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Everything posted by FanOfManyShows

  1. @Daybreaker @Twofer @Pripyat Pony There is a high pitched buzz, followed by a feminine voice speaking from the radios. "Its lunch hour, some guards will head to your location to escort you to the cafeteria." The bars opened on their own soon after the radio buzzed off, guards walked down the halls, the guards had spears attached to a belt around their waist, along with batons, they pulled out the batons. "Come on." He said, using his baton to point out of the cell. =================== "Oh come on! I was just getting some rest!" Zealous stood up, and walked out of his cell, following the lead of the guards, who held spears to him but no one else. "That's a bit over kill you know." "We heard of your escape from your last imprisonment. We'd rather you not run out the doors while under our watch." Zealous looked around, noticing there was two of them, explaining why he spoke in plural. "Neither would you." The guard said, prodding Zealous' neck. "I get it, my head will be gone if I do bad things." =================== @Dmitry Korov Guards approached him, he ushered him out with a hoof. "Come on, it's lunch time, I'll take you to the cafeteria."
  2. @Blitz Boom "I can feel it, very strongly" Warlock felt a strange urge as a result of it, to burst the statue apart and grab the element for himself, a nice and easy solution, but despite his splitting of the ocean earlier, he wasn't actually that powerful, since that act was a spell and nothing else. "You sure I can't just take it? Actually, I won't waste time asking questions." He burst upwards quickly to be level with the orb, grabbing the orb, smiling at the golden statue. He tried to pull it off, and fell to the ground as the stone pulled him down from it's weight, shattering the stone from the impact. "Agh." He struggled to get up with levitation, realizing he spent most of his magic on splitting the waters earlier. He looked to Athriel, she'd surely not give him praise if he went with the less powerful options from now on considering how extreme he was earlier, he was really anxious now to get the element to rid of that possibility, he did love to bask in praise, being the element of greed and all. He floated into a standing position, swiping away the rocks looking for the element. ====================================================================== "We don't have time to fix this, get ready to teleport." Iron Star swept them all away, to where the temple was, but taking Chow's spear with them. Astral pulled Chow closer, hitting him while simultaneously giving him the warding spell, giving him a sock on the jaw and vulnerability from further socks on the jaw. Which Iron Star had to pull her away from Chow to stop her from doing, even though she only did it once. She turned around to Warlock and Athriel once she remembered they teleported. "You." She said, in a rather intimidating manner. "Oh look, it's the little twerp, the naive brainiac, and the griffon want to be." Warlock looked to Misty, Astral, and Chow, in that order as he spoke, he extended a sword, seeing their weapons chuckling. "Oh how funny, you think physic-" Then he found Astral rushing over to him, and cutting him off, by cutting part of his ear off. "AH!" He flew away, into the golden statue, grasping to his ear, casting healing onto it, covering his red fur in more red, red from blood. He found himself meeting eye to eye with a spear, thrown quite literally blindly by Iron Star, luckily for Warlock he grabbed the spear before it hit his face, he tried to break it actually succeeding, seeing brief flashes of warding fading. "Heh." He tossed the pieces away. "I guess it turns out a weapon designed to disable warding, prevents it from being warded." He said rather snidely Astral flew up to Warlock, throwing him into the siren statue, starting to float down and tumbling a bit as she struggled to self levitate, which she hadn't done often. He tumbled across the floor, tossing his cloak off of his body. Figuring it wouldn't help him any further. "Athriel, do something about them!" He extended a shield, defending a strike from Astral with her sword. Causing a loud clashing sound caused entirely by the sword. "And don't think I can handle them myself, 500 years in a stone prison isn't exactly rejuvenating to my magical energy." He found his face cut by the sword, hitting Astral away into the wall across the room. But even with warding, Astral was knocked unconscious from the impact. ====================================================================== "Element of gluttony?" Francis asked, hiding behind Nectar again, who rolled her eyes. "She said amulet of gluttony." He walked out from under her, getting a bit close to Scarcity, but since she had the bag he'd be fine, but Francis wasn't aware of that. "Same thing, like how the Alicorn Amulet is an element of disharmony." He glanced around as Nectar gave a questioning glare to him. "I know that because of Trixie, it's very clear it is." Nectar rolled her eyes again, looking around. "Well anyways, I hope we use those two soon. I have the nagging feeling all this talking is wasting time." Francis turned to Scarcity. "Her nagging feelings are usually right, so we should hurry." ====================================================================== Iron Wing shuffled his wings as he walked in, then introducing himself, speaking confidently the entire time. "I am Iron Wind, usually called Iron Wing, for prominent reasons." He extended his somewhat large iron wings, yes they are made of iron, its in the name, the metal clashed a bit, there was a design on them, from when they etched in some enchantments into the metal to make them incredibly light. He folded them back up, not wanting to show off to much. "So I assume the meeting is about the ponies spotted at the Canterlot Garden, correct?" He asked, turning to Screecher.
