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Mesme Rize

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Posts posted by Mesme Rize

  1. This episode was all over the place and it also kinda derailed flutters character progression.

    I mean, you could say it's a positive that she dosen't have to overcome her shyness again. But it dosen't make the episode better. Infact, this episode made me really not like her, especially towards the part where she talked with her friends.

    I was also a bit confused about why she was so oblivious about sewing, considering She and Rarity did that over the whole series.

    There where a few fun moments with the characteristics she portrayed and how Spike tried to speak with the raccoons, but it dosen't safe the episode for me.

    Worst episode of the season so far.


    • Brohoof 4
  2. 16 hours ago, Annie said:

    I strongly believe in naming and shaming racists. Freedom of speech doesn't come without social consequences.

    You know you're pretty much starting a witch hunt with this kinda stuff, right?

    Witch hunting people for their believes (whenever they are good or bad, which is up for debate) makes you no better then the people who witch hunted Galileo for saying that the earth is revolving around the sun.

    When i say that Uganda is filled with poverty and low medical standards, i am just stating a normal problem of the country and not because i am racist. Sadly, people seem to judge way too easily these days.


    • Brohoof 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, meme said:

    Freedom of speech does go both ways, btw. If someone's allowed to be racist, then people are allowed to call them out on it. Also, it doesn't mean a website has to tolerate it. For example, MLPF is allowed to ban anyone they want for any reason they want.

    I am not saying that racism should be tolerated.

    I am just saying that whenever someone says something that is bad about another country (especially african ones or muslim ones), it's automatically racist. I just wanna have a normal conversation without someone pulling the race card, which people do too much these days.

  4. I just recently had a nice idea for one of the new characters in the show, with my OC.

    Gallus the griffon visits Doctor Mesme for a checkup. When Mesme touches him with his steth, Gallus immediatly jumps up, holds both of his paws on Mesmes should and looks him deep into his eyes and says "Don't touch me with that cold thing." While Mesme is looking very shocked, still having the steth on. :P


  5. Oh boy, do i really have to be the guy today that ruins the fun for everybody? Because i hate to be in that position. :sunny:

    But yeah, i thought the episode was not good in my opinion, even going so far as to say this was the weakest season opener since the Season 1 opener over 7 years ago.


    First of all, eventhough i believe it might not be a problem for everybody in this forum (myself included,) but this episode thinks that you have watched the movie. Problem is, not everyone did and it's hard for some people to know what the mane 6 are talking about in the episode. Not really a problem for me, but can be for others.

    Twilight should've known from the very beginning, that what she is doing is a bad idea. Didn't she learn back in season 4 that everypony is not learning the same way and that it could be boring for some? This is something that bothered me throughout the entire first part and the first 5 minutes of the second.

    The episode also tried to fit in so many new characters at the same time, that it is really hard to have some sort of connection with them, especially with the new students which i feel like are just cardboard copies of the Mane 6. The seapony acts like pinkie, the dragon and the griffin like Rainbow, the changeling like Fluttershy, etc. How about giving them other characteristics.


    Folks, i am sorry. If you like this, it's fine. But this episode just felt so flat and uninteresting for me. I have to give it a thumbs down.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. 1 minute ago, We. said:

    Still can't help but feel this can be very creepy to some. Still, I somewhat enjoy this.

    Well, Mesme has his snake instincts that i like to call. So he sometimes does things that some might consider unorthodox. But he certainly dosen't mean harm to Rumble.


  7. (okay, we have the second chapter with even more pointless cuteness. Have fun. :P )

    Daylight broke through the leaves of a tall tree causing Rumble to wake up and yawn. As the young 10 year old tried to sit up his face turned pale when he saw coils wrapped around him in a snug cocoon! Rumble nearly yelped in fright when he saw the Lamiapony grinned happily at him.
    "Oh good, I wassssss wondering when you'd wake up." Mesme Rize hissed as he gave the black maned colt a comforting squeeze making the Pony gasp a bit before sighing in relief when the coils loosened up around him. "W-Who are you?! W-What am I d-doing up here?!" Rumble exclaimed as he slipped free from the coils and jumped onto a think branch.

    Mesme frowned at his actions before chuckling softly, a shy one? 'This'll be even more fun.' He thought to himself as he tail slowly creeped up from behind the colt.

