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Mesme Rize

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Posts posted by Mesme Rize

  1. This was a rather excellent episode.

    I was at first skeptical how to fit celestia in this episode, but it was really cleverly done. Her bad acting skills where funny, but also made her look way more relatable, considering we all thought that she is good at everything, which she obviously is not.

    Twilights actions where very well meant, eventhough they have been a bit extreme but i understand why she done it. She knows Celestia for years now and wanted to give something back to her and also want her to enjoy the things Twilight also enjoys.

    And oh god these method actors. I heard stories of some of them and some really act like them and it was hilarious how Celestia interacted with them.

    All in all, very good episode and probably one of the most hilarious ones. Thumbs up.


    And one a side note, from now on the sun will look like a flaming marshmellow to me. :P

    • Brohoof 8
  2. it depends if Hasbro is willing to throw money into this sort of thing.

    Hasbro is a toy company and i am sure as soon as g5 comes around, most of the g4 merch will be replaced with g5, because it's the "new hot toy in town."

    I think the only reason Hasbro would continue g4 during g5, is if they think they can make as much money out of it, as they can make out of g5 and i personally don't see it.

    And i think after almost 10 years we should close the book and go forward.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. I still remember the incredibly poor turtles in time remake that came out in 2009 for 360/PS3.

    I was incredibly hyped for months, because the SNES version of turtles in time is one of my favorite beat em ups and my favorite game starring the ninja turtles.

    When it came out though, good lord was i mad. None of the catchy music was in it. The game looked very rushly made (was made by Ubisoft, so no surprise) and the gameplay felt incredibly stiff. They even removed the game after awhile from XBLA store, which just shows how they felt about the game.


    • Brohoof 1
  4. Well, a few weeks ago, @Dark Qiviut promised a very good episode and i must say this was certainly a very good episode. :D

    First off, i gotta give a little nitpick. Like i said in the season opener, this is another episode that tells things about the movie, which you wouldn't know if you haven't seen it, which could be a problem for some. But since i saw it and most of the people on the forum saw it, it's not really a problem. :P

    This was an episode with a message that is deeper then some people might think and mostly those who have parents that live seperate from each other and i gotta tip my hat to the riders for tackling this sort of issue.

    Twilight was a very hilarious side character in this episode, as she showed her adorkable attitude and trying her best to understand the hippogriffponies.

    I also liked the CMC in the episode. Some would say that their arguing is a bit childish and inconsiderate, but let's be honest they are kids after all. We all love that one place we find awesome, while someone else might not.

    But i freaking love terramar, His conflict is that he likes both places but dosen't want to dissapoint both his parents by staying at one permanently and you see that conflict growing throughout the episode. People who also where in this situation can relate to him very well.

    Overall, best episode of the season so far, i give it a big thumbs up. :)

    • Brohoof 6
  5. 14 minutes ago, Steve Piranha said:

    I think the problem lies is that people give more importance to a character's race, sexual orientation, etc; over.... I don't know... the actual character quality? Seriously, these things are given far more importance than they deserve, and we are telling everyone you can relate with a character ONLY if they belong to said things as you. An Agents of SHIELD example, I can relate to Coulson as much as much as Daisy (chinese american), or Mack (black), and I'm hispanic, and last time I've checked, I have yet to lose sleep over not having many hispanic in movies and such :dry:


    Thank you, that's exactly what i think.

    In the early 70s, Shaft was probably the very first black superhero on the silverscreen and the title song was incredibly iconic and is still referenced in pop culture till this day. All people of all colors wanted to be like him and that was almost 50 years ago.

    Black Panther is really nothing new.


    • Brohoof 1
  6. 1 minute ago, VoltWrecker said:

    The "let's stop talking about race and that will make all race problems go away" line is universally the "I don't want to talk about issues regarding race because they make me uncomfortable". In an industry like Hollywood where black people and people of colour are underrepresented, it's impossible to not make it a race issue. People, for some reason, have this obsession with taking things away from people when they have a reason to enjoy it, like what you're doing here. Black people finally see themselves represented on the big screen in a HUGE blockbuster movie? "You're just being racist". 


    Also that clip with Morgan Freeman, and a lot of things that he has to say about black people, white privilege, etc. Is what we call "survivorship bias". One who makes it through hardships or simply never has any simply assumes that it's the same for everyone. 


    I would keep going but it's pretty clear this thread is just a circlejerk for people who are angry that PoC are actually happy about something for once, so I'm just going to stop. 

