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Vera Veil

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Status Updates posted by Vera Veil

  1. Yay, I can play skyrim again

  2. Great .... Another blackout

  3. Hmmm .... I think I have found motivation to continue in my fanfiction once again ... Thou not much

  4. I'm going for a shower .... I need time to think anyways

  5. Agh, everything is getting hard now, hard but not impossible ... I have 1 shot at this, but I need to make it count, if I don't I'm going to be in debt .... Something I don't need rite now .... I only just have enough to pay the power bill, and that's only the start ... I hope I do this correctly

  6. Well I'm goin to bed .... Need to see my doc later today .... Hope I'm ok ..... Gn

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Classic Play

      Classic Play

      Good luck! I hope things are good.

    3. Kiri


      Feel better soon ^^

    4. Johnny1226


      Good night pinkz

  7. I m extremely annoyed rite, don't message me unless u want a pm

  8. What a day ....... Y is life cruel? Y must it be when something could b ok, it falls apart? Idk, but I'm taking a shower, back in 10

  9. Know what, I give in ... I'm going to bed, it's not quite 4AM but it'll do ... Gn all Gn til tomorrow nite, I'm buzy all day .... Bub Baii

    1. Johnny1226


      Good night pinkz

  10. I'm soo tired ... But don't wanna sleep .... Ugh

  11. Entry 8 is up on my blog ... Not sure y I had to announce that ... Oh well :P

  12. *appears out of a nearby box* Sooooon

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TheRockARooster


      That's what I meant, tomorrow night.

    3. Vera Veil

      Vera Veil

      XD k well I'm free tomorrow nite from 6:30 ... Maybe 7 so there's no rush XD ... I always was a nite owl anyways

    4. TheRockARooster


      I sent you message, I'll talk for a little while.

  13. Well I overslept .... And I still feel tired XD I crashed at 12 midday and woke at 6, for the past 5 hours I have been chilling on discord, listening to music, and chilling with my clan, still doing it now, but yea, I don't wanna sleep coz I wanna record another video with Mr. Speedy (YouTube channel name)

    1. Johnny1226


      Good morning pinkz

    2. Vera Veil

      Vera Veil

      Howdy Johnny, even thou I'm close to going back to sleep xD

  14. After having a blood test, people react differently ... Me? I get sick, hungry and tired .... I had a few glasses of water to help my body make more blood, shut my stomach up by eating, and even thou I had a few winks, I need more, so i gonna return to my nap ... Gn

    1. Johnny1226


      Good night pinkz

  15. Well I'm home now ... Just made myeself a milkshake and had a sandwich for lunch (to help the sickness feeling from losing blood) and I will be ok in an hour or so

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vera Veil

      Vera Veil

      Thanks Johnny

    3. Barpy


      i hope sandwich was good

    4. Vera Veil

      Vera Veil

      It actually was, thanks

  16. Well I have crap to do today .... I'll b around

  17. For the first time in a few days, I'm actually doing good, got a day off, found a song I love, and now I'm bout to eat lunch before I continue on my fanfic .... Yew .... So good

    1. Johnny1226


      Good for you pinkz

  18. Morning peeps

    1. Johnny1226


      Good morning pinkz

    2. Vera Veil

      Vera Veil

      How u doing Johnny?

    3. Johnny1226


      I'm doing good thanks

  19. well after a long and stress filled day of forums shit (my clans forums, not here) i have been promoted to a mod with complete powers to forums .... wanna read more, go to how r u feeling now ... but im goin to bed, gn

    1. Johnny1226


      Good night pinkz

  20. hi

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vera Veil

      Vera Veil

      Try me .... As for myself, I'm pissed off with Stefan007 ... My clan leader ... Long story

    3. Monsoon
    4. Vera Veil

      Vera Veil

      Yea, I'm a good listener, what's wrong?

  21. So I'm playing the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim, and I have made 2 saves, the first let's me defeat the Vampires, and the other one allows me to become a Vampire Lord ..... Which save do I keep?

    1. Aspirant Pony

      Aspirant Pony

      I'd say go for the vampire lord questline. You might like what it gives.

  22. Well it took longer then I would be proud to admit, but I'm finally home from my crappy appointment .... Let the good times and fanfic ideas roll on threw .... And the hard liquor as well haha xD

    1. Johnny1226


      Welcome home pinkz

    2. DrakeeSkalor
    3. Vera Veil

      Vera Veil

      Thnx, time for skyrim

  23. Well it's judgement day ... Time to make this appointment ..... I'll be back .... Eventually, bubaii

  24. well i should go, wanna hav a shower n feel better before an appointment .... ill be around *pops head out of cardboard box* Soon .... xD

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