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Love Doctor Blaze

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Status Replies posted by Love Doctor Blaze

  1. I'm in such a good mood today! and why am I an such a good mood? because I'm wearing a skirt and skirts make me happy ^-^ it's the little things in life XD

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      A skirt eh? Looks like i have a certain request to make for a certain gf...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Nearing the 50 hours of no sleep mark. Have a feeling that i might not wake up tomorrow xD

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      Dunno, but i am having a creative surge atm. So just enjoy the replies in our RP's xD

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Nearing the 50 hours of no sleep mark. Have a feeling that i might not wake up tomorrow xD

  4. I have now been awake for 36 hours. Currently reading about architect theory and watching Putin debates... Life is good

  5. so happy the forums are up again, never thought I would find it so hard to not check it the whole day XD

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      Have been wanting to reply to the damn RP for so long xD Longest buss ride of my life

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Is it weird that I kinda want a dead-end job, something where I am just given simple orders what to do and then I do that?

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      Nope. While i do not want a job like that, i understand the luxury that is not being in charge and just doing stuff you are told

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Being single sucks for me. I'm too much of a coward to talk to girls to begin with. :(

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      Sitting here and bitching over it on a forums ain't gonna accelerate the process lad ;) As for your lag of confidence... I would recommend working out or start doing jobs where there is a lot of pressure on you. That will give you some confidence.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. Well, I played the beta for Infinite Warfare....and holy shit is it bad. I almost cannot even describe how bad it is but take my word for it, it is awful.

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      Good :D DOOM is easily the best shooter ever in my opinion.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. Well, I played the beta for Infinite Warfare....and holy shit is it bad. I almost cannot even describe how bad it is but take my word for it, it is awful.

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      Sounds fun :) But i only have 2 words for you. Get... Doom.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. Well, I played the beta for Infinite Warfare....and holy shit is it bad. I almost cannot even describe how bad it is but take my word for it, it is awful.

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      Battlefield 1 looks good and has a FEW fun things to mess around with. Such as the bayonet charge. However it was ultra buggy in the beta and overall it felt more like a chore to play.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. Well, I played the beta for Infinite Warfare....and holy shit is it bad. I almost cannot even describe how bad it is but take my word for it, it is awful.

  12. RAWR! I'm a dinosaur :D now give me candy!

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      You can have a wrench... Or some some cool new blue prints i made :D We engineers don't have such things as candy. Only kaffeine overloaded things, like redbull.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  13. RAWR! I'm a dinosaur :D now give me candy!

  14. guess who just got a little ostrich plushie? ^-^

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      Guess who just went to hell and demolished everything within his vicinity?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. tfw Crusader memes are the new hot thing. Tfw Jerusalem is in need of some crusading

  16. tfw Crusader memes are the new hot thing. Tfw Jerusalem is in need of some crusading

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      Yes, erhm right. "Peace keeping" *Lowkey crusading intensifies*

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. ever randomely feel sad and useless? well, I do and right now I'm feeling really damn useless :(

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      Hmm... You ok? Not good at comforting over the internet

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. Communism is love, Communism is life

  19. Communism is love, Communism is life

  20. Communism is love, Communism is life

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      WORK HARD! And Summer... You wil be FORCED into communism

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  21. Communism is love, Communism is life

  22. Looking for someone to play Overwatch with. Anyone game?

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