    "Why...don't you remember lassssst night?" he asked him as he slithered closer making Rumble gulp nervously. "You were ssssso cold last night so kept you nice and warm." Mesme told him as he gently grabbed a hoof of Rumble as a cute pink blush appeared on his face. "And as for WHO I am....I'm Messsssssme Rize." he told him as he let of the Ponies hooves just as his coil pinned his arms together.

    "H-Hey!" Rumble exclaimed as he started to struggle when the coil started to wrap around his bare arms. "Let! Me...go..." Rumble trailed off when Mesme pressed his forehead against his letting lose those lovely colors once more.

    Mesme was pressing his face against Rumbles face. "You don't want me to let go...you wanna ssssstay with me." Mesme was not playing this time. He wanted to put the colt in a trance immediatly.

    The colt sighed in content when the coils started to massage his chest as it wrapped around his shoulders before the tip of the tail tickled under his chin making Rumble giggle faintly as a PING ran out through his mind. He belonged to Mesme now.

    Mesme stopped the spirals after a minute to inspect this now helpless colt. The little colt looked so cute, he could almost eat him up. As the Lamiapony wondered how to play with his newest catch his tail tip stroked Rumbles chin making him giggle again.

    "Tell me Rumble, what would you like to do?" Mesme asked as he kissed his cheek making said Colt smile more. "Anything you want master" Rumble stated in a monotone voice, making Mesme smile himself. "I'm glad to hear you ssssssay that..." he told him as he kissed him on the cheek again.

    Mesme then moved Rumble off the branch and into his coils as the mini cocoon around him let him go. Rumble closed his eyes and sighed in content when he felt the coils around him massage his back and his little hooves too. He snuggled into the coils more, he wasn't going to leave his new master even if you asked him to.

    The Lamiapony laid down across from the colt so close, oh so close as he stroked his black mane "sssssuch a cute colt..." Mesme cooed as he wrapped his arms around the boy when Rumble snuggled closer to Mesme, clearly enjoying this very much.

    "Rumble? Would you like to sssssstay with me? Longer than a day?" Mesme asked the tired colt who was resting his head against Mesme's chest. hearing his soft heartbeat. Said colt looked up at his master the spirals never fading. "I'd love too!" he exclaimed happily before hugging his master making the Lamiapony blush faintly.

    "Very good pet...cause you're going to sssssstay with me for a long time." Mesme whispered to the now asleep boy, he held his small upper body in his strong hooves as his tail tip wrapped around his ankles and his bare hooves.

    A faintly moan escaped from Rumble when he felt the coils lightly massage his hooves, the tail tip around his waist before stopping there. As Mesme stroked his mane once more the coils he had around the colts hooves squeezed them playfully making Rumble smile in his sleep.

    "We'll have more fun later, just get some sssssssleep until then.....ssssssleep sssssoundly...you can trusssssssst in me." he whispered as he kissed Rumbles forehead before he fell asleep himself.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. (okay, this is a very short story that i wrote. I might continue this if people want to, but as for now, this is just something cute and sweet. Have fun :) )


    A crescent moon shone overhead light up the Everfree floor a little, everyone was asleep all except for one. A Lamiapony with his yellow mane and bright, big green eyes was sound asleep in his tree. This 28 year old had a 28 foot long dark brown tail with a greyish underbelly. He had eaten only a few hours ago and was quite full, little did he know he'd get a visitor.

    A 10 year old colt with dark hair and with purple eyes was walking the jungle floor. He had a greyish fur and he had little wings on his back, obviously they weren't fully developed yet. The colt sat under the Lamia's tree oh so wishing to be anywhere BUT there.

    As the colt sat down the Lamiapony woke up and his eyes widened a bit when he saw the colt shivering from the cold winds. A warm smile formed on his face, as he thought that he might be lost and needed some company. Besides, he needed a bit of fun around him. This one shall be his new friend.

    The purple eyed colt closed his eyes as he tried to fall asleep before quickly jerking up when he smelled something....sweet...oh so sweet....he sighed in content as he tried to find where that wonderful smell was coming from! As he looked up into the tree he was sitting under a coil slowly wrapped around his waist while pinning his hooves together!

    Normally someone would've struggled at this point but that sweet scent was making it hard for him to understand what was even going on! The colt stumbled back a little before two strong hooves cupped his face as he was met with a pair of green eyes.

