This is my exact point right here~!!
It is nothing but bloody titles to make individuals happier about one's self. Calling yourself Gay, bi, demi, straight, etc. Does it really matter: no... not really.
But for some reason, and you can see it here, that title makes everyone freak out. The idea of being one or the other and not both keeps everything at bay. People littlerally freaking out a bit because they may be considered a furry for being a brony. Or a proclaimed furry hating someone because they enjoy a cartoon show.
These preconceived notions of one is better than the other is just BULLSHIT. Each fandom. OF EVERY FANDOM, has a dark side. People who like Supernatural still put out wave after wave of sexual fanfictions and pictures. Just the same that Bronies put out wave after wave of clopping material and Furries put out wave after wave of yiffy matterial.
The difference, really, is that most fandoms hide from the sexualized side of the fandom. Keep it underground and say it doesnt exist. Furries seem to embrace is more, are more open about it. Because of that, seems like 25-50% of the posts here are saying that any kind of tie to Furries is wrong because that is all they want. HELLO, we are human. 99.9% of all of us want sex.
But because of this idea, everyone is freaking out about these bloody titles and what people call eachother. Even worse: most seem so wronged by it, that they have to bash each other. Half of these posts are bashing others for what they call them selves. I loved this show and the community behind some heavy core beliefs of freindhip, forgiveness, non-judgemental, etc.
All I see is more and more hate... What so many bronies have complained about so much against them...
I guess again it is human nature to hate, humiliate, and thing of yourself better than another to make yourself better than another.
I brought this subject up because I could not conceive why more than just a few individuals would hate a sister group/fandom (that one I will say furry and bronies are) to the point of banning an expression of said fandom at a convention when the other accepts and loves it. I have realized it now. It isnt just a few individuals. It is a large section of the Brony fandom. This is why I know so many that have watched, loved the show, and even have a couple MLP toys, but would never title themselves as Brony. It is this self centered, BS, I am better than you mentality that has gotten WAY out of hand....
Gongratulations for reading that long post. Here is your cookie!