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About biloh

  • Birthday May 19

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  1. biloh

    private Quarantine

    It's 3:15am Lab brag decapitates the infected HO killing him. Lab brag searches the body of the infected HO and finds blood samples, syringes and a map of the building. As Lab brag inspects the map he notices the building has a basement floor, a basement floor nopony has heard of before. The way to enter the basement floor and if it even exists is unknown.
  2. biloh

    private Quarantine

    3:05am. Croaks decapitates the infected fire-fighter as he lays on the ground. The infected fire-fighter is now dead. Lab brag shoots as the infected HO, the nails pierced the HO's legs and chips off sides of his skull, injuring, but not killing him.
  3. biloh

    private Quarantine

    It's 3:01am The infected HO is able to break through the door of apartment 3B, the infected fire-fighter falls to the ground, licking Greenery's blood off his lips.
  4. biloh

    private Quarantine

    It's 2:55am. Lucas walks onto the balcony of 3B and immediately the police on the ground start shooting at him. Bullets fly everywhere one shooting off Lucas' ear and another in his arm. The bullets break all of Greenery's potted plants, creating a mess of the balcony. Lucas runs back into the apartment for safety. A megaphone is heard again, "Do not try to attempt to leave the building, next time we won't miss." 3:00am The bitten fire-fighter begins to twitch as he slowly rises to his feet again. His eye are blood red as he makes eye contact with Greenery and screeches loudly. The bitten fire-fighter charges at Greenery and grabs him. He sinks his teeth into Greenery's neck and rips off a huge chunk. Greenery dies.
  5. biloh

    private Quarantine

    It's 2:00am. 2:40am. The bitten fire-fighter begins to feel nervous as he hears the infected HO banging on the door. The bitten fire-fighter turns to Lionheart, "We can't leave! They've got the building surrounded, with helicopters and everything. If we even get too close to the windows they'll shoot us dead." The fire-fighter approaches George Gray, "please help me too. I've been bitten much longer than him, I need help!" The bitten fire-fighter glances at Croaks, his pupils dilated and shaking. The bitten fire-fighter turns and grabbed Croaks, holding him down, "filthy, unclean, filthy, unclean." The fire-fighter kept repeating himself as his shaking becomes more violent and his eyes turn red. Suddenly the fire-fighter pukes blood all over Croak's chest and collapses to the floor. 2:41am A pony shrieking is heard from above.
  6. biloh

    private Quarantine

    It's 12:40am. An infected HO attempts to bite Ampyrion and tears a bit of flesh off, but Ampyrion is not infected. The leg the HO bit was a false leg Ampyrion had placed in after the accident with the pegasus brothers. 12:45am. Lionheart has three bullets left, and is safe for now. Suddenly Lionheart's cell phone rings, he answers, it's April Shower (his ex-girlfriend). April Shower is a beautiful mare, but Lionheart ended the relationship a little over a month ago due to her 'stalkerish' qualities. "Oh hey Lionheart! It has been so long! Listen , I just happen to be driving by your building today, and saw some pretty disturbing stuff! The doors are all sealed off, there's like plastic covering the entire building, and there's a swat team outside! Like what the buck is-" the line went dead. 12:47am. As Lab brag was looking for supplies in his apartment he noticed he had a message on his answering machine. Out of curiosity Lab brag played the message. "Good afternoon Labby, it's Aunt Sandy calling. I hate to not tell you this in pony, put you're mother passed over the weekend. I'm sorry." Lab brag's mother had been hospitalized for leukaemia for over a year now, the death was inevitable. 12:50am. As Croaks sits in George's apartment he begins to sweat and shiver at the same time. He tries to get up, but his muscles are sore and he feels weaker than he did before. His strange behaviour is noticed by the other members of the apartment. 12:55am. Lucas is able to push the infected fire-fighter away with him, but as he runs out of the apartment, the dead filly girl he saw earlier is now standing. Blood is dripping from her mouth as she starts screaming and charges at him. Lucas is surrounded. Luckily there is a metal bar next to hit, he has time to kill one.
  7. biloh

    private Quarantine

    It's 12:28am. Lucas follows the path of blood up to the dark apartment. He reads "2B" on the door. He approaches the apartment and hears the faint sound of moaning. Lucas calls out and the moaning stops, he hears some quick thumps and screeching. A diseased-looking pony throws himself at him. Blood splashed all over his face.
  8. biloh

