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Posts posted by RhythmicBrony

  1. After the doctor had bandaged his wing and sent him off, the three made their way through the town, this time getting to take in the views of the new town and new ponies. Shops galore surrounded them, as well as many different cafes and restaurants that showed all kinds of delicious foods being served. He couldnt help but let his stomach growl, he hadnt eaten lunch yet and it was well past the hour. "So what are you mares hungry for?"

  2. When the letter appeared in Strong's cell, he raised his eyebrow at the seemingly different envelope it had come in. Was it another from this Bit guy? With a sigh, he rolled off the bed and walked over, noticing the scent of icing that made him think of some of his favorite pastries. He read the letter and tilted his head to the side. He and her were the only ones uninfected? But wait, there were others right here in the cells next to him that werent infected either. Strange. She spoke of owning a pastry shop near here, which explained the smell of icing coming from the letter. 


    He sat back with a gaze showing he was racking his brain as to how she came to sending him this letter, not that it wasnt appreciated... way better than getting one from Bit anyway. 


    "Hey guys" he called into the other cells, "Anyone know a Charlotte by chance? One that happens to own a bakery?"

  3. Cloud walked into the clinic and soon enough was seen by the doctor. Being it was a mere dislocation, they did not see any real reason to call it an emergency. Nonetheless, it still needed to be dealt with immediately. The doctor looked at the two mares and asked, 

    "Are you two with this colt? If so, this wont be long at all and the three of you will be off once more."


    Cloud chuckled and corrected the doctor, "Nah they were just nice enough to come with me, in fact, Aria here was the one who managed to convince my stubborn butt to find this place. So I owe her for that. And Tempest here figured she would make sure I made it here without trouble, so you could say I owe them both."


    The doctor nodded in understanding and chuckled. "So mr, Cloud, if you would just try and relax your wing, this will be over before you know it. I promise it wont hurt a bit. 


    "Heard that before" said Cloud with a playful roll of his eyes. The doctor took hold of Clouds wing and proceeded to twist it in a certain angle, and soon a near sickening 'POP' sounded as his wing popped back into place once more. Cloud let out a muffled grunt as he grinded his teeth in the pain, but quickly relaxed as it faded. 


    "Now I recommend you rest it a while, which means no flying for a couple days."


    Cloud nodded and looked at the mares with a thankful smile, "You two are awesome for walking with me here. How about I repay you two and buy you mares lunch? We can walk around town and see what looks good if youd like. My treat."

  4. Strong had barricaded his door at the first sight of the... creatures in the hotel hall that he was in. His heart was racing as he could hear the growls of the once living ponies trying to force their way into his room. Luckily his adrenaline aided his strength as he held the door shut with the help of the items that he had put in front of the door. Soon enough, they lost interest and went on to the next pony they could find, all the while Strong could only sit there and shiver, knowing how close he was to being eaten alive just then. Some day to be in Manehattan.

  5. Strong woke up with a groan as he heard the pony calling out good morning. "Oh yeah, splendid day. I think Ill head into ponyville and get some fresh apples from Applejack... oh wait, Im in prison" he muttered, his voice thick with sarcasm. He rolled out of bed just as the letter and food appeared, he looked at both with a smirk and a roll of his eyes. His ear flicked over to listen to Lance and he sighed, "You think like that and youve already lost. We are gonna find a way..." he said to Lance as he began to take a couple bites of the 'food'. 


    "Not sure I caught your name earlier, what was it?"

  6. "So Canterlot and Ponyville huh?" said cloud with a smile as he looked at the two mares, "Thats pretty neat, ive been to both a time or two, mainly just for rest or finding a few jobs to make some bits. I grew up in Cloudsdale, worked as a weather changer before I decided to head off and see the world. I mean dont get me wrong, I love my home, but there is just so much that i can see before I am ready to settle down, so I figured why not see it all!"


    Eventually the two came across what looked like a clinic, the red cross above it giving them the hint. With a nod in its direction, Cloud made his way toward the building.

