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Everything posted by IDoNotSpeakEnglish

  1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    I'm happy to see new posts in this club! These are the first of 2016. It seems both Stella Star and Zyrael joined the Forums this month; so be welcome! =) Also, I don't mean speak for others, but be welcome to the club; I hope to see more of you two here; feel free to simply express your views, bring discussions favorable to feminism or anything important to the topic when you feel like it. =) Thank you. =)
  2. Obviously. The Elements of Harmony, when wielded by the mane six, have power because there is one pony with understanding of her element for each element and they are all good friends, and then there's actual harmony(because you need more than one to have harmony, and then wield the Elements of Harmony). Princess Celestia, as an wise pony that also has all of the qualities that the Elements represent, was able to do a good job with them, even though she was alone. Also remember that Princess Celestia could turn Discord into stone permanently(I believe it would have been if nobody had visited him) when she was with Luna, a knowledgeable pony that is Princess Celestia's friend; therefore, that duo could represent the Elements of Harmony much better. I think that the Elements don't really have anything to do with the normal magical power(like what Tirek stole from everyone, or the thing used in the fight between Princess Celestia and Chrysalis), but they are the way harvest the strongest power in Equestia and use it directly: the magic of friendship, which is something entirely different and much more powerful than normal magic. You can't just shoot friendship straight out of your horn, you need something like the Elements of Harmony; but only if you have true representations of all Elements you'll be able to wield actual harmony(that's some destructive friendship). The closer the ponies involved are to perfectly represent the Elements, and the stronger the harmony between them; the stronger will be the magic the Elements of Harmony can exteriorize. That's why Princess Celestia had to use the Elements in the best way she could and banish Luna, and wait until it was possible to use the Elements of Harmony in full power.
  3. IDoNotSpeakEnglish

