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Mesme Rize

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Posts posted by Mesme Rize

  1. Hey there, it's me Mesme Rize, Jonas Friend. :)

    I would like if you could make a pic of my OC Mesme Rize, if drawing a Lamiapony isn't too hard for you.


    Could you make that classic pic of Kaas close up in the jungle Book, only with Mesme instead and instead of Hands, you have Twilights Purple hooves? (The hooves belong to Twilight Sparkle of course. :P )

    Here is the pic if you wanna know what i mean:



    • Brohoof 1
  2. 14 hours ago, SunburstRainbow2019 said:

    So, ever since your childhood days, have ya kept in contact with Baloo, Louie, Baggy & Shere Kahn?

    Not really. We ussssed to hang out together, but we pretty much went apart.

    Bildergebnis für jungle cubs kaa

    Good timesssssss

  3. I pre-ordered this game a few weeks ago. I don't often pre-order games, but i had to make an exception for SMM2, as i played the first one.

    I don't have my own level yet, as i play mostly levels in either endless mode or multiplayer. But i am sure i will something here in the future. ;) 

    • Brohoof 2
  4. 20 hours ago, Brainstorm said:

    I see. What did Bagheera and Baloo had to do for you to let Mowgli be? Just wondering.

    What did Baloo and Bageraa 

    Nothing really. After he esssssscaped again, i didn't bother anymore.

    I am sssssssick of Mancubsssss.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Will Guide said:

    Why does your voice sound like a tubby little cubby all stuff with fluff? ;)

    That soundssssss like a very cute compliment mancub. Thank you.

    4 minutes ago, Anti-Villain said:

    Dear Kaa,

    Did you know that in another reality, you're a female who sounds like Black Widow from the Marvel Cinematic Universe?


    Well...I don't know who thisssssss black widow issssss. But thisssss is certainly interesting. :o

    • Brohoof 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, Brainstorm said:


    Does Sher Khan always gives you a hard time?


    He givessssss a hard time to everyone. It's the law of the Jungle, that the sssssssstrong rule the weak.

    But one day, i will get that little kitten.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

    "Would you like to have feet/paws like the other jungle animals?"

    SSSSSSay, why would i have ssssssilly things like that? If i do, i wouldn't be sssssso agile.


    • Brohoof 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

    "How do you spend your day?" 

    In my tree, while i ssssssleep and digest my food. I like to hunt and like to play with my food. (eventhough my mother told me not play with my food. :blush:)

    9 hours ago, Windy Breeze said:

    Do I look delicious?

    ...Oh yessss...so delicioussssss.

    Bildergebnis für kaa poor little helpless

    10 hours ago, .Wolfe. said:

    What's it like being hypnotized?

    It'ssssssss like slipping down a slide of endlessssss bliss and relaxation. All the fearssssss and worriessssss of this world vanissssssh.

    Let me show you how it is.

    Bildergebnis für kaa gif

    Trusssssst in me...

    • Brohoof 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Will Guide said:

    How did you first met Sher Khan? It seems you two knew each other before your encounter with Mowgli in your coils

    Oh that ssssself loving arrogant cat. He alwaysssss goes around and bulliessss everyone in the jungle, including me. He only huntssssss for fun. I hunt for ssssssurvival.

    But one day i'll get him. :sneer:

    2 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


    You're Welcome!

    "You wouldn't happen to have any bear or stork cousins, would you?" 

    ...I am not related to any of thosssssse. :blink:

    • Brohoof 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

    Greetingsss, Mr. Kaa & Welcome to the crazy world of "Ask a Pony" or "Ask a Snake" in your case!


    I was wondering: "What are your thoughts on Mowgli returning to the Man Village?"


    Thank You *sssso* much for answering my question! :D

    Hello there Girlcub. Thank you for the welcome.

    I am rather indifferent about that. I promissssssed myself to ignore the mancub now, assssss he alwayssssss escapes me and putssssss a knot in my tail. It really slowssssss down my slithering. :dry:

    Anytime, little girlcub. ;) 

    • Brohoof 1
  11. SSSSSSSSSay now. What have we here?

