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Status Updates posted by HailTrixie

  1. Merry Christmas everyone!

  2. Setting my notifications to not show status updates. I like reading the ones that are interesting, but getting over 200 "Good morning everypony"s has become too much.

    1. Megas


      hehe, getting a lot of those can be pretty tiresome, but if I turn off status updates I might end up missing something interesting :P

    2. HailTrixie


      True. I didn't really want to do it at first because I like the status updates with something unique (Especially the ones with quotes and stuff) but the "Hello" stuff just got too annoying. I'm serious, I have seen status updates that are just "Hello". It makes no sense and it's a waste of time to read it :(

  3. According to the wiki, it says the next episode is on a Wednesday. Wat

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      That....would be really confusing. O_o

  4. Ponies return two Saturdays from now! So excited!

  5. Have you ever been so hungry it's painful? Because I am. It hurts.

  6. [insert incredibly vague sad status here]

    1. ponylaces


      [insert virtual hugs here]

    2. HailTrixie


      [insert ermhagurd thankyou 4 support here]

  7. I'm back from meh holiday. I missed two episodes, and that's not okay.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Attack of the Pwns

      Attack of the Pwns

      You could potentially skip Party Pooped, I'd make sure to see Amending Fences, though!

    3. HailTrixie


      I already watched them both back to back. Skipping an episode is a sin against pony-kind.


      But yeah party pooped was pretty crap.

    4. Monsoon


      I couldn't handle half the episode so I just stopped watching it

  8. I'm testing the EQ.tv streaming thing. Can someone please come to my channel and help? http://equestria.tv/r/Trixies_Glorious_Channel

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Attack of the Pwns

      Attack of the Pwns

      Umm...it's still there. Holy bad new bears, Batman!

    3. HailTrixie
    4. Attack of the Pwns

      Attack of the Pwns

      IDK, I told you, I'm clueless! Um, hop on the tech help forum and hope some pony's still up? X(

  9. My internet decided to crawl away and die. All good now, at least for the weekend. Time to read through over 100 notifications...

  10. Seriously all I do is sit on this forum and refresh pages.

    1. LordSwinton


      I do that too sometimes

    2. HailTrixie
  11. F5. F5. F5. Click refresh. F5. Type. F5.

    1. Raritas


      Welcome to the world of Count to a Million :D

    2. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      Brock Lesnar brohoofs ^this.

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