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Posts posted by RarityFan01

  1. I didn't care for it. 


    Generic episode that exists in most shows I watch with only a few minor changes. 


    They didn't show Twilight's cutie mark glowing even though she was probably extremely excited. 


    I don't care much for Fluttershy or Twilight, so it was hard for me to get into it. 


    I wouldn't say it sucked, but I didn't really like it. 

    • Brohoof 1
  2. The thing I hated most about Rainbow Rocks was Applejack. She was a selfish jerk. That movie is why I hate human Applejack, despite liking pony Applejack. That movie is why I cannot consider the human six and the mane six the same characters, at all. Pony Applejack doesn't look down on others and think she's better than them. Human Applejack can't. In fact, human Applejack thinks she knows everything. 



    I think Friendship Games was much better.

  3. I am so not Rarity. I attempted at designing a dress, and well... I got this. Spoilers to not scare anyone who doesn't want to see a bad dress. 






    A picture of Rarity for if you decided to look anyways. 



    • Brohoof 5
  4. This is not only bias. This is also due to the fact that I find being oneself to be beautiful. 


    Applejack was pretending to be someone else. Normal Rarity looks that way because that's her. 


    The winner is Rarity. 


    I personally think normal Applejack looks prettier than appealing Applejack.

    • Brohoof 3
  5. I have no clue. I actually like both Rarity AND Rainbow Dash. I just didn't grow up in an elite household like Rarity did. I think that may be a contributing factor to why people don't like her as much as Rainbow Dash, but don't take it for actual reasoning. It's just a bold prediction.

    I grew up in a poor household where I got food from the local church. That is the opposite of elite. 


    I love Rarity, though. (I also love Rainbow Dash despite me not being a sports fan.)

  6. I think people hate Rarity because she fits into the female stereotype. It's pretty sexist, but a lot of people are against femininity. Feminists things it's an example or particracy, misogynists hate anything feminine, feminine men are even hated by homosexual men who think they reinforce the stereotype. People think all feminine people will cry when they break a nail or stuff like that. 




    I cry when I break a nail. :( It hurts. :( When it doesn't, it keeps catching on stuff until it's ripped off.


  7. I would say you were hallucinating. Trust me, they can seem very realistic. Hallucinations don't only happen to psychotic people or people who use drugs. Were you sleep deprived? Are you eating well? Maybe nothing triggered it. If you keep getting hallucinations, you might want to talk to someone about it. 

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I think the Rarity hate is dying down. It's hard to hate a pony who is the reason your favorite pony is able to achieve her dreams, and Rarity haters were typically Rainbow Dash fans. 


    Unfortunately, there are still "bronies" who want her dead. (I know, it's extreme, but some actually want her dead.) But for the most part, bronies are neutral about her. She's not their favorite, but she's not horrible either. (There are Rarity fans who see her as their favorite, but most don't)

  9. The Crystal Kingdom didn't stay the entire time. For a few seconds, it appeared again when the Crystal Heart was accidentally activated. During those few seconds, the magic from the Crystal Heart went into Pinkie Pie, who was being born.


    Since the magic only had a small window of time, only Pinkie got the magic from the Crystal Heart, not Marble.

  10. There is a Rarity and Twilight episode at least.


    I know it's fake, but at least there's that. 


    I hope the real list has a Rarity Twilight or Rarity Pinkie Pie (or both) episode. 


    It's NOT only because Rarity is my favorite. 


    Rarity and Twilight are the only same species ponies (sort of) That never had an episode together. We had Rainbow and Fluttershy, and we had Applejack and Pinkie Pie. 


    Rarity and Pinkie Pie seem to be very close friends. In Equestria Girls, they seem to be best friends.We haven't seen them together. They have some things in common which could make for great episodes, but there has yet to be an episode centering around them two.


    Those pairs were in episodes together, but the episodes didn't center around them two. (For example, Look Before you Sleep was more of a Rarity and Applejack rather than Rarity and Twilight episode, and Putting Your Hoof Down was more Fluttershy than Rarity and Pinkie Pie.) 


    I wouldn't mind an Applejack and Twilight episode either. Maybe it could be on different types of intelligence. (Not the same as learning styles.) 


    A Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie episode may be good if done right. 


    Anyways, I hope the real list is great. 

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I think I will survive. I have my Doctor Whooves blanket, MLP Pillow, Pinkie Pie pillow, plushies, toys, fan fictions, fan art, drawing tablet, and reruns to keep me company. 

    The interpretation I'm getting is that they'll be done or air about a year after he's recorded. And I think the only hint at what episodes he'd be in was a two parter he recorded a month ago, so that's likely the finale. In that case, season 6 would likely start around the same time as season 5 did this year, and the finale will air in about a year's time so around the same time as this season's finale.

    Are you saying they will have a mid season hiatus and short breaks for season 6 as well? 

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Will we ever find out what's in the box?

    I think there was nothing in the box. At  least I think that's what was said...


    Also, there were two boxes. This picture only shows one because of the specific scene. 



    It was called the Osgood box because there were two Osgoods, two boxes.


    • Brohoof 1
  13. Hmmm... the Osgood Box?


    Well i still dont know what that is exactly, but thanks  :lol: Now at least, i know what the Box is based off.

    The box is said to have the power to wipe out all zygons or all humans or change the zygons back to their normal sells. (in this case, replace zygons with ponies)

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Well, you can draw Humans better than me, thats for sure  :lol:


    But..whats that in the middle? A box? Sry, but i didnt watched Equestria Girls or Doctor Who...so i dont know  :please:

    It's the Osgood Box from Doctor Who. 


    Here's what the drawing is based off of. (I didn't draw the background stuff.)





    • Brohoof 1
  15. Finished another Rarity fanfic! Well.... First draft... My picture is looking great, too.

    Someone said Rarity was overrated. 


    Overrated? Her? 


    Sure, her fan club here is the biggest by far, but that doesn't mean she's overrated. It's not cool anymore to hate her, but she isn't that liked, either. If she was, why is she left out a lot when Hasbro makes toys. She's not even a bank for Celestia's sake, and she's a business pony! (Neither is Applejack, which is weird. I think they are the only ones who aren't banks.) There is also not much Rarity clothes... despite her being a clothes horse... If she was overrated, there would be more things of her. She wouldn't be left out of everything. There would be a lot more fan fictions. 

    • Brohoof 3
  16. Fall Out Eqeustria and Rarity

    Overrated isn't the same thing as things you hate.... 


    Rarity isn't overrated. You hate her, but don't you dare say she's overrated. I wish she wasn't so underrated that Hasbro would leave her out of merchandise, and people would create more stuff of her (clothes, plushies, fanfictions, etc.) There isn't much stuff of her that exists. 


    Worst Pony in your opinion? Yeah 


    Overrated? No.

    • Brohoof 3
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