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Posts posted by Sonic5421

  1. The artist had to put her signature over it on DA to avoid plagiarism, so I found the one without it that was put on Derpibooru before she made that precaution.


    • Brohoof 2
  2. I've always loved the Mane Six myself since the show started, and this artist does them in a way that really bolsters my love for them by giving them centaur appearances.







    Even if the winged ones don't have wings to go with their half-pony selves, they still look great.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. If Haber is part of writing this finale, it had better redeem him in my eyes for how he treated the Mane Six and Royal Family back in To Where and Back Again, or he's lost all respect from me as a writer for the show. Either he shapes up or ships out with this finale and gives the Mane Six and Royal Family a reason to not be put on the sidelines for most of the finale again. He succeeds, I'll give him another chance as a writer for the show.

  4. 1 minute ago, Steve Piranha said:

    Well, we still got season 8 for that

    That's true, though many Bronies who had questions about how To Where and Back Again went did want answers this season rather than having to wait longer for them, such as how Chrysalis pulled off her plots, whether her actions have affected the Mane Six and Royal Family in any way psychologically, and how they'll plan to deal with her when she returns for her revenge in the future.

  5. 5 hours ago, Steve Piranha said:

    Well, there's a bit of a vague word since yesterday, but you know, spoilers :dash: 

    Yeah, I read about it on Equestria Daily. Something regarding the Legends of Magic comic series, but that's it. I was hoping for some sort of closure to the events from To Where and Back Again regarding Chrysalis getting her revenge on Starlight for ruining her revenge on the Mane Six and Royal Family regarding Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding.

  6. On 7/12/2017 at 10:56 AM, KH7672 said:

    If Canada does two episodes a week again then yes, it will end in late September. But for the U.S. if they keep going with one a week, Episode 21 "Once Upon a Zepplin" will air opening weekend for the movie.

    So they will finish up Season 7 while the movie is in theaters. Sounds good to me since there's been no word on what to expect with the Season 7 finale yet.

  7. 1 minute ago, Unlikeable Pony said:

    But she's got a BETTER job than that now as being over *ALL* girls shows, not just MLP. that'd be a demotion.

    When you put it that way, I guess she does have a better job now once the movie's behind her with overlooking all girl shows. Sorry for if I said something wrong in my original post.

  8. Well, this was a good way to tie the first two specials in with also granting Sunset a chance to return home to Equestria while Starlight got a chance to experience being human herself like Princess Twilight did.

    It was clear that Juniper was already on a knife's edge with her sanity because of her being fired by her uncle and kicked off the movie lot, and seeing the joint Rainbooms/Shadowbolts music video did not help matters. Once that mirror was imbued with Equestrian magic from the leaking portal, Juniper really started to lose it as she kept seeing her dream self in it.

    Things only got worse once the Rainbooms entered the Canterlot Mall Theater to get ready for the premiere, and Rainbow tripped Juniper's Berserk Button by reminding her it was her own fault she was fired by her uncle, causing her to use the mirror to trap them in limbo. Once Sunset learned what happened and tried to talk Juniper down, Juniper, already unhinged and on the verge of total insanity, traps Sunset with the rest of the Rainbooms, causing their geodes from the events of Legend of Everfree to imbue Juniper with more magic, turning her into a corrupted giant version of her dream self, leaving it up to Starlight to talk her down and convince her to turn back before it was too late. Thankfully, Starlight was able to talk Juniper back to her senses, and Juniper reversed all the damaged she caused, saving the Rainbooms from who knows what had the limbo dimension collapsed with them still in it, and returning Juniper to normal, and being very repentant over her actions.

    As a result, the Rainbooms forgive her, and she becomes a new friend, while Starlight is allowed some more time with Sunset and the others by Princess Twilight before returning to Equestria.

    I really enjoyed this last special, and I'll give it a 9.5, maybe a 10/10.

    • Brohoof 2
  9. All I can say is that this little plot hole is one big head-scratching problem that I'm sure a lot of Bronies are still wondering about, especially considering the lack of paranoid or fear the Mane Six or Royal Family have shown since then since this was the second time Equestria nearly fell to Chrysalis because she caught them off-guard again.

    I can only assume that she must have sent the drones that impersonated the Mane Six to kidnap them at some point in the few hours that Starlight and Trixie were gone to Starlight's old village. Then when night had fallen and the Royal Guard patrols were at their minimum since most were asleep in their barracks, Chrysalis made her move to kidnap the Royal Family. Luna got lucky in warning Starlight before being subdued, along with Sunburst seeing what happened in the Crystal Empire and sending Thorax out to seek help. Also, seeing that Starlight could not risk asking for more help in case Chrysalis had kidnapped more than just the Mane Six and Royal Family, she couldn't risk calling in the heavy guns in the likes of Prince Rutherford, Gilda, and Princess Ember to help with the rescue.

  10. I'm wondering if Meghan will give the Princesses and Shining Armor some love like was shown already in Season 7 with episodes like A Flurry of Emotions and A Royal Problem. That's what I want from her like with this season's female writers.

