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Prince Midnight

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Posts posted by Prince Midnight

  1. attachicon.gifphoto (63).JPG

    Midnight Moon's Evil Nightmare.

    This is Prince Midnight's OC. And the reason it looks so plain is because i experiment with different ways of drawing. So i was experimenting with different ways of drawing mouths. Anyway, Thanks Prince Midnight for letting me draw your OC. Sorry that it's so plain. Everyone go check em' out.


    Prince Midnight: http://mlpforums.com/user/3469-prince-midnight/



    Midnight Moon: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-moon-r121

    looks pretty good to me ^^ thanks :D i like new and interesting art styles.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Main Arm: AN-94 Akaban


    as acurate and percise as an M-16, with the punch of an AK-47




    Side arm:


    Pfft, as if there was any doubt in anyones mind, the best semi auto handgun in the world.




    if i had to choose alternate main firearm, i would probably go with this



  3. ((And I get nothing new to work with...))


    @@ActFast231, @,



    Karma sighed. "Well... ready up, everyone." As he crept open to the slightly ajar door, he peered inside before opening the door- and he jumped back, cursing. As soon as you enter the room, you can see why. The Presence isn't there- but there is a pile of shredded meat, leaking blood sits to the side of the room, staining the carpet and the bed with blood- still fresh. A black crown is leaning against the wall. He opened the door. "Well, he's not here... try not to throw up if you don't have a strong stomach."




    @@Psych Ward, @@Prince Midnight,



    The demon shot energy torwards you, but you are shunted out of the way by two black tentacles. They retract back to Black Star. "No. They are under my protection."


    "Your protection?" The demon laughed. "The words of a traitor means nothing to me."




    ((There. I posted.))

    in my defense, i didnt know what to do with your last post)


    Midnight rolls to his hooves and draws his sword, looking between black star and the demon before firing a spell of his own at the demon, a light spell that glowed with energy, hoping the shadow demon was hurt by it.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. @@Prince Midnight, @@Psych Ward,




    "It activates with almost any blast of energy of any type. We cannot shut it down, or, at least, not without magic that we do not have access to." Black Star growled. "We are all puppets to an infernal master."




    @, @@ActFast231,




    Before Karma could answer, one of the plated guards huffed. "I should hope not. Keep the 'making out,' as you put it, until later."


    Karma sighed and shook his head. "Aerial Burst, could you not be more blunt?"


    "But, with all due respect-"


    "Save it for later."


    He turned to Lume and Nexus again. "I am debating doing just that, considering that time is against us. But we would not be sending one group to the library. Remember, the Presence has only been in charge for about six hours. There's only so much he will be able to do. I do not think that King left it in such an obvious place as to only be found in six hours."


    He started to walk towards a staircase, followed by Solar Flare. Karma paused. "You know, he is right. Your opinion is valued, even if not followed."



    i am sorry, truely i am, but, thats why were here *motions to white rose, himself and arianna* try and find a way to shut it down, or at the very least, keep it from being opened." he shook his head, "i wish to help you, not just you or fen, but you ponies as well, the ones who were mutated."

  5. Midnight frowned and looked about the room listening to black star before he stopped, then looked at him "but....it could activate at any time?" he looked over at arianna then back, "is there any way to stop it from activating again? or at least block it for the time being?"

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