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Captain Salty Scribbles

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Posts posted by Captain Salty Scribbles

  1. If we talk about breath freshness none of it, there's nothing better than a toothbrush and healthy food has been invented so far ^e^.

    But between mints and gum I chose the second because chewing it speeds up digestive processes and moderately cleans teeth after cup of coffee.


    • smile 1
  2. I'm feeling awesome.

    Had time to draw today. Experimented with styles and started a composition for the next painting. The next one should be challenging for my level, with many scenery details.

    Plus one more road trip is in progress. Yay!

    • smile 1
    • Excited 7
    • Hugs 1
  3. I'm feeling emotionally drained. Sometimes I invest too much emotions into things and have to pay back then. Now it's time to slow down and enjoy the boring things for a while. I'll start with a cup of simple green tea without additional flavors. ^•^

    • Hugs 6
  4. I'm feeling tired and unsatisfied.

    Tired after several hours of driving.

    Unsatisfied cuz wanted to draw today but left my sketchbook home. I bought new in local store, but feel too tired to do anything with it. Seems I just need a rest to fix everything.

    • Sad 1
    • Hugs 4
  5. I'm OK with moderate alcohol consumption in general, but don't drink lately by several reasons.

    First reason is that I like to have possibility to go anywhere by car spontaneously.

    Second is that I'm working out and controlling my weight last months. Alcohol has a big impact on organism and adds too many random variables to the process.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Well, that sound like another friendship lesson. You cannot befriend everyone, date every potential partner, read every book, be a hero of every story. Our time and resources are limited and we should spend them wisely.

    I feel slightly sad about it, but it's important lesson to be learnt to find your way to healthy happy life.

    • Brohoof 3
    • smile 1
    • Hugs 1
  7. 8 hours ago, DubWolf said:

    I enjoy that very much, no doubt. Annoying however I have to pay for that. Plenty of people who have started just a year or two ago are being paid to fly. One class over is earning extremely well to fly the fun stuff.  I started training 7 years ago and counting. Seven. Way overdue and way above average.

    Would love if I had something else to compensate for that shortcoming. Another good job, no debts, the girl of my life, respect, God, have none of that. I haven’t received what I feel I should have earned already.

    Oh, man. Getting older people tend to re-evaluate their life. Understanding what you want is the first step to reach it. I wish you to find what you seek. You're cool and I believe in you ^•^

    After 7 years of training can't you be an instructor?

    • Brohoof 4
  8. 12 hours ago, DubWolf said:

     Wish I had that "something" in life.

      Hide contents

    I mean, I admit I know what other things make me happy in life, but I don't want to feel incomplete the rest of the time.

    I've been saying this for years now. Maybe 5 or 10 whole long years later I'll stop...


    Something? Man, you have wings. That's very something =]

    • Brohoof 1
    • smile 1
  9. On 2024-08-01 at 1:06 AM, ComanderZhabikKlavik said:

    I noticed that I am very different from other people. I have noticed this for a long time, but today I realized that even among strange people I am stranger than they are. I will give an example of how I differ from others: I am a hermit in life. It's not even that I did not have friends before, but that I want to live in the forest far away from everyone. And never meet people. I have long been drawn to the forest and I will definitely live there someday.

    Another difference between me and others is that I often think like a machine. Sometimes it is difficult for me to understand people. The way of thinking and the way of life of most people is alien to me. I also cannot understand some abstract concepts. I think life is simple, but people complicate it. The day before I read a fanfic, it was about a fighting machine with AI that ended up in Equestria. There, with the help of magic, they made a soul for her. Now she is trying to understand the way of life of organic beings. I feel about the same as this machine.

    Another difference, although I'm not sure if others have the same problem, I can reply to private messages on this forum, but I can't write first. I managed to send a private message once, but it was very difficult for me. I couldn't even sleep after I sent the message. I was very worried about this message, I didn't know what they would answer. Although I only asked something about learning English in this message. I knew that I wrote this message to a good person, but I was still worried.

    There are some other differences that distinguish me from many other people. I will not describe all of them, but I will say one more thing: I hate TikTok and similar apps. All TikTok videos are useless. Most of the videos lead to degradation. I saw several TikTok videos about astronomy and there were a lot of lies. Therefore, I believe that TikTok and similar apps lead to degradation.

    The wish to live as a hermit in forest when I was teen - check

    Thinking using cold logic like a machine without understanding emotions when I was teen - check

    Anxiety awaiting the answer for a message - check

    You and me aren't so different after all.

    You're really unique, it's true, but not in things you described. But your possibility to devote yourself to things you like is impressive, really.

    • Brohoof 4
  10. In my opinion it isn't the best idea to convince anyone. Just tell that person why you like the show, you may even ask to give it chance and if person is interested that's great! If they isn't then ok as well.

    My experience says that most people just do not care about MLP and it isn't very polite to insist on liking what you like.

    • Brohoof 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. None. After I started care what I eat, I changed mindset and pizza looks less attractive for me than raw broccoli now, too much useless carbohydrates. But I'm a weirdo 9_9

    • Delighted Giggle 1
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