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    Oh, I’m also very sad that Jennabun seems to have left! I’ve always admired her so much. Anyways... that video seems to kinda miss the point of the thread: it’s purpose is simply to discuss feminism in a positive way instead of reponding to criticism against feminism. Still, that’s a very interesting video. =) Although I don’t quite feel good questioning it, since I don’t know anything about that person(by Draxon’s text, I think her name is Diana) or about Jenna, and all I’ve watched about Laci was this video: So, I’ll be trusting Diana, which is not good to criticize Laci or Jenna. Still, it took me a lot of words to explain what I think. I am sorry for not beince concise; I’ll organize it in spoilers. Also... I do sound like I’m really sure when I’m trying to be objective, but I don’t mean it like that; it’s really just my uninformed opinion, and I'd love to be called out on what I got wrong. =) About Jenna and Laci's demographic. From beginning to 4:43. About Laci on sexism and Diana missing the point. From 4:43 to 8:18. About the video with the 12-years-old and end. From 8:18 to the end.
  4. I don't believe in love at first sight; but, if I did, it would be a climatizer... When I first saw her I thought “Wow... She’s so cool!”. She approached me and I felt her cold breath in my face as she said “Is it hot in here or is it just you?”. To which I couldn’t help but quickly reply “Take me!”; “Okay.”, she coldly replied. I’ve been crazy and totally insane for that sexy talking climatizer ever since.
  5. Princess Celestia is best pony, but I never use nicknames on her; not even "Tia" or "Celly". I just think it's disrespectful to use nicknames with Her Majesty. I also try to avoid writing simply "Celestia"; I always try to include her title.
  6. Pens all the way! The tips of pencils break all the time and I hate needing to have an stock of graphite nearby all the time for the mechanical one(and my classmates in school used to steal my graphite all the time!); also, I really like the smooth feeling of the pen easily sliding over the paper and leaving solid ink behind; plus, it has more suspense when you can't make mistakes... Also... I said "pens", but, weirdly, it has to be this 0.7mm one: I mean, of course I can use anything, but I won't like it if it's not with that specific model of pen. When my teacher told me off for having bad hadwriting I started practicing and also tried new tools, and I happened to get addicted to that one.
  7. Thank you. =) And, I know he's reformed, but I don't see it like you do in any way. Sorry, I don't think I can explain since I can't understand you; I can't understand how one can think he's not so bad, or how one can like both Celestia and Dislestia. But I'd better just not talk about it anymore; I don't like the way that that shipping offends me, so I don't want to offend anyone with my disliking for it and for Discord; I'm sorry for posting here in the first place.
  8. Well, saying that "Dislestia" makes no sense just because Celestia is not exactly the opposite of chaos and, therefore, they are not actually opposites for the "opposites attract" trope makes no sense. They are still opposites: Celestia is the magnificent goddess that rules Equestria and, with her sister, does the best to maintain order; while Discord is the evil villain that messes everything just to have fun. And that's how it makes no sense: they are opposites in every single way, not only in an way that would make them fit together. But, of course I wouldn't try to force shippers to make sense, I know that some people like crazy stuff; but I don't see how you can have fun without having sense with it, and I don't see how entirely nonsensical shippings could be romantic in any way. I don't do shipping, but I don't have trouble with shippings; I even think some of those, although nonsensical, are cute. With one exception... I absolutely love Princess Celestia, so I hate "Dislestia". I hate to see the magnificent goddess that gives away her eternity to allow life to exist in Equestria together with her opposite: such a low selfish villain like Discord. Those "Dislestia" pictures always make me cringe; I can barely see the very word written. I despise it so much! But, this is already becoming a vent for me to express my frustration over how some people like what disgusts me... And, sorry, I also don't mean to offend anyone that likes any shipping, but that one offends me profoundly. I just wish shippers could be a little more discreet, but I know they are just doing their thing and it's not fair for me to want that... I'm sorry. This post surely was a vent. Anyway, logic surely isn't something to consider when talking about shipping, so the ones that are not shippers should probably just ignore it...
  9. Flash Sentry, for sure! People love even completely unimportant background characters, and Pinkie Pie does get shipped quite a bit; so, a character really would have to be hated in order to not be shipped. Flash Sentry is hated because he almost was officially shipped with Twilight, so that will make people resentful even of the very idea of a Flash shipping. So, although it's obvious if you just manage to remember him, Flash Sentry is surely the most unlikely to be shipped. Also, I think that characters officially shipped will necessarily suffer some kind of similar effect: like, Cadence won't be shipped, since she is officially with Shining Armor; and, out of any shippings with Cadence, the shipping Cadence and Shining Armor will be least likely, since that will be just boring(since it's already how it is, and Shining Armor kind of really is a bore). Also, people do really like to ignore Babs Seed.
  10. Rose seems kinda common to me; but Rosa is unique and memorable, probably because you'd pronounce a fancy R there. I vote Rosa; and I really liked the name Queen Rosa. =)
  11. IDoNotSpeakEnglish

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    Agree. Well, what I was talking about is that a character told someone off for being sexist, but I think it was uncalled for because the person probably wasn't being sexist; and there are many other moments in which sexism is proven wrong in the episode. Well, the scene I'm talking about was: So, I'm glad the show can even be considered feminist; it's just that that line in that context sounded like the feminist extremism that is so dreaded, the type of feminism everyone complains about, and made it all look a bit more over the top; which is not bad, just... sounded like a thin line to me, which I figured I'd mention. It just seemed like being so upfront would make the show unpopular with a general audience; which, again, is not important, I was just extremely surprised with such bold choices from the show makers; sorry.
  12. IDoNotSpeakEnglish

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    Oh, I did! =) I was wondering if it was okay to talk about it outside of Media Discussion... But I really wanted to see some opinions on it and discuss it here. =)
  13. I guess it's time to delete some old inactive PMs... =(

    1. Lightbulb




      I'm terrible, hello there.

