okay...how is it that half the reviews for Infinite Warfare say "amazing campaign" and other half say "shoddy campaign"??? makes no sense.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1Bit


      But I just think if the campaign is so 'amazing' or so 'shoddy', then how is it that so many other people can think the complete opposite? It smells fishy to me.

    3. duidamasterXD


      That's not particularly weird, though, is it? People have different opinions on things all the time.

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      And of course Game Informer gives it a friggin 9 out of 10. One review even gave it a perfect score! After playing the beta, there is no way this game deserves a perfect score or even a 9.

  9. Titanfall 2 is easily my top game. Incredible all around.
  10. Titanfall 2 is an utter masterpiece. Feel like a child again, able to just relax and enjoy a working, amazing game.

    1. backpon


      Gonna get that next week :3

  11. *comes back on forums* Anarchy is unfolding *Leaves forums again*

  12. If people do chase dreams, I've made the first step towards chasing mine <3 I now play Halo for an eSports organisation meaning sponsors and funding.

  13. Every night, at 11PM, I've donned my earphones, shuffle played EDEN's albums, and just...walked. No matter the weather. Purely divine <3

  14. Battlefield 1 is so disappointing... sigh.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 1Bit


      it's just....bad. The beta feels pretty horrible.

    3. Unicorncob


      Well... it's a BETA.

    4. 1Bit


      Titanfall 2 was a pre-alpha and that was better xD

  15. More scrims today on Halo 5. Getting super close to the next tournament season and I'm excited to compete!

    1. Barpy


      nice x3 i play tournaments in 2 other games x3

  16. Just started streaming. Currently live with some Forza Horizon 2 ^3^ https://www.twitch.tv/virusplayz

  17. Elite Dangerous did No Man's Sky better than No Man's Sky did

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1Bit


      I think it's more like ED hasn't exactly delivered an experience different from what was promised c:

    3. S.F.


      That is true - and I think their DLC route is the better option too, as they haven't had to rush it out the door unfinished (also ED and Horizons combined still cost me less than the price of NMS)

    4. 1Bit


      XD very true

  18. Titanfall 2 is going to be my GOTY. Calling it now.

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      It looks futursitcally funtastic :)

    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      I might buy it, I am still in debate though haha.

    3. S.F.


      I've gotta say, I never played the first, but am having loads of fun on the tech test

  19. Why is work always so terrible. I just want a job that doesn't make me want to kill myself smh.

  20. Life has been hard as of recent for me. I guess we all go through it at some stage and if you don't, you're one of the lucky ones. The human condition and the self-awareness of our minds leads us down paths we will always regret and puts us in holes that we never wanted to be in. During this time, we can feel more miserable than we imagined possible, no matter how good a person or how happy a person you thought you were. But we all have that safe haven we can retreat to. People think it's always a place or a person we require, to give us comfort. But in fact, music can more often than not directly influence us and create certain emotions in us even when we feel down. That's the beauty of good music. There is no true way of describing good music because it is all in the eye of the beholder. And yet, I believe good music is whatever is able to truly evoke emotions in us, and make us feel a certain way or calm us down when our anxiety is high or comfort us and tell us that things get better. That is what good music should be. At least to me. Hope you all have a wonderful day <3
  21. Some days will be harder than others. Sometimes you'll be knocked to the floor and you'll feel like the worst person in the world. But life is all about movement. Never stop moving. Make progress.

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