My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity How did you find MLP Forums?: Looked it up on Google.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I watched it while babysitting my sister and afterwards watched it on Netflix until I had watched every episode available and eagarly awaited the next season. I also bought tons of pony merch and have been a brony since.
Hey everypony!,
Im a 15 year old gamer nerd that loves fps games like Counter-Strike and Battlefield. I play on pc and ps4.
I watch tons of Netflix and like to read novels.
Other than what I have listed I am not very interesting but if anypony wants to get to know me a little better or maybe play some games feel free to talk to me.
Sorry I did not write very much (I am new to writing on forums) but thank you for reading anyway!