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Scarlet Kitten

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Everything posted by Scarlet Kitten

  1. Hey Chip, that sounds great, PM me please so that we can discuss it in more detail
  2. Cool, pm me so we can discuss it in more detail
  3. Sunburst is the stallion in the s6 opener http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Sunburst
  4. It is a very big commitment, I had to see a psychologist first and be diagnosed with gender dysphoria, then start on both anti testosterone and estrogen tablets, but had to stop due to lack of effectiveness and will now be seeing an endocrinologist in about two months to get the right medications
  5. My roommate is gonna be so jealous XD He's obsessed with Destiny and getting exotics. So much so, he keeps me up at night
  6. As menial as it may sound to the rest of you lot, mine was just talking with my housemate :3 At my past sharehouses I could never really do that, but at my current one I can :3
  7. Anyone wanna do a Sunburst rp with me?

  8. I am looking for someone, either male or female it doesn't matter which gender, to play as Sunburst for me. The story could go either way, which I will detail now: Story 1: The story/RP takes place during Arcania and Sunburst's time at the Magic School, they were both teased, Arcania for her mane and tail and love for the arcane magic and witchcraft, Sunburst for his vast knowledge of magic but inability to use most of it. They meet each other in the library which was their refuge and then become good friends, leading to a romance. Story 2: The story/rp takes place after their time at the Magic School and Sunburst has moved to the Crystal Empire, and Arcania takes her usual annual leave in order to go there to spend her usual reunion with Sunburst and during this holiday, they both confess they had feelings for each other since the Magic School, and see where things go from there. Rules: 1. Must keep everything pg 13+ 2. Nothing NSFW 3. NO OP OCs 4. If unsure about anything, ask me 5. No godmodding 6. What I say goes 7. Have fun I will have at least four spots open, 2 for each scenario: 1. @ (Post Magic School) 2. Open 3. Open 4. Open //Bumping
  9. Arcania smiles softly at her as she carried her, "Don't worry small one, I'll make sure your life from now is happy and safe" she says softly and gently rubs a hoof through her mane. "your new mummy is here, do not worry" she says as they reach the spa and she smiles as she could see Twilight and her friends. Flutterhsy squees at the sight "O-oh my miss Arcania, I d-didn't know you had a filly, she's so adorable" she says softly and smiles at Star Arcania smiles "I don..well I do now, I saw her under the bridge on my way here, I couldn't just let this poor little one go hungry or uncared for, go on sweetie, say hello to the nice mares" she says gently
  10. Male to Female, but had to put off taking the tablets and such because they have been ineffective for me so far
  11. ((Arcania is now finished and in my signature)) She smiles and gently strokes her mane "Aww thank you little one" she says as she giggles a little and carries her back to town. "I'll get you all cleaned up and fed properly soon enough" she smiles softly down at the little filly.,
  12. Just finished my art of Arcania <3

  13. Arcania smiles "Oh they will, or else they'll have to deal with Princess Twilight being a royal pain and demanding them to" she chuckles a little before fishing around in her saddlebags some more and finds her scarf, she wraps it around the filly, "There all nice and warm now"
  14. Arcania's ears drooped, she then picks the filly up "Oh dear, you poor little one, to not have a mother or father.." she says, wiping the filly's tears away and kissing her nose, "I've got a appointment at the spa with the girls, I'm sure they wouldn't mind you coming along to get cleaned up and fed. I'm sure Fluttershy will be very motherly towards you"
  15. "my name is Arcania Starmane, I'm the head librarian for Canterlot Library, what is your name sweetie?" she asks as she kneels down, she had a similar color pattern to Sunburst and looked very soft and kind. She smiles softy "where are your parents?" she asks
  16. The train soon pulled into Ponyville Train Station and as Arcania didn't have much luggage with her, she decided to go straight to the bridge. She looks around, pushing her glasses up and calls out softly "H-hello? L-little one?" she calls out. "I-I'm not here to harm you, I w-want to help" she says as she takes out a slice of chocolate cake from her saddle bag and places it on the ground.
  17. The train ride was peaceful and quiet, and Arcania looks out of the window to enjoy the scenery. As she looked towards the river, she could see a dirty little filly drinking from it. She sighed softly and made a mental note to go to where the bridge was to try and find the filly. She was a well off pony, that was for sure, but she was not like the rest of the wealthy society members of Canterlot, she would much rather spend her money helping others.
  18. ((Link to OOC here)) It was early morning as the train from Canterlot was on its way towards Ponyville. In 1st class, lay a lone blue mare with glasses. Her name is Arcania Starmane, head librarian for the Canterlot Library and future Arcane teacher at Celestia's school of magic. She was on her way to Ponyville to visit Princess Twilight Sparkle and have a look through the castle's library to see if there were any books she did not have.
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