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Posts posted by Whiteshade

  1. Judging by the thread title, it seems the PR department was hit the hardest...


    Also I dug up my own phrase from the original Boatload thread.

    "This thread amuses me to no end. The class struggle, a true masterpiece."

    The chance that I will use this on the second thread is pretty high, if not certain.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. So basically to tl;dr it...


    Everything is perceived, but unproven. Therefore, it's likely that existence can occur outside of your activities. Ie you can be talking to person A, but person A is also possibly at home/at work/etc at the same time, just on a different plane of existence. Superposition.


    Also this theory exists already, you aren't the first one, nor are you crazy.

  3. I thought I was the only person apart from my English teachers who used the word "livid". Also, your standards are simply too high, people point out flaws because flaws exist, and the people pointing out the flaws are flawed themselves. Then flamewar.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Posted Image


    From a psychological standpoint, this would significantly improve the efficiency of the section, as anonymity effectively removes all stigma, even a perception of stigma whereas actual stigma may or may not exist.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I'm gonna try something new instead of screenshots:



    Our adc went teemo, I was surprised. Our mid went Xerath, I was surprised also. Unconventional team comp. But then there's the other team.


    Got first blood, but poor early game overall. Then, the winning happens. I'd go over more but you can just watch the replay. Also a random fyi, that soraka was racist, so we all reported her after :3.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I am European, look at me enjoying a cup of Earl Grey, mod pls


    Whilst we need more diversified time zones to cover the "dead times" where no or few mods are online, keep in mind that the majority of MLPforums users are also North American and thus would also be offline during dead time, unless they were the hardcore lurk until 6:00 am types (this group also includes some certain moderators). Moderator exposure is not perfectly proportional, but it's not as skewed as you think it is.

    • Brohoof 6
  7. Hey guys, it's me, Electrobolt :P Some of you might know me, while others may not :P Anyways, yeah... I'm playing League of Legends now! Well, actually, I returned to League of Legends... Though for Monday - (late) Wednesday I won't be on, due to being away, but eh :P Anyways, I'm in the US server as Electrobolt3 (Electrobolt alone was taken) so yeah... Feel free to shoot a friend request if ya want


    So, I haven't played in a long time... June 10, 2012. And I recently played some games.












    I played three games last night, but only record these two.


    maybe I might have time to play with you two after court today.


    Also, this verifies my claim that Garen is useless for every and any purpose.


    Oh yea, SunlitVoid NA and EuW, aka that support/mid guy, so you don't think a total stranger is adding you.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Playing as soraka bot. We get ganked, ez dies, but then I get double from turret, e, and banana action. Ez: Omg y u ks noob


    Seems legit.


    Also I need more advice. I'm planning on buying Wukong, since I looked at my roster and basically I have no bruiser (cept for Tryn, but a. not sure if he is bruiser or just adc without range that can survive 5 extra seconds and b. I suck terribly with him). Also I have played with him before and I prefer his mechanics significantly more than Jax, Yi, Rengar, other gap closers, mostly because w and the fact that his e is multitarget as well.


    Now after Wukong I'm stuck on whether to get Anivia or Urgot or Nidalee. Anivia is incredibly skill dependent, but has some great cc and an incredibly spammable ult, but mostly that ult. The downside is that I've never played once with her, the last time she was free was the week that I joined LoL, and that week Veigar was free also, so meh. That and her skill requirement means I will have to invest a lot of time in her.


    Urgot, if I'm correct is the most defensive adc in game. Specifically, he can reduce damage, has shield, spams this knife thingy that does god knows what, has a ridiculous ult that suppresses for like half a minute and then forcibly puts you under enemy turret/some guy's ult 99% of the time, so he is also a decent top. Again, not the easiest champ, and I have no idea what his build would look like. I'm not really seeing the IE BT PD build on him.


    Nidalee. I've never played with her before, and I have no idea what she does. But... dat spear throw. All my want.


    So, which one? And yes, I'm buying all the 3150 champs, because it's pretty obvious that that price has the highest tier champs in the game.

  9. Hmm... the only inside jokes that I can remember off the top of my head is "cake" and "you're a whore!"


    Hint: The one that doesn't sound sexual is the sexual one, and vice versa.


    Oh and also "fed Varus". Only 5 people get that one.

  10. I swear, if someone calls deadmau5 dubstep ONE MORE TIME


    This conveniently popped into my mind


    I quite dislike Daft Punk though, they are the second most overrated artists imo, after Tiesto.


    Also on topic, Trance. Every subgenre of it, albeit I prefer psytrance the least, and anthem trance the most.

  11. The only 2 shows that have made me cry to date is Elfen Lied and Angel Beats. MLD did too, but that's a fic so I don't count it. A few came close, like Shiki, but I was pretty much apathetic to everyone in that except Ritsuko.


    Oh yes I also cried at the end of the first Bleach movie. Senna. That is all.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. post-3463-0-08638100-1347853678_thumb.jpg


    Team Global Ult (minus Galio noob) vs Team We Fucked Up The Roles


    Hilarity ensues. Apparently, Soraka is a hard Kass counter, who knew? He was probably just really bad though, so meh. Also jungle Karthus? Haven't seen him before the WoP nerf, but he isn't great. Karthus ult, about to get quadra, TF ults, split into doubles each. So in conclusion, TF is a better ks than Karthus

  13. I don't know... Should I start to play this game? A couple of my friends say it's really fun, but I don't know if I should get into another game


    Do it. Just do it you wimp.


    A bit of advice. At the very start, practice on (easy) AI, try out the free champs, as well as different lanes to see what you are good at, and once you have a bit of money buy some of the 450 champs you think you will be good with, with the exception of Garen, since he sucks in every concievable aspect.

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