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Octavia's Bow

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Everything posted by Octavia's Bow

  1. It was ment for confusion. But if you reduce 20% to .2 and 40% to .4, add them, and then put the sum into percentage format, it is .6 -> 60%. Banned
  2. Banned because Vinyl is 20% cooler than you, and Octavia is 40% cooler than Vinyl, so my history proves that I'm atleast 60% cooler than you. Put that to the power of infinity and you get a stuck up, self absorbed idiot that is me xD. Than take that, divide it by infinity and you've got what's REALLY me. Have you gone crazy yet?
  3. Dancer begins to Follow Nel, but looks back at Zarely, noticing heruniform is rumpled, like she threw it on quickly. And she could just make out the tail end of an eighth note. She openned her eyes wide, but continued to follow Nel*
  4. Pro'lly a pony lol. BANBOX OF JUSTICE! *Banbanbanbbbbbbbbbanbanbanbanbanbanbbbbbbbbbbbbbban*
  5. Banned because killing people is usually wrong.
  6. Also banned because now I'm gunna play a round of LoL. This comp sux but hey! *Shrug*
  7. Like Fallout's Iron Belly perk Banned for not knowing that
  8. Banned because it won't let me vote again. NINJAS
  9. Bannedbecause a bladder is no way to skip the test.
  10. Banned because the wubs from my bass disabled your Portal floors Evil Robot person who's name I don't remember because I never played portal. And then Octy will lul you to sleep while I melt down your memory chips and escape the nuroTOXins.
  11. Banned because I miss having large amounts of awe from fellow students when I went on stage and wowed them. *Sigh* But now all they want is piano charismatics and doped up scum bags. q.q My friend is 10 times more talented then anything THOOSE idiots turn out, and we barely get an honorable mention. But this year, no sir! WE ARE GOING TO ROCK THEM!
  12. Banned because I'm practicing Whatshername by greenday on the bass
  13. Banned because now passion comes in the form of a pill. Music for the page ^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVn_f0AYXdM
  14. Banned because it's worked for me in the past.
  15. Banned because I didn't see you had one. *Goes off to vote*
  16. Banned because it's so much more difficult than playing my cello.
  17. Banned because you know posting here won't get you outa parasprite right?
  18. Banned because I jus gott got my a** kicked as Jax As Jax! Uggggggggggggg!
  19. "And I have keyboarding early tommorrow. If I don't get more than 30 words per minute I get an F."
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