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Everything posted by FanOfManyShows

  1. I haven't made vector art for a very long time, but I also haven't ever drawn an image in one program, and then vectored it in inscape. Which I did here; The process I used is simple, I took this image: And drew over it in medibang pro, and then exported the result as a png. I then drew over it in inkscape. And Voila! Final image. For those curious, this is the image before it was vectored: This might not look good, but keep in mind this wasn't intended to be the final result. The final image looks rather decent to me, for my first try at this technique but being the artist of the image, that might be narcissistic of me to say, and because this is my first go at this, I'd like to know ways to improve from it so critique is welcome.
  2. @@Blitz Boom, Misty chuckled a bit when Chow spoke. "You might be right about that, as we search, I'm sure we'll find other books which mention black magic." She said it like she was unsure, because she hadn't heard Astral refer to dark magic, as 'black magic' before. Astral looked through the boxes, each time she opened one, the tape had no sign of ripped cardboard stuck to it. "Since that one though, I'm seriously regretting not labeling these." Misty looked to Astral. "How'd we even forget that?" Astral shrugged. "Dunno." She looked at the boxes, a quick see-through spell would allow her to see through the boxes, and see their content and maybe an additional writing spell.... She decided later would be a good time to do the combination of spells. "I can label them later though." She said, placing another box on the floor, checking it, like the others. She didn't find anything that important except more potions, it did lead her to realize most of the boxes had magic stuff. It was surprising the guards didn't look into them too much. Misty walked outside one more time, looking at the sky, trying to check the time. "I think this might take so long, that the tour will have to wait until tomorrow." Astral walked over to Misty. "I don't think it matters." She picked another box of the wagon. "Although this would go quicker if I used my telekinesis." She whispered to herself, she looked around the house,seeing the openness of the area around them. "Which could only be possible back at my other house." She placed it inside, she thought up something as she opened it. That see through spell could be done now, so only she could see through them, but that'd allow her to see through more than just boxes. She shook her head, trying to shake the idea with that in consideration. "If you want to take that bet Chow, I'm in. Might keep me quiet just to win that bet."
  3. @@Blitz Boom, Misty approached the box, she waved a hoof over the lid, opening it with magic, she was inside, so she knew it was safe to do. She smiled at this accomplishment, but the smiled disappeared when she spotted the contents. "Astral, I don't think all the dark magic books got put in the bag." Astral walked over to the box, seeing its contents. "But they checked the wagon, so would would they miss it?" Misty looked up at Astral. "Might've just been luck?" "Heh." She snickered a bit. "There's no such thing as luck, so it might be that guards are as stupid as they are said to be." Misty giggled, looking at the books. "What's in these ones though?" "They talk about dark magic creatures, and sorcerers." Misty looked at Astral curiously. "Yes, sorcerers use dark magic from time to time." She grinned slightly, looking down at the book. "Kinda like I have." Misty picked the box up. "Are all of them about creatures and sorcerers, right?" "Yeah, but you shouldn't read it at your age. It can cause paranoia." She levitated the book away from Misty's hooves, into her own, she also levitated the box away out of her grasp, Misty didn't resist this very much, knowing resisting telekinesis holds barely any effect, especially Astrals. "I'll put this away downstairs, you keep out of it." Astral said, looking at both Misty, and Chow. The box closed mysteriously, no hoof movements or anything. "Fine..." Misty said, secretly having the intention of binge-reading the book during the night. Her curiosity was too strong to resist the idea. Astral put the box down in the basement, wondering what could be in those books as well, but deciding to leave that for tomorrow, after the tour. "Might take us a few hours to get it all in. Don't know if we can come up with things to talk about during that." Astral said as she walked up the stairs of the basement. "It's not like we need to talk Astral." Misty said turning her head to Astral. "I'm sure Chow's fine with a few hours of silence as we carry in boxes." Misty opened the box@@Seamore Sandwich, Francis blanked, he had only one favorite food, being a changeling and all, it was love. He couldn't just say. Excuses were the answer, as usual. But instead, he went to listing foods he ate, with his muzzle. "Hay burgers, all the flavors of chocolate, and all the flavors of ice cream, milk... Lots of things, I can't usually pick favorites though." He looked around the store. "Sweet things are another of mine, I just can't really say what I wouldn't like here. Maybe if you give out samples?" He asked, looking to her.