    private Quarantine

    It's midnight. As Lucas dashed down the hall he tripped, he got up go to his feet to see the corpse of a small filly and a trail of blood leading into an open apartment. 12:20am. Lionheart shot at the infected HO. He shot three times, leaving only four bullets left in the gun. Two of the bullets hit the infect HO in the legs, the shots were enough to get the infected HO off him and cause the infected HO to leave the hall 3. The other bullet Lionheart shot hit Shadow Chaser in the elbow as he entered the hall. 12:21am. All the healthy ponies hear screeching coming from above them. The bitten fire-fighter looks terrified, "can I come take refugee here?" He asked George Gray.
  9. biloh

    private Quarantine

    It's 11:40pm. The bitten fire-fighter appears in the hallway, panting and holding his neck. "Don't be alarmed!" He shouted, "I'm bitten, but not infected." The fire-fighter pulled the rag away from his neck, his bite wasn't very deep or fatal. "As long as I don't die, I won't turn." The fire-fighter saw the HO laying on the ground dead with a bite, "he's not going to last long, run while you can!"
  10. biloh

    private The Abandoned

    Revolver ran across the room to help Lovely stand up. "Are you ok?" he asked. The unicorn had the green goo on her. Revolver then used his hooves to try to take it off. "Ah, this is so nasty, don't worry I'll try to kill it." he told the pink unicorn. Revolver used his magic to speed up his knife and aimed at one of the beetles' head.
  11. You haven't posted in the roleplay in a while, I included a status update in my most recent part, check it out and hop back in. Hope to see you post soon (: .

  12. biloh

    private Quarantine

    It's 11pm. Status: The second fire-fighter drops to the ground, his muscles spazzing in pain. Croaks lunges at the first fire-pony with his axe, the fire-fighter moves at the axe gets stuck in the wooden door. The third fire-fighter begins to hyper ventilate, as he pulls a hand-gun from his pocket. The third fire-fighter glances at his old friends with tears in his eyes. He sticks the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger. Blood splatters on the wall and onto Croaks and the other fire-fighters. The third fire-fighter's corpse falls next to the bitten fire-fighter, the gun still in his hoof. 11:02pm. Lab Brag gets a page that an unrecognised pony has entered his apartment.
  13. biloh

    private Quarantine

    It's 10:55pm. The infected fire-fighter begin breathing heavily, his natural mane colour was a dark blue, now turned to a pale white. His body collapsed. Not giving the ponies time to respond he stood up again, the bleeding from his neck has stopped. He has fangs and his eyes were blood-shot, he charged at the fire-fighter standing in front of the door, biting into his neck. "Get the fuck out of here!!!!" the other fire-fighter ordered.
  14. biloh

    private Quarantine

    It's 10:05pm Croaks swung his axe and decapitated Old Lady Eyespot's head, blood splashing on the floor. The fire-fighter took the strip of cloth from Croaks and kept applying pressure to his wound. The fire-fighter looked pale, he had lost a lot of blood. "What are you bucking doing!? Are you bucking crazy!? You're going to jail for murder now!!" The fire-fighter screamed at Croaks, "this isn't bucking on me." The fire-fighter heard Ampyrion's comment about zombies as the two lifted him up and brought him downstairs, "zomponies? Is everyone in this building bucking crazy!? The lady came down with a fever which caused hysteria. Buck." It's 10:15pm The fire-fighter is seduced by Lovely. He swallows and says, "w-we don't really know everything that's happening, except that it's bad. We were told to bring the Old Lady to them, and not get bitten in the process...". The fire-fighter looked past Lovely as he saw Ampyrion and Croaks arrive to the bottom floor. Upon sight of his injured comrade he screamed, "what the buck happened up there! Oh buck she bit you! Oh buck! Oh buck! we're all gonna die! We're all gonna die!" It's 10:20pm The megaphone from outside is heard again, "Hello residents of twenty-three Haybale lane, please stay calm and do not attempt to leave the building. All exits are sealed, and if you attempt to leave we will be forced to take serious and immediate action. In five minutes we will be sending in a Health Official. Again, please stay calm and stay in the building. Thank you for your co-operation."
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