  3. @reader8363 Probably pretty soon, but I didn't want to rush it since everyone just got in their cells.
  4. Uploaded a new vid:


    Hope you enjoy it.

  5. @Blitz Boom I'm not really one to like thinking ahead, since I tend to also try to jump to the moment I thought ahead to. So, probably not too much thinking ahead. Also, what you suggest is really the only thing I do at all with my characters, I think about how they should respond, and then make them respond that way, while writing the post of course as not to find myself jumping ahead. So it seems I just have to do some more thinking, and consider the situation a bit more while making Iron Wing talk from now on.
  6. @Daybreaker "Oh well I was thinking your attempted overthrow could be used as a basis to overthrow the warden, but that is unlikely since you failed the first time." He said teasing her a bit at the end, he walked over to his bed, then laying down, facing the ceiling. "But I'd assume you'd do it anyways." He said with a quiet snicker.
  7. @Blitz Boom "Showing off? I'm not showing off, I'm just in a rush to gain an advantage over any ponies who could stop me at any moment now." He looked ahead as Athriel did her thing, but as soon as the water approached him, his eyes widened, he put his hooves together making a large shield in front of himself, stabbing it into the sand. Directing the water around himself. "I thought my ocean splitting would've cleared that out." The shield whooshed away, Warlock walking ahead inside. He created a smaller shield in the grasp of his right hoof, walking forward in a battle stance, creating a light in his left stump. "So how do you want to approach this? Slowly, or quickly?" He asked turning around, of course she wouldn't know that he planned to literally just rip the roof off so he could search the rooms by simply looking down at the temple, but that was if she took the quick option. If she chose slowly, well he really had no idea why she'd chose that, so he only had a plan for the quick option. ==================================================================== While it should've occurred earlier, Iron Star realized while hearing them, that he could look for word based descriptions of what it looked like while he was listening to them and their thoughts. "Okay then Chow, here you go." He pulled out a spear, handing it to Chow be the end of the handle. "They are searching for an element right now." He turned over to Astral. "I got an idea of what the location looks like, but since I can only get rough descriptions from their memories, I don't know where it is." "Well, do you know what the place is for? If it holds an element it's likely important." "It was used to worship sirens, and is in an old worn down area. Off the eastern coast of Equestria." Astral nodded as he spoke. "Oh! I can't believe I forgot, but they said it was near by Silver Bay." He pulled his head back, a book wished in front of his face to Astral, it was his map book. She flicked through the pages. Iron Star's ears turned to her as she searched. "You're looking for it aren't you? We can't fight them even with these weapons you know. Mostly because Chow has no-" She looked up from the book. "He has no Warding? I can fix that, don't dodge this by the way Chow." Chow would then find himself with a blast of magic flying towards him from Astral. If he didn't dodge it, it'd cause some fancy lines to appear on his whole body before disappearing, along with giving him warding. If he did dodge it, it'd probably enchant some random object behind him with it, likely a book. She'd likely also be mad if he did dodge it. ==================================================================== "So how do we defeat Warlock then? Athriel is easy with that sure, but Warlock is likely going to be defensive." She pointed to the necklace, the special one that absorbed magic. "Could that help?" She wondered idly if the necklace had a limit, and if Warlock would actually cause it to hit that. "Or is that not an option?" ==================================================================== Iron Wing tried to keep himself from expressing it audibly, but she looked cool with the armor, he nodded after she explained what'd he be doing later. "Yes Mam'." He did his best to sound confident saying that. Hoping a bit he wouldn't be giving orders yet, since he had no idea what he'd say at all, maybe if he payed close attention to Screecher it would allow him to learn without asking too many questions.
  8. @Blitz Boom Since you're doing such a good job playing as a general, do you have any advice for how I can do something similar for Iron Wing?