  11. Like the first special, I really enjoyed this one. A lot of callbacks to movies like the Indiana Jones movies, and having the girls dressed up like the Power Ponies with Sunset as their arch-enemy Mane-iac. Juniper may have been simply jealous of Chestnut being given the part of Daring Do and eating her favorite candy bars, but that was no reason to do what she did just for her uncle to give her the role instead. Now as a result, she's barred from returning to the studio lot, and she blames the Rainbooms for ruining her chance at stardom. Not a bad way to lead into the third special with her wanting revenge on them. Plus, since Rainbow and Twilight convinced the rest of the Rainbooms to wear their geodes from now on, that might have been a bad choice given what will happen in the third special with Juniper.

    This special gets a 9.5, possibly a 10/10 rating from me.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. 17 minutes ago, CypherHoof said:

    I wonder if they will start building statues of Sci-Twi's dog? :D

    More seriously, I think Rainboom / remane 5 friendship seems to be infectious; I am sure continued association with them will be as reforming for the Shadowbolts as it was for Sunset Shimmer

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    and presumably for Starlight and Juniper too....


    That sounds pretty good to me. Juniper could use some time getting to know the Rainbooms better after nearly destroying them out of personal revenge and jealousy because of what happened with her uncle and the mirror.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. I saw this trailer last night, and it was freaking awesome!! Also, for anyone concerned about Celestia and Luna, we do catch a glimpse of them early in the trailer when Twilight enters the throne room, as Celestia and Luna are standing there with Cadance off to the side, before it cuts to the arrival of Storm King's airship and the appearance of Tempest.

    Still, hearing Tempest makes it clear she's all business when it comes to helping Storm King in his conquests. Her ultimatum could be either directed at the other Princesses and Shining Armor after she sends the Mane Six down Canterlot's waterfall to the base of the mountain, or to everypony in general since, according to the first issue of the movie's prequel comics, Storm King spared the King and Queen of Capper's homeland when he took over their capital city, so he'll probably do the same to the Royal Family once he takes over Canterlot, leaving them to watch as he takes over unopposed until the Mane Six return with all their new allies they met in Capper, Celaeno, Skystar, and more. A little more merciful than Lord Tirek or Queen Chrysalis, but the damage he unleashes on Canterlot is definitely going to be much worse, taking a lot of time for the ponies to rebuild once everything is resolved.

    Either way, my hype and theories on the movie have been ignited, and this is going to be a very awesome movie.

  14. On 6/25/2017 at 10:15 PM, Rikifive said:

    :sunbutt: Oh, now that you've mentioned that, it made me think of something.

    The Crystal Empire was formerly ruled by King Sombra (evil) and then taken by Princess Cadance and Shining Armor (good).
    Now there's the same thing with Crystal Prep Academy - Formerly there was Principal Cinch (evil) and now she was replaced by Cadance (good).

    Not only these have tons of visual resemblances, but also meet the same fate - and more importantly - Cadence takes a part of that! :sunbutt::love: 

    Coincidence? :huh: I don't think so. :love:

    Now that you mention it, it is interesting that Dean Cadance succeeded Cinch as CPA Principal like how Princess Cadance became ruler of the Crystal Empire after King Sombra. With her as principal now, the Shadowbolts are sure to become even better friends with the Rainbooms and their fellow Wonderbolts from Canterlot High. I do hope we see Principal Cadance again in the future, alongside Indigo Zap since she was absent from this special.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. Well, as the first of the three specials to run for 22 minutes instead of like the hour-and-a-half movies, I really enjoyed seeing how things were going some time after the events in Legend of Everfree.

    The Rainbooms are raising money to help with the repairs to Camp Everfree, probably as a result of what happened with Gloriosa, and when Rarity discovers the competition that could help them raise the funds more easily, we get to see most of the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts again, sans Indigo Zap. We learn that Cadance has become the new principal in place of Cinch, and the Shadowbolts are trying their best to put their "win at all costs" policy from their days with Cinch behind them, along with trying to raise funds to have their spring dance on a yacht.

    At the end, when the Rainbooms and Shadowbolts join forces to win the contest and raise money for both of their intentions, it shows that, given time, Crystal Prep will be able to become better friends with Canterlot High, and the Rainbooms and Shadowbolts are that first step with how friendlier they've become since Friendship Games.

    I think I'm giving this a 9.5, maybe a 10/10 as my score.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. 7 hours ago, CypherHoof said:

    Yup, again, I don't disagree. I just think that, given the negatives in her past, she needs to find something other than this. she has a wider range of spells than just this - pushing ponies apart with a blue field similar to Twilight's purple one, for example. However, I can also agree this was a case of special circumstances, and possibly one of the few times it was a valid choice (I waffled a bit on this near the top of the page ) but not necessarily the best or only choice.

    That much I'm willing to agree with. Starlight needs to learn that magic won't solve every problem out there she encounters. Sometimes, she needs to think things over with other ways before resorting to magic as a last resort when everything else fails.

    • Brohoof 2
  17. 17 minutes ago, CypherHoof said:

    I don't disagree, but do wish Starlight would get a handle on this and stop resorting to changing things with magic. This must be the first time it hasn't totally blown up in her face, and even then, only because the sisters were fighting to save her from her own nightmares (and daybreakers) in the dream realm, .... And looking back, it seems her only other successes were from NOT using magic but using her head instead.

    Yeah, in this case, it was out of desperation after trying to simply get Celestia and Luna to talk things out. Starlight tried to avoid using magic, but when the sisters' arguing was too much, instinct took over. Starlight was just relieved it didn't backfire so badly once the sisters saw her nightmare and realized what their arguing would possibly lead to and allowed them to reconcile and restore their friendship.

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