Okay, I'm gonna go a bit back to the Cutie Re-mark for this one...maybe even the Season 5 Premiere...on my thoughts on one of the most controversial, drama-inducing moments in the show...
Starlight's reformation.
Like many of you (maybe not most, but many), I was a little skeptical of Starlight's reformation, especially how rushed it felt. It just didn't feel right that a pony who brainwashed an entire village into thinking that cutie marks and differences are bad and then tried to rewrite history into a bunch of hopeless timelines got forgiven so easily, and that everyone was strangely accepting of her.
Until I read a few reddit comments discussing it.
One commenter provided a different perspective: if you stop seeing her as an evil super villainess and more of a pony who was desperate for a friend, her acceptance and reformation makes much more sense.
I think the reason why her reformation left a bad taste in my mouth the first time was that I was seeing her as the former- let's face it, she was a formidable villain with an interesting, although screwed up, ideology. But you also have to remember that she was trying to also find true friendship (she even says in her debut two-parter, "I brought you true friendship!") as a result of what was likely a damaging fillyhood (I'm not gonna say traumatic event, since I think she was kinda overreacting to a friend leaving her, but I will give her that she must have grown rather bitter over time)- her experience drove her to creating her village and then trying to get petty revenge on Twilight (with devastating consequences, of course), even if it meant battling Twilight forever. She had, essentially, gone mad/crazy/whatever.
So Twilight and Co., rather than simply vanquish her like a villain, just gave her what she needed- true friendship.
I wrote this blog entry at two different times, so I feel like it might read a little awkwardly and discontinuously. I apologize for that, but I hope you still see what I mean (if you're reading this)
I'm sorry to bring some bad news to you guys, but I don't think I can really continue any of my pony art anymore.
It all started when I published a comic involving Fluttershy and Tree Hugger...I apparently made a weed joke in there, and I received an uproar from several concerned watchers of the show on deviantART- they said they were shocked to see me put that joke in a comic featuring these "innocent characters" and said I should be ashamed of using the show to make a joke about drug use.
I just feel like with so much potential for such backlash, it just won't be a good idea to continue drawing MLP. So while I may continue to watch the show, posting fanart just isn't a good idea anymore.
This is a real bummer, I seriously wish this wasn't an issue, but what can you do, you know.
For those of you unfamiliar with Gravity Falls, there's a scene where a "love deity" uses a potion to make people fall in love, including a snake and a badger (yes, interspecies romance!). Mabel remarks that "they're going to make a snadger". I guess this is what it would look like?
Did anyone else notice that the songs in season 5 practically stopped after Tanks for the Memories (it seemed they were on a song streak there, 3 songs in 5 episodes), and then they just went full-out with the latter half of the season?
I looked on the MLP wikia and it says that the only songs in the latter half were in the following episodes:
Canterlot Boutique
Brotherhooves Social
Crusaders of the Lost Mark (a musical episode, so this is kinda obvious)
The Mane Attraction
The Cutie Re-Mark part 2
It seems that as a whole the previous season was kinda lacking in the song department compared to the other seasons, but not by much. It doesn't really bother me honestly, it's just an observation.
For whatever reason I was thinking of a character from Star Wars episode VI: Jabba's slave dancer before Leia.
Naturally I went snooping around and found fan art of her.
I like this drawing of her. Style's neither too cartoonish nor too realistic. Too bad it's basically a shot of a character's last moments alive. But hey, just goes to show how cruel the SW universe can be.
She's just so adorable! Problem is she's actually an OC (name was Krystal, I believe) who was renamed by a Chinese restaurant, see there would definitely be some legal issues there. But still, I think they should introduce another Spike-age dragon to the show.
I have created a blog. Yes, this late. Am I cool now?
So there's this one comic that I thought was kinda funny. But it's from Rarity Investigates. I know, so late. Why am I also so slow to the punch on these things?