Hello, this will be my first post on this site, I hope I will get to post more. As I try and open up to people which has been quite difficult for me. This thread isn't about that though.
I'd like to introduce you to the videos I make, PMVs spceifically, they are my big passion, especially lately. On my YouTube channel I have been making them for 3-4 years now. Which is quite crazy. I always used these videos to vent out my various of feelings which were hard to get out of my system in any other way. I still hope the videos can be more than just vent videos and be simply good PMVs, hopefully!
I make my videos in Sony Vegas 13, some combine Adobe After Effects with it which I recently stopped using, I may get back to it at some point.
I'd like to share the PMVs I've been the most proud of.
(This PMV below contains a lot of explicit language (songs used) and perhaps not so pretty implications, just footage from the show being used still, but be aware of this nevertheless)
All these three PMVs follow a certain narrative, even though I'd like to think the first PMV is unrelated to the rest, meanwhile the two remaining PMVs are directly connected, all these PMVs came from my own personal feelings, because of this they can get rather dark, which I will admit. I think the first PMV I've shared is probably best video I've made throughout all those years, but who knows, maybe that will change one day. The other two are pretty dark videos, but they greatly help me out whenever I am feeling rather "meh" as you would say.
Anyway, I am happy to be here and I hope I will stay around and I hope you will enjoy what my channel has to offer, thank you for reading this through and also thank you for giving my PMVs a chance. Feedback is appreciated!