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Prince Midnight

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Posts posted by Prince Midnight

  1. Middnight looked around then down at the blood "hmm..." he frowned, "alright, stick together, all of you, this fog is thick and it will swallow us until we get to the town, after that, it should be a straight shot for the city hall." he smiled and waited for arianna and white rose to akowladge before continuing on.

  2. midnight picked up his own saddlebag and set it on his back before turning around, and walking towards the front hatch "alright, back out into the unknown" he laughed and smiled back at arianna holding out his hoof for her.

    "alright we got to get to the city hall, and possibly look around the city a bit."

  3. midnight nodded and chuckled at fen "dispite being a creature intended for evil, you are the cutest thing ive ever seen." he then turned to arianna and smiled, "you ready to go?" 


    he knew he needed the help, to make sure he could infact illusion their way to the city hall, and possibly around the city itself, he believed he could do it.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Midnight nodded, "i need to be sure i can actually create this illusion, and see it work for myself." he shook his head and stood up "i will head a little into town to make sure this works against the creatures, if their are no objections."


    he looked around then down at fen "of course ill be bringing you along, if this dosent work youll have to help me." he smiled and nuzzled the mutants forehead, before picking her up and putting her on his back, "ill be back as soon as possible."

  5. midnight frowned "with some practice i think i could, i do have an idea though, we dont have to be fully cloaked per se, i just have to give the illusion we arent there, say...as part of the fog, that should be easy enough for me to do, and it shouldnt be too taxing."

  6. Midnight frowned "how will we get around the air and land patrols without being spotted..."he then smiled, "if my tarot power has to do with illusion...it might take some practice but..." he looked up, "sir, i think i can get at least, me, fen and arianna to the town hall and mabey around the town, of course on seperate trips, but...i think i can do it..."

  7. Midnight looked around then nodded, "sticking around here might be benifical, espically since i cant leave my fen.....no, daughter, here alone, i know the ponies here could take care of her, but shes my respinsibility, i decided that when i brought her with me."  he smiled then looked down at fen before looking back up his set of light changeling armor fitting too him well, his bow hanging off his side, his quiver of arrows off his leg.

  8. @, Moon card? Think illusion and darkness, as well as a hint of necromancy.


    @, I will come to yours a bit later, as I am pressed for time. 

    @@ActFast231, Justice? I suggest an effect that either damages the opponent or heals an ally and/or yourself. Randomly chosen for the first two stages, of course, but then you get to pick.

    that dosent really help me XP like dark magic, similar to sombras? but necromancy? i cant see a place he could use that

  9. I will be doing to post tonight then... sorry to keep you all waiting.


    And I guess I kinda haveta do it, considering that half the players are bored out of their skulls.

    Post deployed.


    Alright everypony, here's how this is going to work.


    There will be three levels to your Tarot power. And the good thing is, you get to decide what they are.


    You will get your Lv.1 Tarot... anytime you want starting when your party leaves. you may choose what it is as long as it is directly related to one of your tarots. PM me about it first so that I may approve/reject them.


    I will let you know about the time that you can get Lv.2 and Lv.3, but I will tell you this- you will not be getting your Lv.3's until you are back together...

    well, im lost XP, the moon card really dosent give me much to work with in all honesty so i might need some help.

  10. I find the notion of worshiping Luna and Celestia rather silly only because of view of what religion is isn't accepted by 100% of people. I don't see religion as a organization that has morals that they follow. I see religion as have conviction in a certain belief in doctrines. Atheism can be considered a religion because they have a faithful conviction that there is no god. To make a mlp religion just based on the moral implications and for fun would be really immature in my opinion, especially when there are people in the world that believe in something 100% and would (and have) died because they believe or don't believe in a higher power.


    So TL;DR don't do it, it would be very disrespectful to religious people.



    anyway, as long as you add nightmare moon as like the satian or something id totally join then fall to the dark side of the ponies (for lack of a better term) to worship nightmare moon x3.....or sombra x3

  11. It still sound better than romance... Why couldnt we do that thing from the start? With the demon trying to take over the rest of the dimensions... It sounds like a good idea doesn't it?

    no, it dosent, and what the hell do you have against romance? every story has at least one or two, unless you dont read, which explains alot.

  12. midnight continued practiceing with his bow, he didnt hear his name so the message didnt concern him, Thwack, he enjoyed the use of bows and arrows, much more silent than a damn gun, even with a suppressior somepony could still hear the shot. but arrows only made a silent wooshing sound.


    Thwack...he fired the last arrow then dropped on all fours again, "whew...." he walked towards the target which looked like a giant pin cushon with most of the pins in one circular area.

  13. midnight smiled and nuzzled her gently before drawing the bow again, setting fen on the ground next to him so she wouldnt fall, he then stood on his two hind legs, showing a balance few ponies have, nocked another arrow, and drew it back.

    he blinked, the target was moving,not that it was a problem, midnight liked a challenge, but he wasnt used to the draw weight and the power this bow offered, but he took aim, held it for a moment, watching the target then let the arrow fly, the target jumped jumped again, then THWACK, the arrow hit dead center.


    "hmm...easy enough." he drew another arrow, nocked it and drew the string to half draw and chose another target, THWACK, THWACK, THWACK, three times, three diffrent targets, none of them were dead center, but they were close enough to be kill shots.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Midnight blinked, he didnt know what moon crypt had done, the swords and armor had come to life? or something, he didnt know, looking in the weapon cabnet, if fen was going to come with she would need a weapon too.

    he looked around then found a dagger, he picked it up and took it by the blade, handing it too her, "there, see if you like that."

  15. Midnight frowned and looked through the weapon cabinet, he didnt like many of the weapons here, nothing stuck him in any particular way until he came to the ranged weapons, he smiled and picked up a bow and a quiver of arrows.

    standing on his hind legs he nocked an arrow onto the string, and pulled the string back, along with the arrow, pulled it to full draw and let it go, it slammed into the center of the target.


    "hmm, i think this works.." he then turned to the armor cabinet, and frowned, he didnt find anything he liked until in the far corner he noticed a dark blue light armor and picked it up, it was a little dusty and looked around before blowing the dust off and putting it on.

    The changeling armor fit perfectly, from the hoofguards to the helmet, he smiled "well, i think i have my choices." 

    • Brohoof 1
  16. midnight looked over and smiled, "yeah...yeah im fine, i just really want to get answers on this pendant, but nopony seems to answer me anytime i ask, and its really bugging me." he shook his head, "mabey im over thinking it, but still, its got my name, on a pendant the old lunar guard wore..it dosent make sense."

  17. Midnight shrugged and stood up ":yeah i guess i am," he frowned, holding the pendant in front of him, shaking his head,  he trotted softly towards the room, he didnt know why it was bugging him, but it was, something about this thing he could tell might help them..

  18. midnight looked around, then shook his head pulling out the medallion again, no matter how much he wanted to toss it, he ended up picking it up again he looked down at it, what in the hay does it mean...."for that matter why does everypony ignore me when i ask about it? is it supposed to have that effect?"

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