  4. This style: I wish they had her keep it for the rest of the episode.
  5. @@Tangle, If you want to think up a good color scheme, look at actual deer. Pictures of deer would be ideal, as real deer are hard to come by.
  6. @@Blitz Boom, Astral smiled at his little joke. "You're right about that." She held her necklace. "Things tend to make a mark, literally, and figuratively." She let go of the necklace, letting it dangle from it's hold. Misty nodded. "Definitely true in his case." She said jerking her head towards Chow. "Anyways, we have boxes you carry in." She said, walking back outside. "That'd be more productive than standing around and asking questions about each other." Astral smiled at Misty. "True." She followed Misty outside, standing next to the wagon. "Perhaps you could check the boxes too, I'll need the help." She looked to Chow. "You too. Simply open the box, if the stuff inside is books or potions, it goes downstairs. Anything else, check with me." "He should check anyways actually, no matter what the contents are." Astral shrugged, with a nod. "That works too."
  7. @@Blitz Boom, Astral looked at Chow's scars, they weren't something she paid much attention to as of late. "Did you ever think of healing those, after you discovered magic?" She asked, lifting a hoof up to her chest, holding it there as red magic floated around it zapping her hoof a bit, healing the cracks in her hooves, ones created from the walk to Canterlot. "Or did your experiences with magic prevent you from wanting to do that?" She asked putting her hoof down as the magic dissipated. Misty looked to Astral. "We really don't need to be told why" She said putting a box down near Astral. "We know his experiences, I'm sure he doesn't have to explain himself any further." Astral picked up the box with her two hooves. "I get that, but if he wants to explain himself, he can just say yes or no. Nothing else required." Misty nodded a bit. "I guess that's true, at least that'd spare us from a depressing conversation." @@Seamore Sandwich, "Oh... didn't really pay much attention to the other candy" He looked around, eventually landing his eyes back on Blossom. "Seems there's a lot more here that's not chocolate." He chuckled a bit. "That's me being stupid again I guess." He reached around himself, seemingly pulling a bag out of nowhere. "Now, to make sure I don't forget..." He holds it with one of his hooves, the bag being filled with bits, which he'd use to buy some of the candy with. "Which one of these would you say is the best?" He asked, pointing to a box of chocolate. "Any other candy would be fine with me too."
  8. @@Blitz Boom, Misty smirked looking at Chow's mane, while it still wasn't much to work with. She could mess it up. "I'm sure I'll make use of your option." She walked back out and over to the wagon, she carried another box in. Along with Astral who looked around, uncertain what could give her solitude, her face showed her embarrassment from earlier. She placed the box on the floor of the house, sitting down next to it. Opening the box with some sneaky magic, she looked inside, checking what the box contained. "Misty, if you bring me the boxes, I can check if they should go upstairs. Or downstairs." Misty nodded, placing a box in front of Astral. "Sounds like a good idea." Astral stood up, carrying the box over to the basement. "It's really empty down here." She mumbled to herself as she placed the box on the floor. She walked back upstairs. The door closing behind her. "Oh right, I had forgotten it closes after a while." She walked into the main room, she opened the box Misty had carried in previously, checking it as well. "This can go upstairs." She said, with a bit of mumble, while carrying the box upstairs. Misty turned to Chow. "Where did you get all those scars?" She asked, prodding one of them. "Was it the griffons?"
  9. @@Blue cheese, I've read some books to learn more spells, and have re-read a few of them. I read all her books myself as well, and I've read some fiction as well.
  10. @@cwhip9, "That's neat, although I've never heard of Manity before." Misty said while loading up her game to continue it. "But I'm sure it's a real place, Astral might have mentioned it to me before." She put the headphones back on, and continued her game. Francis turned to Misty and nodded in agreement. "I haven't heard of if either, Is it nice in manity?" He asked turning his head back to Kickstarter.
