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Posts posted by Pop-Tart

  1. @Fl@mstre@k1990@Stormlight@The Tinselated Pony, @Dappers Duck Army

    @Gloomfury, and @CP3_P0n3@Pop-Tart


    Flame followed the mare out the door, hoping his time wouldn't be wasted. Then again, he had all the time to waste. He never did see any advertisements for working here, but he did need money, and this was the quickest route to it. Besides, this was the only burger place Flame could think of in all of Canterlot.

  2. @@Denim&Venom


    Flame Mist listened to what they were saying, apparently somebody had been taking down flyers and trying to sabotage the restaurant?


    "Yes, what is it Mr...?" The manager asked, a confused look on his face.


    Well, this was awkward. Flame felt like leaving, but if he was applying for the job anyway, perhaps he could become a help to this mishap. "Well, I was told to come to your office, I was looking to apply for a job here. You did say you were short of workers. I don't know, maybe I could be of some help to whatever is going on here."

    Flame smiled awkwardly, all the ponies in the room staring at him. Perhaps it was too late.

  3. @@Denim&Venom,@, @@Gloomfury, @,


    Flame was soon caught in the office, where all the employees stood, arguing about something. Flame didn't know what it was. Something about Inspector Gadget. Whatever. He seemed to be thought as an employee now, even if he hadn't had his job interview. He cleared his throat loudly, as to signal he was in the room.

  4. @@CP3_P0n3


    Suddenly the mare pulled Flame behind the counter, in a slightly fast pace to the manager's office. Flame quickly took control of his hooves and caught on to her pace in a steady trot. "Alright..." He heard an announcement over the speakers calling the other employees to the office as well.

  5. @@CP3_P0n3


    Flame looks around the building,  which was now not a mosh pit of hungry customers.  He turned to the nice-looking pony behind the counter. "Hi! I'm looking to apply for a job here, do you know if that's a possibility?" He asked the employee, which obviously looked really worn out. He hoped it wasn't a bad time.

  6. @@CP3_P0n3, @,  


    After ordering and getting his food, Flame sits down to enjoy it at an empty table. As he eats, he watches more and more people get their food, and soon others started to sit at his table. He ate fast, because he had a small order, after all. He didn't want to bother any of the employees in a rush like this, so he decided to wait an little longer till' the rush died down. Then he would find out how he might be able to apply for a job here. "Excuse me." He said, standing up out of his chair, carrying his tray to the garbage can.

  7. Everything PONY :pinkie:

    And everything ON A SCREEN


    Lol. It's hard to say. If we were talking plain, I'd say MLP Forums is an addiction to me. If we were really talking I'd say everything My Little Pony. And obviously, I'm addicted to any kind of electronic (aren't we all).

  8. @@CP3_P0n3@@Denim&Venom,


    Flame Mist enters the crowded PeZZos, eager for something to eat just like every other pony there. A few more ponies strud into the building, bumping him aside, propelling him into two stallions. He awkwardly apologized.


    "Gosh, I maybe I shouldn't have come here, or at least come here earlier;"


    Every time he tried to get himself a place in line, he was cut by somepony or shoved out of the way. "Excuse me?!" He shouted, not loud enough to blast out the chatter within the restaurant. After finally getting into a relatively short line, he was at last assured he would get food. While he waited, his mind wandered to a question he was already wondering when he heard of the restaurant's opening.


    "I wonder if they're hiring..." He looked around but doubted to see a 'help wanted' sign. Oh what the heck, he'd ask an employee. Soon he realized it was going to be his turn to order after a couple more ponies. He scanned the menu so he wouldn't be the idiot who stood for 5 hours deciding what they wanted. He finally went with the Veggie Haymac and water, to help maintain his diet. Also, it was cheap.

    • Brohoof 1


    My theater was also very enthusiastic. Then again, It's another Star Wars, who wouldn't be happy? Also, when Ben killed his own father, I have to say, I totally saw it coming. Not throughout the whole movie of course, but first when Ben said that he needed the strength for something, and then wouldn't let go of the saber... that's when I turned down the setting on my D-Box so it wouldn't scare me too much. Ben doesn't seem like the type to turn to the light side that fast.


    There were a couple things that bothered me about the film too. One, the whole movie I was waiting for Kylo Ren to say: "The dark side... and the light." But he never did! Maybe I missed it (probably, but I didn't ever leave the theater or look away really) or maybe it was only a trailer thing, but why would they shoot a separate clip for a trailer? Maybe I'm just being weird, but yea. Also, I thought that J. J. Abrams would come through with the whole 'Death Star II' situation. When they first said that they could just blow it up easy, I laughed and was like "Good one!" Well, I guess it had to be destroyed some time. Also, if third time's the charm then- well, we'll just have to see.


    But I overall thought it was an amazing movie.



  10. I hope not.  It's way to late in the game for them to add another mane character into the cast.

    She would most likely be another Discord and be a recurring character and have a similar character arch in learning to be a better person and understand friendship after reforming from evil to good.  Heck from the ending of the episode I have a feeling it is going to be similar to Sunset Shimmer's character arch in Rainbow Rocks.

    This episode made me like her more as a character and I can see she is an interesting character, but I don't want her to make too many appearances in season 6, as having both her and Discord's arches going on at the same time seems a bit redundant in my opinion.  Plus I don't want to see her get in the way of screentime and development for any of the mane 6 next season.

    I am fine with this as long as it doesn't lead to any of the mane 6 getting season 5 Fluttershy treatment or even season 3 Rarity treatment.


    cmarston1 hit it right on the nose. It would be strange to have another character in general, and plus there are only six elements of harmony (if they make a seventh I'm leaving the fandom, LOL), it would seem like there will be some discord-like episodes and also some episodes of Starlight getting along with the mane six or even discord (that would be interesting). Also when Twilight said that she has 7 new friends, she obviously meant Spike as well as them. Personally, I'm looking forward to a couple Starlight episodes, and also very excited for what the priemere has in store for us.

  11. This was my first reaction at the end: Twiglimmer Twiglimmer...

    Then... Starpie?

    Then... Mane 7??????

    And finally, when it ended: BLU-RAY NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


    I'm sooooo sad season 5 is over and we have to wait for season 6...

    • Brohoof 1
  12. If you liked Friendship Games then you'll LOVE this! Click for an epic Sunset x Twilight alternate friendship adventure!!!


    Also... I just found something that might be of interest to A LOT OF YOU!!!!!!!

    The first Equestria Girls was good, so they made a sequel. Then, a threequel. Friendship Games. That's it? Right?



    Look in the top right corner...




    Unless Hasbro is trolling us, I'm pretty sure EqG 4 is just around the corner...

    It also confirms Season 6 and the movie in 2017.


    Edit: Equestria Girls 4 has been confirmed!!!


    Edit: More proof...

    • Brohoof 1
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