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  1. While I like MLP, I've always been more of a Care Bears guy, I prefer the 80's version best, if you look past the commercialism they have it's actually pretty enjoyable, teaches simple morals for kids, actually has a bit of action (makes me wish they did video games based on the films also that were sidescrolling action ones) and hell, I even still like the first two movies (but it did have its flaws, season 3/4 only focused on a select amount of them, causing some characters like Loyal Heart Dog and Gentle Heart Lamb to be forgotten characters), the newer ones are mostly horrible. This show looks interesting and the art style is cute, but I hope it doesn't focus on only those six, I hope they maybe bring back some of the original villains from the 80's, have it be a mix of action/adventure and slice of life, not be so overtly cringeworthy like Adventures in Care a Lot nor as horribly unfunny and disgusting like Care Package Chronicles, and I hope it won't end up being turned all...perverted like what a certain part of this fandom has done...
  2. I wouldn't just say theatrics, he's a total idiot. You don't go out and defend a pedophile saying "he doesn't deserve hate", you don't admit you're one just like Toon, and you don't try to weasel your way out saying "It's just roleplay, it doesn't matter, :'(", God. Just like ToonKritic, he made bad choices and ruined his own career and reputation, and possibly his own life. I'm just glad I'm not famous around this community, it's just better to be some random nobody, and from what I can tell, fame isn't really worth it.
  3. Damn, well, I hope he ends up getting a life sentence.
  4. Yup, that's it. Fortunately the police was informed about that already and Toon is still on the run, but it's still best to spread the word with that.
  5. I think everyone else needs to see this here also (another person to say away from):
  6. I apologize if this is slightly old, but these are my thoughts on what I think of this guy (this is my Youtube video/channel), now that I've heard/read what he's done from all sorts of different sources (you don't have to watch all the way to the end though): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrpRqbqg-Ec I knew him in the Thomas fandom long before he joined the MLP fandom and though I didn't pay attention to much of his MLP stuff, I'm just as hurt and upset as much as his victims are, and I hope they recover. I also apologize if this video is too offensive for this forum and if I sounded extremely toxic too, but I won't ever forgive people like him, I hate them and I wish only the worst for him.
  7. I got one of Celestia here, in time for summer: Yeah, I know it's not as good as all the other pictures here I've seen but I hope you all like it. I also didn't come up with the swimsuit design, it's based off of a characters' uniform in this anime Voogie's Angel named Shiori (in the Japanese version of MLP: FiM Celestia and Shiori share the same VA, Kikuko Inoue).
  8. @simba86 I'd say G4's were kinda accurate in places, others not so much (my Twi Beanie Baby plush is too dark a shade of purple, but not the other ones I have, to say). I don't remember those two, I'll have to look them up. Yeah, the game is fun (though I actually got stuck in it and ended up just wandering aimlessly for 20 minutes because I thought that barn was just part of the scenery) and I'd say it's a good game for kids who may be starting out on the Sega Genesis. I don't like how can't walk to ledges without Crystal backing away though, it's a bit annoying, and I do feel that they really missed the opportunity to make a G1 MLP game on the Sega Genesis, like one on the G1 specials Rescue from Midnight Castle, Escape from Katrina, the 1986 movie, the End of Flutter Valley (which have evil witches in it too), maybe all of them, or maybe one based on G1 that took several elements from the series. Imagine that...
  9. I don't think this fandom's going anywhere at all despite what I've seen some people claim (one person thought that because supposedly there were no new games and such, despite this new update for Rise of the Clockwork Stallions), I've still seen some great MLP artists upload stuff also online, more ones staying in than leaving. I'd also say if the movie is very successful, the fandom might rise again. I think I've heard the whole rating thing only applies on TV, and the reason they've dropped is because people were more watching it online instead of TV, something that's been happening with recent Super Sentai seasons. But I don't think the fandom's dying. I do want the show to have more adventure stories though instead of just being slice of life, and the only news from 2017 I didn't really like were with the toys, most of them don't look that good minus this:
  10. You are right. Just looked them up now, and they are so beautiful looking. Interestingly they've got some similar names to certain G1 ponies (Morning Glory, Skydancer, Firefly), but they're not the same, and I wonder how they sold? Sadly it appears they did not make any unicorns... What's interesting also is there is a Sega Genesis game that's similar to My Little Pony, Crystal's Pony Tale, and now that I think about it, Crystal in that game looks just like one of those Dream Beauties almost, along with the other ponies:
  11. The Dream Beauty one actually was an MLP toy? If so, it's definitely one of the best looking ones. Yeah, that's my problems with the G4 snouts, they look too much horse-like and too much bird-beak like.
  12. Though this topic's old, I still want to state my mind. I like the G1 toys and I've got a good amount of them along with the G4 ones, I can show ya here: I don't think the G1s are creepy looking at all (I can in a way understand why people think they are creepy), I think they're more pretty and a bit cute, but some excuses people made here are a bit ridiculous; "they look like oversized horses", well aren't ponies HORSES (and one person I was talking too elsewhere thought that the muzzles looked "HORRID"? At least they have actual horse muzzles and look like actual horses!) after all? I can't even understand how I've heard some people even claimed they looked like "aardvarks", let me compare this Fizzy picture to a Gingaman horse toy: Fizzy: Ginga Blue Horse, "Blue Horizon" (not mine): See? While Fizzy's more plump than the other one, at least she still looks like an actual horse. Aardvarks have thinner snouts and pig like noses. Anyway, I'm off topic... That's a thing that irks me, and I'd say to anyone who thought G1 was creepy, I'd hate to see your reaction to real horses, frankly Newborn Cuties is creepier than that. Me, while I love the G1/G4 designs, I still prefer the G1 designs because while both are cute and nice looking and horse-like, G4's muzzles kinda look a bit too round for the mares and square for the stallions. They still do look horselike, but not as much as G1's. Also, I think some of the newer G4 toys look inferior to the early G4 toys and definitely not as great as the G4 ones, plus, I don't like how G4s only have their Cutie Marks on one side compared to G1s, it comes off as lazy to me. Just a little something I wanted to say. It's just, I find it ridiculous some people think that they don't look like equines...
  13. One more thing I wanted to say, I wouldn't worry too much about the G1/G4 ponies figures, there haven't been any articles saying whether or not they've been recalled. Just wanted to point it out.
  14. They made the CMC evil here? WHAT THE FUCK??? I'm passing this one up. I wouldn't worry too much about the lessons from the two EQG being waved away as fortunately these comics actually are non-canon. Jim Miller said rest assured the show and comics would remain separate.
  15. Reflections honestly is nowhere near as bad as some people make it out to be, IMO. if you want a HORRENDOUS comic that would be MLP: FiM at its worst, read Siege of the Crystal Empire, ho boy. It's especially insulting if you've read Fiendship #1, and IMO it is the WORST story I've ever seen come out of My Little Pony, or rather, G4 My Little Pony. If you read that, you'll probably take back what you said about Celestia's behavior IMO. This arc sucks by the way too. IMO that scene with Pinkie eating that hot pepper and her expressions was the only good thing that came out of it. And yeah, this "Twilight Sparkle" here was NOT Twilight. I'd blame her idiotic behavior more with having to do with the writing rather than her being an alicorn, like I've heard some people say.
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