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Posts posted by weegeez

  1. Skyrim

    Grand Theft Auto 3

    Fallout 3



    Wind Waker (Might seem like a weird choice, but the world was pretty open to the player)


    I wouldn't say WInd Waker is open world, but if it was, then it would easily be my all time favorite! Such a great game. loved every moment of it

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Never really was a fan of horror games, or that genre in any media really. However I have played a Amnesia, The Dark Descent, mostly due to the absolutely mind blowing atmosphere. aside form that...I've played LFD2 (not really scary, nor an enjoyable game) and RE4 and 5.


    Once Im past those games, Luigis Mansion is like the scariest :P

  3. Open world games have become a major genre in the past decade for gaming, with GTA generally being what comes to people's minds. So I ask you my friends, What is your favorite or favorites?


    Mine would definitely include Farcry 3 and Oblivion/Skyrim. These games basically define awesome open world gaming to me

  4. For sake of variety, I'm gonna say my favorite game on all consoles I own, or have played a significant amount of games on (like my cousin's console, since we see each other all the time we've played all of each other;s games)


    SNES: Yoshis Island


    Genesis: Sonic 3


    N64: Majoras Mask


    GCN: Paper Mario THousand Year Door (Probably my favorite game of all time ever in existence since I existed ever)


    PS2: Okami, Fav exclusive: Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal


    Xbox: Halo Combat Evolved, Fav Exclusive....I actually don't think there are any that I've played


    Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2


    360: Halo 3


    GBA: Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga


    DS: Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story


    PS3: Little Big Planet 2


    PC: Team Fortress 2


    Neither me or my cousin own any console not listed here, except Wii U, my cousin has one, but haven't got enough games to judge since it just launched

  5. I hate when they ignore character development made by a character earlier on in the series. In the Crystal Empire why was Twilight to hell bent on fixing the problem on her own? Didn't she learn anything from EPISODE ONE?


    Mysterious Mare Do-Well. Need I say more?



    THere are some more examples but I feel a rant coming so I'll stop


    MLP Does a good job at backing up character development, better than other cartoons, but when it is forgotten, it feels really bothersome

    • Brohoof 1
  6. But Fennekin is so much cuter and awesome looking than Froakie...


    I mean, it's your opinion. You're allowed it... but the character design of Fennekin just seems to have so much wide appeal put into...


    How can anyone NOT like it...!?

    Ehhh, not sure, just something about it doesn't appeal to me. I'll admit some of my tastes are weird, after all my all time favorite pokemon is Poliwhirl, maybe my opinion will change after the evolutions are shown...for better or for worse. Last gen I liked Tepig a little more because of it's final evolution, though Oshwott was still my pick 

  7. -Looks at the post and squints at it really hard- ... Are... are you joking...? Everything... EXCEPT Fennekin... looks awesome...? Bro, you must be on something strong, cause that was nuts.

    Nope you saw right, CHespin and Froakie>>>>.Fennekin. Aside from gen 1 and 3, there is always that one starter I dislike, in fact in gen 5, there were 2

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I want to say Okami or Psychonauts, but those seem to have a more recent cult like following.


    SO Im gonna go with Super Paper Mario. Why? It gets a lot of shit for being different from the first two, which is totally unfair. When you actually give it a chance and look deep into the storyline and gameplay, you have yourselves, one of the best and original gaming experiences you may ever discover. ALthough I prefer the first 2, this game is still amazing and the storyline is fantastic, best of any mario game, maybe any nintendo developed game

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about your situation mate. Your parents should be ashamed of what they are doing as this just straight up isn't right, to judge you and want you to leave a fandom for no good reason whatsoever. All I can say is stand up for yourself, don;t succumb to your parents when they are the ones who need some lessons on the real world. We are still here for you mate, and if your parents can't understand that something like this is harmless, then they should get some serious mental help. Sorry if I offended you what hearing what your parents did really ticked me off. 


    As for your friend, my question is if he consistently seems to judge you over you being a brony, or if your friendship weakened over you becoming a brony, because if that's the case, forget him, he's not worth it.


    If not, then if you REALLY want him to respect to fandom, then yes show him, one of the better episodes at least. If you two get along fine even with his dislike of MLP, then I wouldn't bother, let him learn to like/respect it himself because at least he isn't one of those haters who judge someone over something like this

    • Brohoof 1
  10. So many I can list, but I can give a top 3 best and worst in no particular order



    • Getting early acceptance into U of T
    • Getting a baby nephew
    • Becoming a part of the brony community


    • Grandpa died (This actually had me depressed for a really long time, but he was due I guess, he was 99 after all) :(
    • Trying to get into the FF series finally and hating every game I tried
    • Achilles Tendon injury, couldn't play footy for 2 months!
  11. Wonderbolt Academy wins it for me. I found that Family Appreciation Day was an average episode that got most of its fans from bringing back old ponies and of course AJ's song. WOnderbolt academy though was a fantastic RD episode that really showed exceptional character development for RD as well as a few references to past episodes like Hurricane FLuttershy

  12. She is still fairly cocky. "Best Flyer in all of Equestria!" or when she states she would deny any of her childhood fears if Scootaloo lets one slip ring a bell? However despite her arrogance, she is much more loyal and less of a prick to others. Basically someone who thinks highly of herself without allowing to overshadow her judgement of others and have more moral values, which is respectable

  13. I played Super Metroid for the first time this year. so easy, that was my GOTY since no game I've played this year...yes even Halo 4 and DIshonored....were even remotely close. As for games this year, the 2 games mentioned previous would be on top for me. In addition Xenoblade, NSMBU, and Farcry 3

  14. The episodes, maybe. I've been thinking about showing them an episode, along with a few friends of mine, but I'm kind of questioning which. Any advice for the episode of choice to show my parents?


    I remember my mom liked the show after I showed her S1 E9 and S2 E20. My friends also enjoyed S2 E3, S2 E21, S3 E4 and S3 E7. Not sure if these will appeal to you parents/friends but those are just a few, and those are definitely among the less "girly" episodes with well executed morals and character developments

    • Brohoof 1
  15. Sorry to hear about your situation mate. I think my best recommendation to help is get your parents to understand the MLP franchise more directly, show them some of the stuff, like videos or fanfics, that bronies make. ANother option is to show them some of the better episodes in the series.


    It's clear that they care for you, and worried what others think of you since they seem to be fine with your choice. So they should be understanding enough to let you show them why you are, or what makes you one of us. I'm sure they'll come around, parents always do and it will further increase your bond with them. I even made my mom a pegasister, my dad is still not supportive of my decision, but since I'm keeping my grades up and avoiding suspicious activity, he is perfectly fine letting me be a brony...of course I don't have any plushies, but I never really wanted one. 


    Like I said, your parents seem to be good folk in comparison to some others, just try your best to help them understand your situation. remember we are all here for you, never forget that. As for your friends on facebook, your real friends shouldn't give a damn, and will support you even if they aren't bronies themselves. Most of mine aren't, and although they tease me every now and again, it's all in good fun, and they defend me when I get attacked by someone

    • Brohoof 4
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