  7. Strong sighed as the windows closed, lights out huh? Shaking his head, he climbed into the bed and tried his best to get comfortable. It didnt help that he was a little too big for the already uncomfortable mattress. He finally resolved to laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling as he let the slow silence of the room drift him off into an uneasy sleep.

  8. @@Twi The Totodile @@~Phoenix~


    Cloud shrugged at the question and looked at the two with a smile, "No clue, this is actually my first time here. I heard a lot of good things about the place and decided i would come check it out myself. So I take it this is your all's first time as well?" He asked the two mares as they made their way down the walkway. He had to admit, the sights of the town was enough to take the pain off his wing, or at least allow him to ignore it long enough to enjoy the view. 


    "So, where are you two lovely mares from?" he said with a smile at the mares.

  9. "Yeah, seems this punk Bit didnt put much into the expense of prison cells. But hell, Im not even supposed to be here! By the looks of it, neither are you." Strong said as he sat back on his haunches. He did not get a response from the other pony, asshole, but he knew there were others here as well. 


    He received a letter talking about the virus and his thought drifted to the few friends he had in ponyville, immediately hoping they were safe from harm. 


    "Hey" he called out to the others, "Just how many of us are there? And who else was knocked out cold and thrown in here with no explanation?"

  10. "Eh, names are names" replied Strong with a shrug. He didnt really judge by names, more on the personality that they give off. And with the stutter fest Lance gave, it seemed this guy was a pretty shy pony. At least he was making conversation now. He sighed and forced another bite of the goop before looking back at Lance.


    "Yeah, not a fan. Hardly any space for me to even walk" he said with a grumble as he looked around his cell. He really wished he had known why he was thrown in here. He sighed and looked back at Lance through the window, "I know its horrible, but you need to keep your strength up. No reason to starve right now"

  11. "Yeah you can say that" replied Strong as he looked around his own cell. Not even here an hour and he hated it here. He needed to get out, hell they all needed to get out. But how? Far as he knew, these walls were solid, he couldnt even make a dent on his door. "To be honest I wanna get out here and kick this Mr. Bit's ass all across Equestria... by the way, the name is Strong Hooves, and you are?"

  12. @@LunaFlower226


    The pony that was next to his cell apparently WAS awake and had just ignored Strongs previous attempt to talk to him. With an aggravated sigh, he looked back over to see him curled on his bed whispering something to himself. Did he not know of the other cells next to him? Or did he just not care? Whatever the case, Strong tried once again to speak to him.


    "So you just gonna sit there talking to yourself or try and make some conversation with the living ponies next to you?"

  13. @@Twi The Totodile


    Wow, she sure got excited when he had gotten proven wrong. No matter she was probably being lighthearted about it. Cloud gave a sheepish nod as she said to find help, though he had dealt with dislocated joints before, he always welcomed the help of a professional.


    "Yeah... youre probably right, thanks for walking with me." he said happily as he tried his best to let his left wing rest somewhat comfortably. He looked over at the other mare that had asked if he were ok and said with a smile, "Thank you so much for your concern, I guess if you would like to walk with us to find a clinic, you are more than welcome. I am Cloud Chaser, what is your name?"

  14. Yes (otherwise They would be hard to use)

    otay, cs coming up!



    Backstory: Strong had been visiting Manehattan when the news of the outbreak had came to him. As quickly as he could, he tried to get back to his hotel to pack and leave, but before he knew it, an entire hoard of zombies had raided through the town. He holed himself up in his hotel room for a couple days before it had quieted enough for him to pack one saddlebag of supplies and make his way out of the town alive. So far he had managed to survive through scavenging, his only defense being a baseball bat he had managed to come across. However, he keeps an eye out for any chance to get his hooves on a battle saddle, knowing that he would be much safer with that.

  15. More letters, seemingly coming at perfect times as he listened to the conversations of other ponies. Of course he did not attempt to make contact with the others save for his neighbor, but they seemed to be out cold still for the time being. When the sad excuse for the food came out, Strong took a tentative taste and cringed his nose. He'd much rather eat a spoiled apple then that. However the complaining of his stomach caused him to sigh as he forced a few bites from the bowl. 