  9. @Trixie . "Attempted overthrow? Interesting." He snickered, walking back over to his bed. "I think that's something to make use of later." He mumbled, but while escape was another thing to consider, again. He wasn't so sure this time, since he was sent here trying to escape another prison. "I'm in here for a few more things, not exactly enjoyable things either. But since escaping prison is one of them, I don't plan trying to escape again."
  10. @Trixie . Two hours passed, Zealous napped through both. But that nap was shortly interrupted by a guard; "Hey!" Zealous jerked awake, sitting up quickly. "Your time is up in there, I'm taking you to a proper cell now." Zealous smirked, the door opened before he was forcefully taken to the cell. he was thrown down on the floor, turning around to the bars as he stood up. "Well this is definitely better." He looked around, spotting a mare right across from him; Collapse. "Oh hey! What are you in here for?" He asked, putting his hooves on the bars, pressing up against it. "If you don't want to say that's fine with me."
  11. @Pripyat Pony Well, as much as I should turn Glory down because I had a spelling error: "Please note your OC can play as a guard, only as a prisoner" Was supposed to be; "Please note your OC can't play as a guard, only as a prisoner." I might as well allow this, and fix the main post so more players can be the guards. Glory can be new hire at the prison, so the warden would have some doubts on the new guard. If you have another idea, I'd like to hear it. As for Mariposa, you can use her, just hop right in when you feel fit.
  12. @Dmitry Korov You can find it at the top, just a bit of scrolling.
  13. @Dmitry Korov @P-Jay Yeah that's good, you can make your post when ready.
  14. @Dmitry Korov I kinda want to ask why he needs to be a human, as a earth pony it could still work, so why a human? Just wondering.
  15. Main OOC here: You've landed yourself in the Equestrian Prison. We here don't care what crime you committed, just that you are here, and we won't let you leave until your sentence is over. The prison bus comes to a stop, you're dragged out of the bus and to the entrance of the prison, you could run away now, but that would get you shot. The doors open as you're taken into the prison and eventually lead to your cell the guards leave you to your own thing from there. Zealous was very obedient to follow the guard as he found himself in yet another prison he was sent to this unfamiliar place after escaping the last prison but he was sent here, not knowing if the others who escaped with him were sent here too. He couldn't really think of how another escape would help his life sentence. He still had possibility for parole somehow. He looked around and saw some maps on the walls, he made sure to memorize them as they closed him in his solitary cell. "Well, this is great, I wonder how long I will be in here." "2 hours, to teach you a solid les-" The guard stopped talking when he heard Zealous snoring loudly while laying on his 'bed', he was clearly faking that he was sleeping, just to tease the guard, who growled and walked off. "That worked better than I expected." He mumbled to himself, sitting up. "Now what to do while I wait." Zealous shrugged. "Eh, Might as well sleep for real."
  16. @Trixie . Looks great, I might use it, but what is that large white area for?
  17. @reader8363 They both seem alright, so you can start posting when the RP starts.
  18. @Trixie . I don't mind at all if you make a map for it, and yeah she would probably have it taken away from her since it's magical.
  19. @Trixie . Looks great, but she is a unicorn so she will get a magic suppressor, and does that necklace do anything fancy and magical?
  20. @reader8363 You can join the rebooted one, or at least drop the character submission sheet there. Same for you @Dmitry Korov just repost your submission sheet Here: I'll get to work on the main RP soon.
  21. (Image made by @Randimaxis) Main RP link: You've landed yourself in the Equestrian Prison. We here don't care what crime or how many you have committed, just that you are here, and we won't let you leave until your sentence is over, or at least until you get parole. Yes I have already made this before, but that RP died, I'll be sure to keep this rebooted version alive and different in at least a few ways. Any ideas for some changes are welcome. Keep in mind this is about life in prison, not about escaping it. Rules for the RP: Every rule for the RP section counts, find them here: https://mlpforums.co...les-start-here/ Such as: No NSFW No Godmodding, consult players here in the OOC before trying anything with their OCs. If you're OC is a unicorn or can use magic (of any form) they will have a magic suppressor when they enter the prison. This will be to prevent people from just having their OC teleport/walk out of the prison. You're OC can still be a unicorn despite this, just remember this rule. If you want to control a guard for a post, ask me first. You can leave this rp by escaping the prison to have an epic exit, or your character gets a parole, or their sentence ends. All of these options have to be discussed with me so I can make sure the guards won't try too hard to stop you from leaving. If you want to just escape the prison without leaving the RP, you can't. This is an RP about being a prisoner in a prison, escaping without leaving the RP would ruin that purpose. So here is the layout really basic design, but it's pretty much all I could think to add: If anyone has ideas for what should be changed or added to the layout, or if you can make a cooler design, just mention it below. Make sure you use this submission sheet to enter as a prisoner; If you want to be a guard, use this submission sheet:
  22. @Pripyat Pony Seems I'll start a new RP then, I'll link to it here so newcomers can go over there.
