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Posts posted by weegeez

  1. Diddy Kong Racing has the greatest soundtrack ever. David Wise is the greatest music composer EVER






    FEAST ON THE PERFECTION (I'm too much of a nostalgia fag, lol)



    Halo has its share of kickass music as well




    I have many more favorites, but these are just a couple

  2. Ponies have taken over the internet it many ways. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily, but I do feel that it is often taken a bit out of hand when they shove it in everyone's faces, ESPECIALLY CLOPPING MATERIAL, widespread clopping material is practically what creates our haters, but whatever. MLP needs a bit more boundaries depending on the context or content

  3. I don't get it either but as long as they avoid going into flame wars and don't shove it down my throat I am okay with it. We all have at least one hobby that some other would find a bit strange all of us on this forum share one such hobby about cartoon ponies.

    As a brony, I have no issue with anything anyone has a "thing" for because it goes against my beliefs to attack someone over something so harmless, no matter how odd.

  4. There really shouldn't be any issue with older gens of MLP, because that practically goes against what we believe in. I personally HATE older generations, not because others do, but because they do not in any way entertain me, but if another person does find it amusing, there shouldn't be an issue, and those who have an issue are no better than all those brony haters

    • Brohoof 6
  5. For an anti mane 6, I don't think reusing old minor characters would work, at least not past Trixie or Lightning DUst/Gilda. They need to be more similar(or polar opposites) to the remaining 3 and there really aren't any characters like that, so brand new characters would be preferable

  6. Classic scapegoat for parents. Many parents today seem to have like beef with video games and if they spot anything that could be REMOTELY used against it, they seem to immediately use that against it. Why video games specifically, if people are so easily manipulated by that of which is fantasy, why not bring up movies? Books? TV? Any form of media really. Its blows my mind how simple minded people can be sometimes

  7. Life of Pi wins for me, no competition really, it completely blows all other movies out of the park for me. It was emotional, had an amazing story, awesome acting, and INCREDIBLE VISUALS, by far the best movie ever made in terms of visuals and effects, and unlike Avatar, it doesn't suck! Also Richard Parker is adorable <3. Btw think about how amazing it is that Pi's actor did practically all his scenes by himself since RIchard Parker was animated, that is some serious skills!


    Aside from that, there were some other good movies like Lincoln, Argo, Dark KNight Rises, and Wreck it Ralph. Avenger was all right, but is a bit over hyped IMO (Actually so is TDKR). Of course I need to see the hobbit but I already know it isn't gonna be LOTR quality due to the obvious money obsession by making ONE book into a trilogy. Still gonna watch it though :P

  8. Kanto: Zapdos (Can't deny it, this bird is the first legendary I ever fought, and to this day remains easily the most badass of the bunch, also I dislike mew and mewtwo)


    Johto: Ho-Oh (Screw Lugia, Ho-oh is where it's at)


    Hoenn: Regice(Very difficult for me to choose, Hoenn had the best. Kyogre is awesome, Groudon as well. Not to mention the other 2 regis, but Regice is just too adorable to deny)


    Sinnoh:Dialga(Only cool sinnoh legend IMO)


    Unova: Reshiram (Not a hard choice at all, he's cooler than Zekrom IMO, and the rest of the legends look meh)

  9. Can't say I ever have supported doing it, but if someone is into it, I honestly couldn't give a damn. People have odd tastes, and I can;t argue with them as even I myself support the weirdest of things. Of course...clopfiction isn't one of them

  10. Awesome episode, just like every S3 episode thus far, although this isn't as good as the last 2 for me personally, but still a great episode nonetheless. S3, WHY U SO GOOD? (maybe because quality over quantity)

    • Brohoof 2
  11. I've been wanting one for a while. It has really picked up on quality titles and playing my friend's 3DS i have killed his battery on multiple occasions. I;m likely to buy mine once Luigis Mansion is out, now that is the game I REALLLY want

  12. Ignorance explains it all. The average non-brony is fine with t, but those anti-bronies are the definition of ignorant. If someone doesn't agree with them on a subject, suddenly that person is now a pedo/freak/loner/Mentally deficient

  13. My favorite PS2 game, an absolute masterpiece. Story, visuals, and the gameplay were all soooooo good. There were a few issues witht he game, definitely not perfection, but still nonetheless amazing. Also, DAT SOUNDTRACK

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