It's 12:40am.
An infected HO attempts to bite Ampyrion and tears a bit of flesh off, but Ampyrion is not infected. The leg the HO bit was a false leg Ampyrion had placed in after the accident with the pegasus brothers.
Lionheart has three bullets left, and is safe for now. Suddenly Lionheart's cell phone rings, he answers, it's April Shower (his ex-girlfriend). April Shower is a beautiful mare, but Lionheart ended the relationship a little over a month ago due to her 'stalkerish' qualities. "Oh hey Lionheart! It has been so long! Listen , I just happen to be driving by your building today, and saw some pretty disturbing stuff! The doors are all sealed off, there's like plastic covering the entire building, and there's a swat team outside! Like what the buck is-" the line went dead.
As Lab brag was looking for supplies in his apartment he noticed he had a message on his answering machine. Out of curiosity Lab brag played the message. "Good afternoon Labby, it's Aunt Sandy calling. I hate to not tell you this in pony, put you're mother passed over the weekend. I'm sorry." Lab brag's mother had been hospitalized for leukaemia for over a year now, the death was inevitable.
As Croaks sits in George's apartment he begins to sweat and shiver at the same time. He tries to get up, but his muscles are sore and he feels weaker than he did before. His strange behaviour is noticed by the other members of the apartment.
Lucas is able to push the infected fire-fighter away with him, but as he runs out of the apartment, the dead filly girl he saw earlier is now standing. Blood is dripping from her mouth as she starts screaming and charges at him. Lucas is surrounded. Luckily there is a metal bar next to hit, he has time to kill one.