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About gman7112

  • Birthday 1996-10-09

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  • Interests
    Art, EDM

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  1. Merry Birthiversary!

  2. gman7112


    Don't you worry i have made more, not like this but still, I will make more this style too
  3. So yeah, I was listening to the song rainbow again. so I did this.
  4. gman7112


    I am definitely possibly going to do more
  5. Bronies 1. Chuck Norris, actor 2. Shigeriu Miyamoto, Mario's creator and worker at Nintendo 3. Jamie Hyneman, Mythbusters 4. Daniel Tosh(I hate that episode of the R34 clop) 5. Gabe Newell 6. Robert Pattinson 7. Markus Perrson, Notch, Minecraft Creator 8. Simon, Administrator at Yogscast 9. Michael & Ray, Roosterteeth YouTube channel 10. Ray William Johnson, Raywilliamjohnson on YouTube 11. Boomstick, Screwattack YouTube channel & website 12. Steven Spielberg, Movie Director 13. Michael Bay, Movie Director 14. Daniel Ingram, Administrator at Valve Software 15. Johnny Depp, Actor 16. Bryan Adams, Musician 17. Sean Astin 18. Seth Green, actor/director 19. Marshall Mathers III (Eminem) 20. Sonny Moore (Skrillex), Musician 21. Joel Zimmerman (deadmau5), Musician 22. Adande Thorne (sWooZie), Youtuber Tay zanday Jack Black Morgan Spurlock Anthony Bourdain Robert De Niro Jamie Foxx Pegasisters 1. Kate Winslet, actress 2. Emma Watson, actress 3. Kiera Knightly, actress 4. Meagan Fox, actress 5. Rihanna, Music Artist 6. Oprah Winfrey, TV show host 7. Miley Cyrus, Music Artist
  6. that was a great story so far, I love sadfics, and this was good can't wait for more.
  7. as I have said on bronysquared it is Satan colored :okiedokielokie:
  8. had a sad dream last night, I read too many sad fan fics woke up almost crying...

  9. Hey everyone (my 3 friends) you should check out some of the art I make on DeviantArt, I mean if you want to that is.

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      you are good at art but some of your art looks too violent for me

    2. gman7112


      oh, the creepy pasta stuff? yeah I don't draw that stuff anymore, I draw pony stuff now. :)

    3. gman7112


      yeah and the rake one is freeky even for me to look at

  10. because reasons... It is a sad song if you listen to it ... but I love it! OK this one reminds me of it too, umm, I chose the pmv instead of the official video
  11. I drew this inspired by MLD SFM Inspiration from this
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