    I ssssssaw these Ponies coming to thisssssss place. I mussssst sssssay, it'sssss so nice to see you. *Laughs hissingly*

    I am Kaa the ssssssnake.

    You can assssssk me anything. You can trussssssst in me.


    • Brohoof 2
  12. Hello there, my dear Rapunzel.

    I sssssee your hair is assssss long as my Coilsssssss. I wonder if your Hair is jussssst as comfy being wrapped up to, assssssss my coilssssssss. :D 

    • Brohoof 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


    1. Well, Zootopia has a special area called "The Snaketuary" where every snake in Zootopia lives peacefully with other reptiles. :kindness:
    2. Suuure. *Cough, cough* I mean, sure. :P

    Soundssssss like a very nice place to live. :fluttershy:

    Excellent. Jussssssst say whenever you need and you can trussssssst me that your worriesssss will go away. ;) 

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Greetingsssss ms.Judy Hopps. Very nice to meet you.

    I wasssss wondering, how does the police of Zootopia handle the Ssssssnake population? (If there actually is any)

    Alsssssso, would you like to vissssssit me after work? I can sssssssee your job can be very stresssssful at times and i have waysssss to help you with that. ;) 

    • Brohoof 1
  15. Sorry, there is something i have to get off my chest, regarding our dear friend Bill Goldberg.




    He will apparently Wrestle in Saudi Arabia on June 6th.

    All i can say is, fuck you Goldberg.

    20 years ago, you denied to do a single WCW show in germany, because of your jewish heritage. And now, your heritage is apparently worth nothing for a saudi arabia show, a land that still hates jews.

    You Bill, are the biggest hypocrite walking this planet.

    • Brohoof 2
  16. (If this topic is too political, please put it in the debate pit, or however it is called now. :P )

    For awhile now, it has been a big topic in sports, especially when it comes to Football. National teams that have players with foreign backgrounds.

    There are a few top teams in europe that have several of them. The current world champions france have several players that have african backgrounds and our german team have players with turkish backgrounds (Gündogan) Senegalese (Leroy Sane) and even Sierra Leone (Antonio Rüdgier)


    And i wonder, is this is such a big problem? I mean yeah, it's not easy intigrating foreigners, especially if they are just here for the free money. But these players are in my opinion great guys, especially considering that they where born in germany and barely spend their lifes in the old country.

    Just because they have different colors, dosen't mean they have no right to play for the country that they are proud of and that gave them everything that they have achieved, dosen't matter what certain Nazi groups are saying.

    What are your views on this matter. Do you agree, or is it a bit more complicated then i think?

    • Brohoof 1
  17. 3 hours ago, CloudMistDragon said:

    They want the government to step in over this movie's underwhelming reception. :squee:

    You heard her folks. Because people liked Wonder Woman and Alita but not this and Ghostbusters (2016), we need to be silenced by the government. An 82% on Rotten Tomatoes is already having them breaking down like this. I can not wait for the box office results. :ticking:

    Does anyone take what Brianna Wu says seriously? :huh:

    Anyone who still brings up Gamergate after 2014 dosen't deserve to be taken seriously.

    • Brohoof 1
  18. Just received news that one of the all time greats of Japanese Wrestling, Jushin Thunder Liger (also known by his real name Keiji Yamada), has announced that he is going to retire at next years Wrestle Kingdom show. The years seem to finally come up to him, as he is going to turn 55 at the end of November this year.

    Liger for his final year now plans to make some appearances in several different indy promotions worldwide, as some sort of farewell world tour, before having his last match in New Japan. He is planned for appearances in the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

    I miss him already, as he is one of the most charismatic and entertaining wrestlers i have ever seen. Wrestled since the 80s in every possible promotion. WCW, TNA, ROH, All Japan, New Japan and even a one off with Tyler Breeze in WWE. Good bye Liger. :(




    • Brohoof 1
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