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About princessrose

  • Birthday 1999-05-29

Contact Methods

  • deviantART

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Personal Motto
    I stand correctd
  • Interests
    MLP, writing, drawing (traditionally mind you), Gravity Falls, Adventure time.

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Welcoming Plaza

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

princessrose's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. Happy birthday *hug =)=)=)=)

  2. Name: Skyfall Age: 22 Appearance: A light yellow pony with a flowing mane (rainbow dash reference) and huge orange eyes. Species: Unicorn
  3. You guys are the best ;-; Thank you so much for making me feel welcome here, I was really confused an unsure at first, but you guuys have shown me the way! Thank you for helping this poor little washed up newbie. I've graduated to Muffin!
  4. Jokes about feminism- or jokes regarding women in a negative way.
  5. Two months in the future, or at least I hope so!
  6. I am an atheist too, but respect other peoples perceptions and values. Glad to see this site doesn't condone prejudicial behaviour against other religions/lack of.
  7. I think I get it now Thank you for all your help (and the visuals) the rank names are really clever!
  8. I can't even- Where do I start? - Aang from avatar the last air bender and maybe Sokka - Finn the human from Adventure Time - Dipper from Gravity Falls
  9. I think I know most of the basic site functions, like pinning a thread ect. Thank you for showing me the role-plays, I can't wait to post in them and thank you for welcoming me!
  10. That episode really hung the fandom out to dry there. xd I did believe that Apple Bloom was going to get her cutie mark, too bad Hasbros are better trolls than Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash combined. I still loved the episode. It made me feel confused and dizzy, just like Apple Bloom.
  11. Thank you! Those smiles are making my endorphins run xd This community is so welcoming, I can't wait to explore more. Do you have any idea where a blanky-flanky like me could post. The site is huge and I'm still quite unclear as to where to go to post. I came here namely for the role-plays.
  12. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: I found this lovely community by searching up 'MLP forums' in google. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Curiosity after watching a trailer which eventually led into an infatuation. Hi my name is PrincessRose, yes- with the camel hump and lack of space. I just jumped here from another forum because I got bored and stumbled over this lovely tree root of a forum- I'm quite happy there are people out there who share my obsession, but I am surprised it is so broad! I love the poniverse and can't wait to uncover more parts of this place and weld myself into the community.
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