  11. @@Blitz Boom, Misty looked to Chow, raising an eyebrow. "Seriously, I don't know what'd I'd do if you messed it up. Probably something horrible." She looked at Chow's mane, you could see her intention. But she couldn't figure out how she could mess it up in a way Chow wouldn't like. It was already messed up as it was. Misty spent a good long while figuring out what she could do to him. Astral looked out the door as Misty thought. "Hang on..." She face hoofed with a hefty sigh, realizing she should waited until they were done unpacking with how filled the wagon was. Although that'd make Misty mad because then she'd woken Misty up for no reason. "I need to make sure nopony steals our stuff." She walked forward, the fact she was outside, and ponies could see her, meant she couldn't use magic. She mumbled under her breath. "Shoot." She knew a spell book would contain something on protecting an- "A warding spell!" She mumbled, she pulled out chalk, seemingly out of nowhere, as ponies do. And started drawing a shape underneath the wagon, so nopony could see it. She finished, standing up, swiping the chalk off her hooves. She gave the wagon a good long look, making sure the spell protected everything. "That should do..." Misty didn't step out far the door, before she spoke reason; "Astral... You're impatient aren't you?" She asked, almost knowing the answer. She turned to Misty. "What do you mean?" She asked confused. Misty scoffed. "We haven't even finished unpacking, and you want to go!" She said, standing on her back hooves, gesturing her front hooves towards the wagon. Astral rubbed her face down with a hoof. "I know! Although as soon as I realized that it'd make waking you up pointless." "I could've helped carry in the stuff being awake, I still would." She put her hooves down, walking over to the wagon harness. "If the tour is that important, Chow might as well carry this wi-" "Good idea!" Misty's hoof audibly collided with her face. "That was sarcasm Astral, well it would've been had you not interrupted me." She picked a considerably large box up, carrying it inside on her back. Some how balancing it there. "Anyhow... Chow better not have prepared to much for a tour other wise we'd have to do it." She turned to Astral. "Actually, thinking of it. It's not a good sign when I am the voice of reason, especially since I'm exactly 9 years younger than you." She said with a concerned look and tone. "Aren't zebras normally-" Misty politely put a hoof up, cutting Astral off. "Don't point to zebras being born wise and smart. I'm serious, it's not a good sign for you."
  12. @@Blitz Boom, Misty's ears perked at the mention of spiders, she hid behind Astral. "Spiders!?" Astral chuckled lightly, she turned her head to Misty. "He's just joking." Misty walked out from hiding. "Oh yeah, I hope." She went from terrified to almost angry at Chow, when he mentioned possibly wanting to mess her braid up. "You better not mess my braid up up." Her eyes started intently at Chow, turning away to Astral with a smile. "Did we have a mirror? I'd like to look at the braid through one." Astral walked to a box, swiping her hoof to the right, the top untapping itself and the box unfolding. "Here." she levitated the mirror over it Misty. Misty grabbed the mirror with her hooves, looking at her braid. "You did a great job." "Thanks." Misty looked at Astral, who was now blushing, with a chuckle. She looked back at the mirror, with glowed grey as it started to float above her hooves. "Woah." Her eyes grew in happiness, she let the mirror fall into her hooves but not with much force. She walked it over to Astral, who looked confused at Misty. "What were you doing?" Astral asked putting the mirror back into the box, folding the box shut. Misty looked up to her. "I levitated the limbs of my plushie often, so I tried levitation briefly on that mirror." Astral chuckled lightly. "Nice to see you're developing those magic skills." She reached a hoof over, and scratched Misty's mane. But making sure the braid stayed intact with a little levitation. Misty was laughing during it. "Anyways.." She let Misty away, turning to Chow. "Don't mess the braid up, I put a lot of work and magic into it." She walked over to Chow, standing behind him at the door. "So what will our first stop be?" @@Seamore Sandwich, Francis followed Penny to the front counter. Surprised when Penny suddenly vanished. Looking at the unicorn, nervous. "Uh, hi." He said waving his hoof at her. He put it down, letting out a sigh. "I was brought here so I could get some chocolate, I think." He glanced around the shop. "Although looking at it, that's the only thing that's sold here. So, how much would it be for a box?"
