This Literally looks awesome. So Much Parts of the trailer have much better quality the the last movie. For example I love how sunset is like now the like LEADER of the group while twilight is in Equestria. But I really hope that this twilight doesn't take over pony twily... Because don't hate me, but twilight is my favourite character. Hopefully Sunset Kicks Butt again.
I'm excited about what this other school has to offer, And since its Crystal Prep, what if Cadence and Shining Armour Rule it? I mean, Maybe since Shining is Twilight's brother, it would make sense that they went to the same school.
But if Twily does have magic (and then turns into a raging she-demon) Would she Use it for bad or good? Cough* It's Twilight. It's Probably not gonna happen. but it would make a great plot-twist. I think she might be able to discover EQUESTRIA. Maybe. But I am So nervacited!