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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by cuteycindyhoney

  1. M*A*S*H first season DVD disc 3 ruined my childhood!


    In the episode "Dear Dad...Again" Hawkeye was supposed to walk to the mess tent naked! The DVD forgot to crop the image! Look at these images I grabbed myself. Hawkeye is clearly  


    wearing pants!




  2. Just finished watching A New Generation! :D

  3. Getting really excited for A New Generation later tonight! :D

  4. I have no idea why this song never got platinum. :P


  5. I have no idea why this song never got platinum. :P


  6. I have no idea why this song never got platinum. :P


  7. Feeling... 


    Ducky. :laugh:


  8. Feeling... 


    Ducky. :laugh:


  9. Have a gr8 weekend! :catface:

  10. Can I have some hugs? :(

  11. Have a gr8 weekend! :catface:

  12. Good evening all, I’m back.

  13. Good evening all, I’m back.

  14. Morning all.

     I’m curious, would any of y’all like to vote on anypolls that I make in the future?

  15. Morning all.

     I’m curious, would any of y’all like to vote on anypolls that I make in the future?

  16. It's 🌮 day! Are u gonna eat a 🌮 🌯:nom:

  17. Good evening all, I’m back.

  18. Hi all, I want to announce that I'm gonna be naming my OC soon but I'm gonna choose a name from either of those on the poll or from whatever I can find or come up with.


    Thank you all for taking part in this, I love and appreciate you.

    I'm also sorry for wasting everybody's time with my poll and stuff.


    So, I'm never gonna do another poll again, I'm really sorry.

    I hope you can forgive me.

  19. Hi all, I want to announce that I'm gonna be naming my OC soon but I'm gonna choose a name from either of those on the poll or from whatever I can find or come up with.


    Thank you all for taking part in this, I love and appreciate you.

    I'm also sorry for wasting everybody's time with my poll and stuff.


    So, I'm never gonna do another poll again, I'm really sorry.

    I hope you can forgive me.

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