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Posts posted by RarityFan01

  1. Why do inventors still use things that are already made instead of using things they invented? 


    Besides, she never created a spell. She finished one. I think the only mane six pony to actually create a spell (Although unintentionally) was Rarity. Unicorns typically have magic for what their cutie mark is, so technically, Rarity's cutie mark created a spell. The reason Twilight's didn't is because there really isn't a spell for magic. I mean magic is magic. So Twilight has never created a spell, and none of the Mane Six has ever intentionally created a spell. Twilight finished a spell, (One that, to this day, I am still trying to figure out the purpose of that spell) Which was great. It made her a princess and all. But no, never created a spell. Her achievements are exaggerated. (I think Twilight would agree with me on that, so it's not Twilight hate.) Maybe some time in the future, she will create her own spell, but I think there's so much magic that she can find a spell that suits any need. I think there would be an entire episode on that if that became a problem. 


    So Twilight has never created a spell, and even if she did, that doesn't mean she can write spells for everything. It also doesn't mean that she would want to go through all that trouble to create spells when ones that work already exist. 

    • Brohoof 1
  2. - Why do the people in this world feel nothing like legitimate human beings, acting entirely numb to the existence and presence of magic (with the exception of SciTwi)? 


    It would get in the way of the actual story since it's unimportant. Unless there is a reason for them to be shocked, there is no reason for it. 


    - Why wasn't the existence of magic a massively reported news story? Why didn't anyone think there was anything strange about magical rainbows shooting up into the sky, or the any of the other unexplainable things that appear to happen near CHS? 


    Again, there's no reason to. It wouldn't do anything for the plot and would be a waste of time. (If this or the previous one did happen, I guarantee that there will be complaints about unnecessary stuff.)


    - Why did the Crystal Prep students want Twilight to unleash her magic, despite having just escaped danger that was only caused when her magic got loose? 


    They figured that they could use it to their advantage. 


    - Why was Midnight Sparkle evil while "Daydream Shimmer" was good, despite having received a transformation from the exact same source of magic? 


    They had different intentions. Think about it this way. Two people can be raised the exact same way in the exact same environment with every variable being the same, but their personalities could be completely different. 


    - Why and how was SciTwi able to create a device that can locate and extract magic, apparently without even knowing how it works? 


    She didn't make it to locate magic. Her intention was to locate anomalies. These kind of things exist in our world and are used to find paranormal activity. (It doesn't suck much our anything like that, though.)  


    - Why was Cinch so devoid of human empathy, in spite of being an actual, full-blooded human? 


    Her behavior is very real. Look up "Antisocial Personality Disorder." You can look up up by the previous names "Psychopathy" or "Sociopathy" as well. I'm not diagnosing her or anything. I'm just saying that her type of character exists in our world. 



    Movies typically have a certain amount of screen time, especially if it's to be aired in theaters or on TV. Also, more time means more budget, so movies don't typically add unnecessary things just so they make sense. So a major reason movies have plot holes is because it would take way too much time to answer all of them. Besides, it lets other people fill plot holes in their own ways. If movies were rigid and explained everything, it wouldn't leave much to the imagination.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Hello fellow fans of the mare of fab!

    it is simply slendid to be here this morning.

    Have you bronies ever waken up like

    sig-4131781.YVCvyL9.jpgSleep had been a ton a bricks hittin ya? I just did. 

    but I feel much better not that I've gotten on my laptop.  :proud: 


    Now that I've got my greeting out of the way. 

    just yesterday I saw the Rarity episode "made in manehatten".

    and it was just filled filled small nuggets of Rarijack shipping gold. 




    Hoow did the other shippers in the club like it? 

    I almost always have messy hair. I just look better . When I try to style my hair, it doesn't look right. I guess I'm lucky in that aspect. Although I hate it when my hair sticks straight up in the sides and won't go down. 


    Despite me being a Rarijack shipper, I didn't really care much for the episode. Yes, shipping moments. Yes, Coco Pommel, It had great stuff, but the episode itself was not entertaining to me. 

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Would it be OOC for Rarity to go out of her way to make sure her friends are happy on Christmas? 


    I'm writing a Rarity Equestria Girls fan fiction. I imagine that she would do that, but I want to make sure. 

    • Brohoof 1
  5. im pretty sure that isnt the case I talked to him a while back and he is still same than he was before  he just quited these forums  i believe part of the reason was that OS was suspended and seeing how close friends they were i think it was the last  thing


    tbh it hasnt been the same feeling around here since then 


    this is my feeling now



    Oh. His last status implied that he hated the forums. Sorry.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Haven't been on here in months, wonder if anyone remembers me. :)


    Also looks like ghost face hasn't been here since April. Anyone know what happened to him?

    He quit the fandom. He's no longer a brony and seems to hate us now. 

  7. Rarity month is over. :( At least there was a Rarity month. Besides, it's not like she won't get any moments in future episodes which we can fan(girl/boy) about. 

    • Brohoof 2
  8. I drew Sunset Shimmer. Before you laugh, I have never drawn her before, much less in this style. Also, I suck at drawing humans. So, at least I tried. I'm posting it here because everyone here likes Sunset Shimmer. (I like her too.)



    • Brohoof 4
  9. I'm writing a Christmas themed Rarity fan fiction. I don't think anyone would care, though. I'm not sure if I should write it or not. I mean I like it when my story is praised, not ignored and never read.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I've noticed something in all three episodes.


    Canterlot Boutique: unicorns

    Rarity investigates: pegasi

    Made in Manehattan: earth ponies


    Maybe there is a reason behind all this which will be revealed In the future.


    Or they finally realized that Rarity is the best pony.


    Or Rarity won't get an episode in season 6. (I hope it's not this one.)

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I'm distraughted right now. Being creative gives meaning to my life. It's what gets me out of bed and keeps me going. Unfortunately, I ran out of creativity. I can usually think of something to draw, write, or act out. Unfortunately, I can't anymore. 


    I was writing a fan fiction, but now I can't write it because I lost my creativity. I don't know what to do. 


    That's what I'm thinking. 

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