  14. Well, action is not my thing, I've never even watched those super hero movies(or series); still, this is one is already getting some respect out of me just by not exactly sexualizing the SuperGirl and, of course, by having her as the main character. I am actually going to give it a try as soon as I can. I am going to look forward to it, but not much; I'll keep my expectations low.
  15. IDoNotSpeakEnglish

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    Thank you very much. Unfortunately, I, for one, don’t have experience on talking to people about feminism. But I think that taboos aren't broken that easily, there's probably not much one can do alone. I’d guess that, in the popular opinion, feminism is always associated with extremism, so people get afraid of discussing it. Also... maybe it has to do with it usually being personal; which seems harder to happen with refugee crisis and corporal punishment(even if one was corporally punished, that probaly was in childhood, and it’d be half forgotten by adulthood). While, with feminism, people will probably have met a feminist before, probably have seen examples of sexism, or even have suffered it(and that already in adulthood); which would probably lead many to have an strong opinion on the subject: because they have been pushed in some direction at some point. Just like religion or politics, it’s a topic in which people tend to have very strong and cherished opinions that they want to protect; so, if there’s a debate, they get heated and fight over it; still, since they know what happens in debates, it’s probably best to avoid fighting, to avoid having such opinions questioned, to avoid the risk of losing and, most importantly, avoid changing your opinion; so, there is much to fear from discussing that kind of topic, subjects of the kind are never discussed, which makes them taboos(I think it’s wrong to protect opinions that way, I’m just saying it seems to be the natural course of action for quite some people)... ...or I'm just speaking nonsense; sorry, I don't know. Anyway, someone else should probably have something useful to say about that problem.
  16. IDoNotSpeakEnglish

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    Oh, I still have no idea about what to post here, but I guess I'll just do it now; as it has been almost a month without new posts here. Guess it's kinda hard without a discussion already going on here, you know? I'm sorry, but I also don't want this thread to die off...
  17. My favorite book probably is "The Stranger", by Albert Camus. It's really depressing but... I don't know, I really like it for some reason, as it's pretty much the only book that I actually re-read from time to time. Or... maybe my favorite is "Pride and Prejudice"? Or... I don't know, this really is a difficult question.
  18. I am a follower. I am kind of a loner, but that doesn't really have anything to do with this, as I still can figure out how I would act in team or in a relationship, which I do plan to someday. I could also pull out the “neither” or “both” card, since I am able to take a more active position if really needed, but that would be just fear of labeling myself as one, as I always feel uncomfortable when I have to do that; plus, it doesn’t really add to me being a leader if I’d only “lead” when I’m pretty much forced to do so for the convenience of others. I don’t like responsibility, I like doing what I’m told. I am an weak person, I like it when I’m around someone that can lead me. Sounds kinda pathetic, I know, but that’s who I am. =)
  19. Why, of course I have! I was about six and I was in one specific general store in a shopping center, I saw one very interesting and random piece of plastic and figured I could use in a project I was doing at the time; I think it was a time machine. Since it’s not stealing to take the useless junk that people throw in the ground, I just put it in my pocket. Then, I wanted to go to the bathroom, which was outside the store; as the energetic kid I was, I just told my mother and I ran off the store. I didn’t know that the thing I took was the thing that they attach to some merchandise and it only is removed when people pay for the product; and, if people pass through the detectors thingys(yeah, I don’t really know how this stuff works...) in the doors without paying and, therefore, with those things still attached, the alarm will sound. Well, I had no idea of anything, and I didn’t even notice the alarm, but nobody caught me; my mother clearly was a little upset, but I think she noticed how kinda mildly innocent I sort of was, so she just told me off for it and warned me not to take random “junk” from stores; aside from that, there were no consequences. I succesfully achieved an unintentional shoplifting by the age of six and only found out about it after the fact. I felt really guilty for it for years, but, eventually, I got over how dumb I was as a kid and I finally forgave myself for it.
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