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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Ricebug

  1. Someone insult me

  2. Someone insult me

  3. Someone insult me

  4. Someone insult me

  5. Someone insult me

  6. Good night, my little ponies^^

  7. I got something to do see yall in a bit :3

  8. I got something to do see yall in a bit :3

  9. I'm awake XD And well seems everyone is in a good mood :3

  10. Seems as though everyone is pissed at me today...I'm sorry

  11. Play Skyrim all day bby

  12. I am gonna play minecraft bah bye for a little bit

  13. Pizza for breakfest XD And starting to feel the effects of sleepyness :(

  14. Oh 502 gateway you are just my best friend

  15. Oh 502 gateway you are just my best friend

  16. I can't seem to remember anything from last night .-.

  17. 4 in the morning no sleep or extra energy...Still going strong XD

  18. 4 in the morning no sleep or extra energy...Still going strong XD

  19. 4 in the morning no sleep or extra energy...Still going strong XD

  20. 4 in the morning no sleep or extra energy...Still going strong XD

  21. Bah bye for a while :P

  22. I hate saying that I am going to bed, because when I lay down to sleep I cant :/

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