    As he listened, he heard one pony ((Patches)) talking about a friend busting him out. He looked into his window and tried to locate the pony. "Any chances he can get us too? Pretty sure none of us wanna stay in this... 'lovely' establishment any more than you" he said in a low even tone.

  16. @@Twi The Totodile @@~Phoenix~


    Cloud smiled at the mare as she introduced herself as Aria. "It is a pleasure to meet you Aria, my name is Cloud Chaser, greatest adventurer in all of Equestria!" he said, taking a pose. If she were watching, she would notice that he flinched slightly as his wing twitched a little. He would not admit it, but he knew something was certainly wrong with his left wing. 


    Soon enough another mare came up to him and asked if he were ok, the look of concern in her eyes were almost flattering. Gosh ponies were nice here. 


    "Oh I am perfectly fiiiiii-ayay ow!" he said, interrupted by the shot of pain in his wing as he tried to flap it. He twinged a little from the pain before getting his composure and looking over at his wing, which was in somewhat of an awkward angle. Yep, it was dislocated. 


    "Ok... soooo maybe not as fine as I believed it to be" he said with a sheepish grin to the mares.

  17. Strong eventually heard a voice coming from the cell next to his ((Lance)) and looked away from the aggravating letter to peek inside. "Hey there, see you're finally up. So did they grab you and throw you here with no explanation too?" he said in an annoyed tone as he spoke of their imprisonment. He looked back at the letter and scowled, enjoy your stay? What kind of sick joke was that! If he had some way of replying, he would most certainly have some choice words to say to this guy.

  18. @


    Cloud shook the dust out of his mane as he chuckled at the mares worry. "Ah it's nothing! I've taken worse falls before, that was just a little bump" he said in a humored fashion. He got up and began to straighten out the feathers on his wings before smiling back at her. "By the way, the name is Cloud Chaser, whats yours may I ask?" he said as he tilted his head to the side. 


    Man he thought to himself, She is pretty cute! Heck, I would crash land in front of her anytime!

  19. @

    Well, I'd like a little more information on her backstory. Where was she raised? Did they ever move? If so, where does she live now? Did she get some sort of job relating to weather when she was older? 

    If you can provide me with some information such as that, you're accepted. c:



    While I see that you got it to work anyhow, I'll say this for future reference c:

    I've had that happen to me before. What I usually do is select the entire post, copy it, then refresh the page and paste in the post again. :3

    Well I tried that like five times, ended up having to close the window and log back on XD

    • Brohoof 1
  20. Cloud Chaser had spent the majority of his day lazily floating across the sky as he enjoyed the feeling of the warm sun on his face. Though quite energetic the majority of times, he did enjoy the moments like this where he could just cruise around. Besides, according to his map, this town was called Invermare, and he had not been here before. He heard that it was popular for the hot springs baths located somewhere around here. He decided before he went on to find his next adventure, he would have to try that out.


    As he flew along he began to notice himself getting rather drowsy, and with a yawn, even nodded off a moment while flying. Before he knew it he was jolted awake by the sound of quacking, and the next thing he knew he had flown into the middle of a flock of ducks. Surprised  by the sudden intrusion of flying space, Cloud Chaser flailed his limbs about in a panic before dropping like a rock due to him losing propulsion in his wings. He spiraled to the ground, just barely seeing the mare that was trotting around (Aria) and letting out a call to her to warn her of his presence.


    "Incoming!!" he said as he crashed in front of her, kicking up a cloud of dust as he lay there, limbs sprawled out and wings pointing in different positions. He groaned as he pushed himself up and shook the dust off his coat before he sat down and checked his wings for any damage. 


    "Thats enough of that for one day" he muttered to himself before noticing the mare in front of him. "Oh hi! Sorry about that little fiasco, hope I didnt hurt you!"


    @@Twi The Totodile

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