    "Hello there..." someone spoke, was it from the pony in front of him? Or was it from him? The colt tried to pull away but the coil kept him in place. "Don't leave, I jussssssst want a friend...is that ssssssso wrong?" the voice cooed softly as he kissed his forehead making the poor colt's face turn red.

    The Lamiapony chuckled as the colt's face turned red, oh he was going to have fun with him. "I'm Messsssme Rize, what's your name?" he asked the colt as his tail tip slowly started to coil around him.

    "R-Rumble.." he stampered before moaning faintly when he felt the coils wrap around him more.

    "Rumble...do me a favor...look into my eyessssss." Mesme said.

    Rumble did as he was told. he was suddenly overcome by a sea of reds, blues, greens, and yellows.

    Mesme has turned on his special hypnosis technique and was sending the little colt into a deep trance with his hypnotic eyes. "Good colt...now jussssst ssssssleep...you're sssssafe with me..." Mesme was using his soothing voice to lull Rumble into submission.

    Rumble was looking helplessly into Mesmes eyes, his own purple eyes dissapearing and mirroring Mesmes. His mind was getting foggy and heavy, not to mention that he was already tired. It felt so good.

    He looked so cute Mesme thought. "Be good...sssssssleep now..." Mesme kept his lulling voice, massaging Rumble with his coils.

    Rumbles eyes started to droop lower and lower, his mouth forming into a cute smile. He felt like never leaving Mesme. His eyes where shut and he started to make cute little snores.

    His eyes returned back to normal as Mesme smiled at the cute colt he catched. He will have nothing to worry for tonight. He kept him comfy in his coils, as he gave him a kiss on the forehead. "SSSSSSSleep well little colt..."

    • Brohoof 2
  9. I just recently started to catch up on info about season 8, since it now starts this saturday and it got me really thinking, especially with the stuff i have already seen of the premiere.

    Are we at a point where the character roster is just too big for it's own good? We have alot of fans for various different characters that are in the show now and have been in the show at one point. After the season 7 finale, we got 6 new characters that have come forth and now with the school of friendship being opened, we have seen a bunch of potential new characters coming forth.

    I know it's silly to think to please everybody, because it's just not possible. But alot of people have already requested the return of some fan favorites from the past and now with all these new characters coming it will be extremly hard to put them in a way, that the stories will still be good.

    I don't say Season 8 will be the worst ever, but it got me thinking.

    What do you think?

    • Brohoof 2
  10. Alot of cartoons since the dawn of animation, have been made with the goal to make a profit and one of the best ways is to sell them through toys and merchandise.

    Animation is at the end of the day a business and the idea of a business is to make money. Yes, these people still have a passion for their jobs, but passion alone does not pay the rent.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. For players like Christiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, it could possibly be the last chance to win the world cup for their respective national teams. We pretty much talk about 2 players who pretty much done it all in this sport and are considered 2 of the greatest. But they always get called out for the fact that they never won a world cup, considering all time greats like Pele, Beckenbauer, Maradona, Ronaldo, Charlton, all have won the world cup in their career.

    I could imagine that Argentina with messi has the better chance to make it this world cup, but they are sometimes a bit too reliant on messi.

    Portugal with CR7 probably makes it to the quarters, but i don't see them get past teams like France, Germany or Spain.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Adam Burt said:

    Like anyone would say about England in World Cup but let wait and see, they will surprice people. I get angry when hearing people negetive things about England. I feel and believe Rashford be next big star. Also, sorry to say I have dislike on Germany football team specially beating England and laugh/making fun at England for not doing well in football.

    Don't worry, no hard feelings. We can cheer and enjoy our teams playing, as well as we respect each other, because respect is important to me. ;)

    • Brohoof 1
  13. 1 hour ago, IronM17 said:

    Well, I hope that germany plays better in the world cup than cologne in the bundesliga. XD

    But seriously, I hope that germany come minimum into the semi-finals, also because of the reason that the quarterfinal is maybe on my birthday and the last both championship games from germany on my birthday wasn't that goo (2010 against spain and 2016 against france).