  13. 2017 has turned into my year of: "Getting stuff done"

  14. @@Blitz Boom, Astral nodded. "I still have my father though, Misty might not be able to handle it." She glanced up the stairs, wondering why Misty was still up there, deciding Misty might have just fallen asleep. "I'll have to get Misty before we go on a tour." She wandered up the stairs, and down the halls, spotting a door slightly open, she peeked inside. Seeing Misty laying on the bed, cuddling the plushie tightly. Astral tilted her head. "Aw..." She wondered what Misty was dreaming of. Slightly wanting to enter Misty's dream, but she decided against it, Since she had no idea how. "Misty." Misty jerked awake. "Yeah?" She looked to Astral, really tired. "I was sleeping." Astral shrugged. "I saw that, you were cute." Misty blushed lightly, with a frustrated look. "Chow suggested we go on a tour with him around Canterlot, I was waking you up so you could go." "Oh, well that's nice of him." Misty climbed up and off the bed. "Can you fix my braid?" Astral walked over. "Sure." She moved her hooves around Misty's mane, as the hair floated around into a braid. "How did you do this originally?" She asked stepping away from the braid. Misty turned to Astral. "I did it, I thought I mentioned that." Astral sat down. "Oh right, you did mention it." She stood back up, waving a hoof out the door. "Come on, Chow's waiting for us." Misty and Astral made their way down stairs, Misty went down first, looking at Chow. Her new braid laying on her shoulder. "Where do you plan to take us on the tour?"
  15. @@Blitz Boom, Astral almost looked confused at Chow at his first statement. "I wouldn't ever gnaw on me, I don't know about yours, but that house; it had the wrong memories, I wouldn't want to hold onto it." She had carried in another box by the time she had finished that sentence. Hearing Chow's suggestion of a tour, her ears perking. "You sure about leading a tour? You haven't been here in... well you know how long, are you sure the city hasn't changed?" @@Seamore Sandwich, He definitely enjoyed the feeling the chocolate gave him, He smiled, because of the chocolate, and Penny's suggestion. "A chance to get chocolate? I would take that." He picked the chocolate out of the air, eating it. Then following her into the store, which lead to him letting out a surprised; "Wow." He almost started to drool, but tried his best not to, since that'd be rude. He did lick his lips though. He turned his head to Penny. "What got you into the chocolate business?"
  16. @@Blitz Boom, Astral looked to Chow as she carried another box in. "Well..." She paused, realizing she hadn't considered it. "I don't know, I hadn't thought over it much." She looked down leaning on a box. "I didn't hold to much sentimental value there." She looked up to Chow. "Don't worry about it too much, this house is way better than a tree."
  17. @@Blitz Boom, Astral blushed when he teased her, she turned her head, her mane barely covering up her blush. She batted a hoof at Chow. "I don't mind, you can give us the occasional visit." She walked over to Chow. "Don't want your business to get me in trouble either." She walked past him, grabbing one of the boxes she had stacked, and carried it in, then to the basement, almost as if she knew there were magic books in it. She walked back up, over to Chow again. "Perhaps you could help with the boxes?" She asked walking past him. "I know you could, since you did at my literal tree house." She said while carrying another box in.
  18. @@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal smiled. "I'll be sure to tell my friends, and fans." She levitated 42 bits, placing them on the counter. "Might even mention it in my next book." She said with a smile, walking to the door, briefly turning around. "And I didn't mind the jokes, they were funny." She turned around, leaving through the door.
  19. @@Blitz Boom, Astral looked at Chow. "Well I had checked earlier, the rooms are rather empty." She said approaching the stairs. "Misty, why don't you help carry your stuff upstairs?" Misty walked up to Astral, holding the Twilight Sparkle plushie. "I got that dealt with." She said walking past Astral and upstairs. "Oh..." Astral was then struck with another realization a she looked to Misty, Misty did not have much stuff. "Soo Chow, are you planning to live here with us. Or do you got other ideas?" She asked turning her head to Chow, Misty's ear turning to Astral saying that as she went up the stairs. Misty was now upstairs, trying to find a small room, as she didn't need anything overly large for herself. Coming across a nice and small one. And a large one, seemed Astral may end up using it, would even fit another pony, she chuckled at the thought that came to mind. "Heh, nah. They aren't in love." She wandered to the smaller room, landing backwards onto the bed, letting the plushie land next to her. She rolled over to the plushie. "Although... That doesn't meant they can't end up in love." She shrugged rolling over to look at the ceiling. "Shouldn't assume if they do, we're just friends anyways. I'm sure of that." She reached over, pulling the plushie over to herself as she laid there, she found the bed rather comfy, and eventually fell asleep.
