Various games that you might or might not know even exist, ie: Realm of the Mad God. am also interested in programming, Piano and wanna learn how to play the Violin and Cello.
1.13 transfer thread was recently posted, so hopefully things will rly start to pick back up when the new survival world is back! (not that any date has been announced yet)
ello, this is sonichailfire (nick is Gira_Kaninami)
I would like to transfer my house. the higher red wool is X: -6457 Y:108 Z: -7145
Edit: on the subject of heads: so far i think i know of 5 or 6 heads i wanna try and keep:
1: Latias 2: Glaceon 3: My Head 4 Rainbow Quartz 5: my Scribbler Plushie 6 my... Special Umbreon Head 7: my Master Ball 8: Pink Ore 9: Espeon
2nd Edit: ok so seeing as Christmas is coming kinda soon-ish, i think i'll also request keeping
10: my Snow Globe
ello this is sonichailfire here i would like to move over my old fort
the old cords are -184 63 5309 and the other corner is -154 74 5282
the new cords will be -40476 62 49383 and the other corner will be -40498 72 49422