In my opinion, its been pretty consistent (if not better). A lot of it has changed, but change is necessary to shows like MLP or else it would get boring.
I got kicked out of one once because I found the light switch I was like eh I wanna play with the switch lol I turned it off once and a little lamp they had turned off so they got pissed lol
the lets pick a random cool sounding anime off of random anime streaming sites game....haven't been disappointed so far
I just watched a sci-fi horror anime it was pretty cool don't know the name because of random clicking but its a fun way to discover new or different types of anime !
getting so drunk that I woke up on the football field with no memory of the night before ahhhh freshman year of college too bad I can barely remember it
I have a very stubborn and lough and obnoxious mini daschund he barks for 2 hours straight most nights I love my dog but hes so annoying a lot of the time
I am a musician that has been playing guitar since I was 5 and I would like everyone to post their favoreite post-hardcore or any type of metal bands! I need new music to listen to haha and my favorite currently is oceans ate Alaska!