  20. @@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal's ears perked up, she smiled lightly. Now in a mood that was more often seen in public. A mood that made her feel like writing right now. Perhaps a short story that took place here. She finished up her pie, with another scoop of it with her fork. She pushed the plate forward, standing up. "Well, like I said. I prefer leaving a conversation on a good note." She opened her satchel, one that probably wasn't noticed until now. She put some bits on the counter, then realizing an important question. "Oh!" She took out her bit bag. "What's the bill for the food?" She asked levitating the bit bag, ready to remove the bits needed to pay.
  21. @@Seamore Sandwich,@@Blitz Boom, "Well, I always go for a free sample when it's available." He picked up a chocolate. "Especially for chocolate." He said examining the chocolate before tossing it in his mouth, making sure he ate it before it melted. "Mmmm.... They are good." His ears perked up as he said that. "Wait, the boxes are 12 bits right?" He asked, pointing at a box. "I know this pony is probably buying them all from you, but just asking. For later, when I come here again."
  22. @@asdfmovienerd39, @@BrineBlade, Crystal let out a groan, not at Deadpan's joke, but when the pony laughed at it, rubbing her face with a hoof, dragging it down her muzzle in a drawn out facehoof. "Great, I'm the only one here who doesn't like your jokes." She said with a very disappointed tone. "Not to dismiss the fact that was kind of funny." She said, with a giggle, not a lie though, she did find it funny. She poked her pie, her ear turning at the other customer as he spoke. "The hay burgers are good here." She put a piece of the pie in her mouth, chewing it thoroughly, making sure she had none in her mouth when she continued speaking. "And the pie too, most of their food is good actually."
  23. @@Blitz Boom, Astral looked to Chow. "It's not going to help saying that, I almost killed a creature for no reason." She picked up a box, carrying it. It was rather large, Astral levitating it secretly to make lifting it easier. "Sure I was just protecting Misty, but that doesn't make it better." She walked into the house, placing the box down on the floor of the living room. "My mother was never willing to kill a pony, unless absolutely necessary." She looked to Chow. "I think it's time I follow in her hoof steps." She grabbed her necklace lightly. Misty walked in with a box in the hold of her hooves. "Please don't get depressed over her again." She said placing the box on top of Astral's. "We don't need another weeping session." She walked over, looking up at Chow. "Someday, I'm going to be tall enough to mess with your mane." She held her braided mane. "And get you back for ruining my braid." Astral looked at Misty's mane, the braid barely holding together. "Oh yeah, I liked that braid. Who did it?" Misty looked at Astral. "It was me, took some minor levitation." She whispered the bit about levitation, before walking outside. Astral followed Misty, going to the wagon to pile up some boxes, and carry them inside. Possibly drawing eyes to her, since there was no sign of muscle on her, at all. Yet she was carrying five boxes, she placed them at the door, carrying them into the living room one at a time. "Oh shoot." She placed one down, turning to Chow. "I just realized." She paused for a moment, combing her mane with her hoof. "I don't think we brought anything to sleep on."
  24. @@Blitz Boom, Misty floated down. "Clearly, you've never lost your entire species to them." Misty mumbled with a growl. Not even considering Chow's words. She held that fact close to herself. She would judge every changeling from that, maybe she should hold back on responses until she got answers. Astral's hoofs poured dark magic, which started to turn a different color than black; Blue, which was Astral's hereditary aura color. "He..." She looked at Chow as the magic from her hooves dying down, her gem glowing again, as it had completely stopped when she used dark magic. "He cried at our shouting." She put her hoof down. "We attacked first." She let a tear flow down her face, the gem on her necklace glowed brightly, turning a blue-ish color, now resembling the color of a sapphire. She calmly walked outside, as the door was still open. "Come on Misty, let's bring in our stuff." She spoke with barely any emotion, other than regret. Throughout this, her gem had completely changed color, looking like a sapphire. Misty followed Astral, giving her necklace occasional glances. Wondering if she accidentally transmuted it, rolling her eyes at the idea. "Sure, I'm going to need something to do after that mess." She looked at Chow. "Maybe I'll look into changing my view on changelings. But my experiences will make that difficult." She explained, leaving the house to the wagon.
  25. Another one of my videos has hit 1k, yay!

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