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Posts posted by RarityFan01

  1. She was manipulated, peer preasured, etc. She never meant to do any harm. She was just curious. She didn't intend on becoming evil. She became corrupted, though. So I think she deserves forgiveness. 


    Principal Cinch, on the other hand, is completely evil and irredeemable. If anyone doesn't deserve forgiveness, it's her.

    • Brohoof 4
  2. I am autistic, but I am told I don't seem autistic unless I'm nervous. That's when I act like a stereotypical autistic person rocking back and forth and flapping hands. 


    I hate being autistic though. People assume I will act a certain way or want to be left alone because I'm autistic. In reality, expecting me to get mad will make me mad, and I prefer to not be left alone. 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Would anyone be surprised if Friendship Games gets better ratings than the new MLP episode?

    I doubt it. 

    Considering how Friendship Games seems to focus on Rainbow rather than the other mane six, and the episode is about the least popular mane six ponies, I would be surprised if Made in Manehattan gets a better rating. Yes, Friendship Games focuses on Rainbow Dash more than the others four. Sunset Shimmer and human Twilight may have more focus, but so far, it seems like a Rainbow Dash movie. Rainbow > Rarity and Applejack (to most bronies) So Friendship Games > Made in Manehattan.


    • Brohoof 1
  4. You know i'd love to learn where Rarity got Opalescence. Just be cute to find out.

    There is a comic where Rarity is walking in the rain and finds Opal in a box, or something like that. I don't remember. 

    • Brohoof 1
  5. It would be still so pretty =)



    Rarity is already pretty as a unicorn. There's no need to expect her to be something she doesn't want to be. Besides, she would have to add wing slits to the dresses she wears.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. wow that gives boost to my Rarity alicorn headcanon <3<3<3<3 OMG it can be FINALLY TRUE!!!!!!

    Rarity doesn't want to be an alicorn, though. She said so herself, she doesn't want wings.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Three Rarity episodes in a row.


    Canterlot Boutique: mostly unicorns.


    Rarity Investigates: mostly pegasi.



    Made in Manehattan: Considering how Manehattan is mostly earth ponies, perhaps that will be mostly earth ponies.


    So Rarity would have three episodes in a row, each focusing on the three different types of ponies. What if there was a reason for that, and we just don't know? Hmmm. It could just be a coincidence, though.


    • Brohoof 1
  8. Anypony else have the latest Rare song stuck in their head? I've got a youtube vid (anypony know ow to loop a single youtube vid?) of the whole song going and I'm just stuck on it. 

    It was stuck in my head for some time. I'm surprised I didn't start humming or singing it around people. I mean I hummed it when I was alone, but that was intentional. 

    • Brohoof 2
  9. My computer has a Rarity desktop picture, and a Rarity lock screen picture. My chrome is usually Rarity themed, but I need to add it back on. 


    One of my phones (The one with data) has Rarity's cutie mark on the back, and it has a Rarity background. My other phone (the ones with a great camera) has Rarity and Applejack on the back and Rarity as the background. (again) 

  10. I was literally waiting for http://assasinmonkey.deviantart.com/to draw Rarity from the Rarity episodes on his episode arts and I have to say you cant really praise the result enough



    I wonder if they tie this last Rarity episode of this trilogy into the earlier episodes like they did with the first two ones <3

    It wouldn't make sense.

    Rarity is watching the Wonderbolt's preform, and her cutie mark glows, then she has to go to Friendship Kingdom Castle? That doesn't make sense. I would imagine that it would start in Ponyville. Though I imagine that the Canterlot Carousel will be brought up.


    • Brohoof 1
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