  23. @Pripyat Pony Well I'll need advice on where to start if I did make a new one.
  24. @Blitz Boom Warlock smirked, it was funny to see her under the water. While he had another idea, he was unsure if he should undo the work she did. "I have a different idea, and unlike you my magic hasn't suffered as much." He floated up, standing on one leg, seeming to angle his other one backwards. He lifted his stump up, pointing it to the ocean. He took the other hoof, placing it where the hoof of the other leg would be if it was there. "I think it's going to be quite fun." He looked at Athriel. "No need for gills or swimming unfortunately for you, and considering this place is deserted it'll be much easier for me to do this without drawing attention." He drew his hooves apart, splitting a section of the ocean open, but only enough to reveal the temple. "Now we can walk in." He said, floating down from the beach. "Like I said, no need for the gills." He rose a hoof to the lifted waters around them, floating some water around her neck, so she could breath until she removed the gills. "But that'll help as you remove them." ========================================================================= Iron Star looked to Chow, listening to all that. "Well to be entirely honest, I can't see what I don't look for." He said with a soft chuckle. "But at least you got that off your chest." He looked over to Astral as she walked in. "But you should talk to her at some point." When things went through their process, Astral sat down on the bed, taking a moment to listen to what Chow said to her. "Yeah." She chuckled. "But I can't have a gang of misfits helping with defeating a being as powerful as Warlock, when none of us can actually use magic well enough, Chow only knows blood magic but not much of it, Iron Star is blinded, Misty is young and inexperienced and I am young and inexperienced too." Misty put a hoof on her shoulder, she took it away, approaching Chow. "But we can teach him to do magic..." "I have some magic books here, you two should read them, avoid reading the dark magic books. Only I know how to balance magic properly." Astral nodded, "Misty, you too." He turned his head to her. "I'll try to make sure my curiosity doesn't get the best of me." She said, nodding her head. "Do we have enough time though?" Iron Star looked up, listening to Athriel and Warlock. "Not much by the sounds of it, but I can give you a boost." He put his hooves in front of him, drawing a transmutation circle in the air. Pulling a physical sword out of it, seeming to have enchantments already on it. Astral looked at him shocked. "This disables warding while also cutting, but to be safe it only does it nearby the area being cut. Before letting the warding reenable in the area." He handed the sword over to Astral. "How did you do that? You can't see." "I memorized how to draw the spell." He looked to Chow. "So what weapon are you most experienced with? Just think of it and pull it out of the transmutation circle, should come with the enchantment I used by default." He looked down to Misty. "How about you try?" Misty pulled out a small dagger, with similar enchantments, she jabbed it at the air. "I think this is what ponies call overpowered." "Not really overpowered, I have to exchange my magical energy for this, which I have an abundance of." He took off the bandage around his eyes, he pulled out a bandana from the transmutation circle, putting it on his head, covering his eyes with it. He stood up, walking over to Chow "Chow, If you want to insist on us being a gang of heroes, we can get started." He said patting Chow's shoulder, turning around. "So, just pull out a weapon." ========================================================================= Nectar walked carefully. Very carefully. She was very cautious not to trip and wires and get herself hurt. But now that she heard the bag kept the necklace from feeding, she allowed Francis to walk a bit further away from her. "I'm not entirely sure what we are looking for in here." She looked around, almost trying to guess what it is. "But considering how secure this place is, I'd guess it is magic, and very powerful." ========================================================================= Iron Wing listened carefully, but he got a tad bit nervous when she brought up him giving orders, his position as an ordinary guard wasn't that too long ago. But it seemed he only had to do that if he had a better idea, which he didn't. "Well, I can't really think of any way to do it better." He rubbed the back of his head with a hoof, smiling sheepishly. "So we can continue with the way the guards are spread out until they are captured." He explained pointing down to the battle plans.
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