    I find it a little bit strange that teams like Italy, Netherlands, Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, USA or Chile are not in the turnament. But I am also happy that teams like Iceland are their. And yes, since the last Euro, I am an Iceland fan. I don't think that they will play a big role, but who knows. ^^

    Well, we always look at these countries and think "yeah, these are big football countries." But sometimes, the name is bigger then the current team. I can especially say that for the netherlands, who have missed the euros and now the world cup. All the best players are gone now and they haven't put any focus on their youth, which the netherlands used to be praised for.

    It will take awhile, till Holland can consider themselves the world elite again.

    1 hour ago, Adam Burt said:

    I wanted England to win the World Cup, always do.But people will laugh when I say England when told on who going to win the World Cup and alot say they not going to win the World Cup. Do they hate England? I know England failed many times but why should I give up on them and support other team.  Do feel Rashford be next top player but not going to put any pressure.

    Well, to be fair, England have not shown very good performances and the loss against iceland also didn't help, I said it before, England have a very big problem, when it comes to perform well in the big matches. They can perform well in friendlies, but once it really matters, they seem to be a bit stiff.

    I don't wanna wish them bad luck, eventhough i am german and winning against is kind of a nice feeling. They have some good guys with Kane, Rashford, Alli and others. Maybe they will surprise us. :)

  14. 12 hours ago, Frostgage said:

    Christian Pulisic is going to lead the USA to World Cup glory!!! ... *sobs*

    Anyway I'll probably pull for Uruguay if only because of Luis Suarez. They have what looks to be by far the easiest group so we'll see

    I think this could be the last time for awhile, where Uruguay has a chance to get far in the world cup. Great players like Luis Suarez, Edinson Cavani and Diego Godin are already in their 30s and i don't see them playing in Qatar 4 years later.

    • Brohoof 2
  15. 3 minutes ago, Ganondorf8 said:

    I'm hoping that England does way better this time around as opposed to how they fared four years ago.

    The thing with England is, that they always seem very promising in the buildup to the world cup. But most of the time, they seem to choke in the big games.

    Harry Kane can really make a difference though, as well as Rashford. But they are also very green when it comes to the world cup.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. wc-russia-2018.png?DnB0RNyjoafM4N4MOyyrN


    We are 3 months away from the kickoff, of the most watched sportsevent in the world, the fifa football world cup, taking this time place in russia.

    I thought i start this thread a bit early, since we can also already speculate what will happen, how our favorite teams will do and if there are any players you look forward to. And it's kinda fitting that i open it, since i come from the country of the current title defenders. :P

    Let the hype begin. :D


    • Brohoof 3
  17. I bought the game a few months ago on new years day, because it was offered for 20 bucks, which was fair enough for me.

    It's Skyrim alright, with added textures and lightning and other graphical enhancements. I had a good time with this game, for the price i got it for. But i wouldn't recommend this game for a full 50 or 60 bucks

  18. I know i am a bit late. But i must say i really had alot of fun following the winter olympics. Absolute highlight for me was the great underdog story of our german ice hockey team and eventhough we lost against russia, there is nothing to be ashamed off. I hope the NHL saw some of these Talents and considers some of them for their teams, so there might be an ice hockey boom here in Germany.

    We finished second in the medal standings, just barely behind Norway, as Norway won the last 30km ski run on sunday. But second is better then all the experts predicted and i am proud that we're one of the top wintersport nations, be it skijumping, biathlon, Luge or bob. :)

    All in all, very successful games.



    • Brohoof 1
  19. 34 minutes ago, Divine plywood said:

    GERMANY MADE IT TO OLYMPIC FINALS ! Good God, that was intence fight, congratulations @Mesmelicious Rize :lol:

    Thank you so much. My heart skipped a beat a few times during the match. We where only defending for most of the 3rd and our goalie Danny aus den Birken made the game of his life.

    While i don't see ourselves actually winning against Russia in the Final on Sunday, getting silver is already the biggest success in our history and i am sure this will probably inspire alot of young hockey players to go into hockey. :)

    • Brohoof 3
  20. This is a very special version of the disney short Peter and the wolf, based on the play by Sowjet componist Sergei Prokofiev, who was at the disney studios to overlook the making of this short.

    The short which was originally narrated by Sterling Holloway, is here narrated by Ziggy Stardust himself, the late great David Bowie.

    Nice story about Peter and the Wolf. We had a play based on it in 3rd grade and i was playing the wolf, because i always loved playing the villain. :sneer:

    Anyway, have fun.


    • Brohoof 3
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