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  1. My OC is afraid of seaponies. And losing her book.
  2. Yes, of course there is a fandom for older generations. It is not as big as the brony fandom but it did manage a few conventions of their own before G4 came out. From what I understand the two fandoms stay seperated for the most part. Most bronies don't like the previous generations while the older fans feel kinda hurt about being left out instead of the bronies embracing the entire franchise. Whatever your option is on the matter Fizzy is still best pony.
  3. I think a lot of anti-bronies come from the frame of mind that people should only be interested things that are specifically catered to them. That society should dictate what each person should like at each stage of their life and if they deviate from that designed path then something is wrong with them. From there they try to justify why it is wrong for someone to step outside of the circle. Which is why people are quick to jump on bad behavior, like porn for instance, as the norm for the fandom.
  4. No, not really. But my kid's parents most definately.
  5. [quote name="Prince Firemane" post="4016138" timestamp="1439408441And I have to be honest, I think that the brony community as a whole kinda has what we get coming to us. I've been a part of many fandoms in my time, but I have never in my life seen the level of hate and disgust that is generated from within this fandom. I mean, I rage-quit the Naruto fandom back in the day, but I didn't blame the fandom itself for it. Just about every MLP analyst I've seen quit the fandom has blamed the fandom itself. Let that sink in, the level of disgust and hate within the fandom actually drives people who love the show away from it. If you don't believe me about hate in the fandom, just google Purple Tinker to get a taste. My option on that differs slightly. I have been in many fandom as well and this drama is kinda the standard. Ever seen the Sonic fandom before? The thing that really makes this fandom stand out to me is how united we are. Fan names and connon are more then less universally accepted by the fans. The Transformer fandom can't even decided who that blue are is. From my point of view we edge out a little ahead of other fandoms based on that alone.
  6. A book. A book of chaotic uncontrollable unstable magic. And the insanity to miss use it.
  7. No one should be above criticism. But people will defend what they love. Even if that will make more people attack it. It is a vicious cycle.
  8. I would date Chrysalis. Trust me it wouldn't have to be by force. She pretty much knows everything about love already. She has a stable life and has goals for the future. Also she is the only one who wasn't captured, killed or converted. She is clearly the best choice out there.
  9. I think they will try to keep G4 going for as long as it is profitable. 4G is the most successful and popular the franchise has ever been. I doubt they will start another generation unless this one fails and they believe a new one will make them more money.
  10. Well, the reason I fell in love with this show was because of the characters. If you change the characters I love to much will I still be in love with the show or just the memory of the love I had for the show? It is a scary thought to think about.
  11. I'm not so sure about that. They could become legacy characters in the same way that Transformers are. The same characters come back each generation but with a new style and setting. They seemed to have hit the winning combination with this set (one billion in retail a year) so they might want to keep it.
  12. Start a career in a franchise with millions of zealous fans? You can go places if you do good in that.
  13. My thought is if they do make G5 with characters from G4 that not all the characters will make the trip over. I'm thinking mostly Applejack won't be a main character there. She is the least favorite to place on merchandise and merchandise is what sells the show.
  14. Um, Spike never appeared in the second cartoon. The second cartoon didn't even really have magic in it either.
  15. How much was the Cakes characters built up until they had kids? Shining Armor and Cadance having a foal doesn't seem that far out of the realm of possibilities. Besides, if those two need to go on vacation/adventure I'm sure they have plenty of nannies to watch out their kid.
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