    Never said that i am angry about this and this dosen't look like a circlejerk to me.

    But since you don't want to have a further discussion, i just leave it at that.


  7. 5 minutes ago, VoltWrecker said:

    For black people and other people of colour like me, it's representation that's sorely needed. I'm guessing that 90% of the people in this thread are white or not black at the very least, and therefore can't really understand how it feels to actually have a big, major blockbuster (one that becomes one of the top grossing films of all time) that actually represents us. Yes there have been plenty of movies including PoC in them, even casts that are primarily PoC, but this movie is by far the highest grossing, the most popular, and one to put black people and PoC in a very positive light. So people can say it's "progressive bullshit" or whatever, but I don't think it matters for those it represents. 

    Don't you think it's a bit racist in itself, that you need a movie that is for your people so that your life is fulfilled?

    You know how we can actually end this debate about racial differences? Maybe just stop talking about it. I stop calling you black and you stop calling me white and we just refer to us as humans. Refering to black panther as a movie for a minority audience makes matters worse in my opinion.


    • Brohoof 2
  8. 7 hours ago, VoltWrecker said:

    "Worried it will hurt the sales of the movie" 

    Black Panther is currently the 10th highest grossing movie of ALL TIME. Just saying. I know this post is months old but it's fun to look back on things like this and see how wrong people are sometimes.

    I never said it would, i just said it might.

    I watched it and thought it was fine. It's just not what the media claims it is, which is revolutionary and "woke".

  9. I won't do this, because comparing Disney to Pixar is just not worth it, because their style of writing is so different from each other.

    Disney was always keen on writing around their characters and progressing the story through music (atleast most of the time.) Pixar Wrote around the story itself, so much so that they where the first company, to write actual scripts for animated movies.

    I love the disney movies more, but i also like Pixar for different reasons.

  10. Just now, Feather Data said:

    Anti flu vaxxers, I can deal with, even though they are jerks.


    but actual anti vaxxers, i can't stand.

    Well, a flu does not have to be fatal if you treat it well when it happens and most flu deaths happen with people under age of 5 and over age of 65. A Flu shot is not really that necessary, but is of course an option.

    if we talk about shots for stuff like Tetanus, then we reach a whole new level.


    • Brohoof 2

    I saw the thread and instantly had to post this. :P

    But seriously now, not only is it incredibly stupid, but these parents put their kids in danger with this sort of view.

    I always respected and support doctors and what they do and, yes eventhough there might be some fatal errors that happen, there is no reason not to distrust your Doctor.

    I mean, would you rather let your kid die and do nothing about it? The absurdity with this subject is through the roof.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Just when i thought i might lose interest, this episode comes around and hit it out of the park. :D

    I really like this episode, probably the funniest i have seen in awhile. Applejacks constant appearance as a floating head where great and especially the last one made me laugh hard.

    I heard some people complained that AJ was kind of a party pooper in this episode. Well, you might be kinda right. But at the same time, she is only worried about her granny and her friends, since older people in their 80s can not take alot of excitement and are more fragile, so i can see where AJ is coming from.

    RD also learned that you can have fun with everyone, even with ponies who are way past her age and are not as agile anymore. I think that's a good lesson, because there are older people who also like to do things that people in their 20s do, like playing video games or in this episodes case, ride a rollercoaster.

    I had alot of fun. Best episode of the season so far.



    As Caddicarus once said:

    DDR is Everywhere

    DDR is anywhere

    DDR is even there

    • Brohoof 8
  13. Can i join, even if i don't drink coffee? I drink coke right now which also has coffein. *Zips on his coke* :3

    I feel unsually tired today and the good weather from the last few days is also gone. I wish i stayed in bed today. :scoots:

    • Brohoof 3
  14. 2 hours ago, MAIKUN said:

    I don't think so, But no, the movie flopped and yes, that is my opinion, man.

    Dude, it's your opinion that you didn't liked the movie. To be fair, i kinda find it a bit overrated, but to say it flopped is just not true. The movie was a huge hit, critically and financially and gathered a huge fanbase.

    You shouldn't ruin the fun for others.

    • Brohoof 8
  15. Time to revive this thread, as we're only 2 months away from the opening game between Russia and Saudi-Arabia.

    I must say, for a host country, Russia dosen't have a particulary strong team, considering some of their better players are already pretty old for footballer standards and greats like Andreij Arshavin, Pawel Progrebnjak and Igor Denissow are not playing anymore.

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