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Status Replies posted by Bronyfordays

  1. So I was playin Darksouls 2 today and I decided to try and fight The Old Dragon Slayer. He's the hardest boss I've had to fight so far. I've played him multiple times and the closest I've gotten was half health on him. So today I decided that I didn't love myself, and wanted to break the T.V. and I went and fought him. On my first try I take down 80% of his health without getting hit, then I got hit twice, somehow had enough time to drink and Estus Flask, then killed him. At around 60% of his health, I was scared that some B.S. was gonna happen and he'd kill me but he didn't. I beat him. My heart was racing, me knees were weak, my arms heavy. There was vomit on my sweater already...mom's spaghetti. (Those who don't listen to Eminem or don't watch memes won't get that reference). Anyways. After that I fight I felt like passing out from joy. I have no clue how I did what I did, but I'd love it to happen with every boss in this game...apart from dying 1000 times before I get that sweet attempt. I also went to see Ant-Man and The Wasp today. (Don't worry no spoilers) It was great. The fighting was awesome, the special effects were beautiful, the acting was really good, and the comedy was hilarious. So how was yall's day? :muffins:

    1. Bronyfordays


      Hey! I'm good! I still have to see the new Antman. And I actually recently just started playing Dark Souls 3, I think it took like 8 tries to beat the first boss, lol.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hello everypony. How are yall today? I'm pretty good. I went to the dentist today and got my teeth cleaned. Weirdly enough, I had no cavities even though since my last appointment I've brushed my teeth very little. Anyways the dentist told me that I can keep coming back to this dentist until I'm 21. Which is weird because this is a child's dentist. It's going to be very awkward you know me being an adult by myself in a dentist office for kids. I don't care what anyone says, that looks very weird and it makes me uncomfortable. I'm probably going to have my sister or someone come a long with me so it doesn't look like I'm a creeper. How've yall been? :muffins:

    1. Bronyfordays


      I'm good thanks! Yeah. that's a odd. I go to an adult dentist now.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. So I lost a friend today, and the worst part is, I don't know what I did wrong...

    1. Bronyfordays


      Actually, the something similar happened to me a while back. Two of my friends started to hate each other as time went on. Naively, I tried to resolve it. But in the end it didn't work out.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. 8243f655-4b84-4d38-9a97-b2bb982ba188.png.b7446f6775fd075c045f7985626410d6.png

    Happy 4th of July!

    1. Bronyfordays


      My favorite of his songs is You're Free To Do Whatever You Want To.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. So I lost a friend today, and the worst part is, I don't know what I did wrong...

  6. Today i realized that i don't feel good in parties. And that made me question my plan to make a big party at my 18th birthday ._.

    1. Bronyfordays


      I'm the same way, I'm terrible when it comes to parties.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Just told my g-ma about how I'm not motivated to go into the Military anymore and she took it surprisingly well. She's still pushing me to go into it but I told her my plans and she actually thought it was a good idea, and said that I should still try to get my motivation back (which I agree with). So that went a lot better than I thought it would. How've yall been?

  8. Just told my g-ma about how I'm not motivated to go into the Military anymore and she took it surprisingly well. She's still pushing me to go into it but I told her my plans and she actually thought it was a good idea, and said that I should still try to get my motivation back (which I agree with). So that went a lot better than I thought it would. How've yall been?

    1. Bronyfordays


      That's good! I've been good, hot, but good.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. I got to thinking and I realized that I no longer want to join the military. The HIGH standards that they have is too much on my mind. Instead I want to go to college and get a bachelors degree in Computer Information Systems then go on to work at a computer company. I don't know how my g-ma is going to react, because she's always telling me the benefits of joining the military. Another reason I've decided that I don't want to go is because I've lost all motivation. I forget who told me but somepony told me that if I'm not 100% about joining the military, then I shouldn't join the military because it will be more than likely a bad time. (Now to end on a lighter note) Also I started the Big Bang Theory tonight and it is absolutaly hilarious. How've yall been? :muffins:

    1. Bronyfordays


      Oh sweet, you're gonna like it. Also, I double checked and I'm on Season 3 not 2. Don't know how I screwed that up...

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  10. Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. I got to thinking and I realized that I no longer want to join the military. The HIGH standards that they have is too much on my mind. Instead I want to go to college and get a bachelors degree in Computer Information Systems then go on to work at a computer company. I don't know how my g-ma is going to react, because she's always telling me the benefits of joining the military. Another reason I've decided that I don't want to go is because I've lost all motivation. I forget who told me but somepony told me that if I'm not 100% about joining the military, then I shouldn't join the military because it will be more than likely a bad time. (Now to end on a lighter note) Also I started the Big Bang Theory tonight and it is absolutaly hilarious. How've yall been? :muffins:

    1. Bronyfordays


      Haha yeah. What season are you on? I'm like halfway through season 2. Which I know isn't that far.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  11. Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. I got to thinking and I realized that I no longer want to join the military. The HIGH standards that they have is too much on my mind. Instead I want to go to college and get a bachelors degree in Computer Information Systems then go on to work at a computer company. I don't know how my g-ma is going to react, because she's always telling me the benefits of joining the military. Another reason I've decided that I don't want to go is because I've lost all motivation. I forget who told me but somepony told me that if I'm not 100% about joining the military, then I shouldn't join the military because it will be more than likely a bad time. (Now to end on a lighter note) Also I started the Big Bang Theory tonight and it is absolutaly hilarious. How've yall been? :muffins:

  12. Considering streaming again after it's been a while; a KH marathon over the warm season to build up to Kingdom Hearts 3 this January.

    1. Bronyfordays


      Sounds like something I'd watch. Not the entire stream, I don't normally stay for the whole stream.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. I got to thinking and I realized that I no longer want to join the military. The HIGH standards that they have is too much on my mind. Instead I want to go to college and get a bachelors degree in Computer Information Systems then go on to work at a computer company. I don't know how my g-ma is going to react, because she's always telling me the benefits of joining the military. Another reason I've decided that I don't want to go is because I've lost all motivation. I forget who told me but somepony told me that if I'm not 100% about joining the military, then I shouldn't join the military because it will be more than likely a bad time. (Now to end on a lighter note) Also I started the Big Bang Theory tonight and it is absolutaly hilarious. How've yall been? :muffins:

    1. Bronyfordays


      At least you have a plan for the future! That's definitely good. Also, I love Big Bang Theory too!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  14. Well time to vote again! :D

    Which picture do you like the most? :3









    1. Bronyfordays


      I can't choose! They're all good! But I guess #2.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. I will be gone to a music festival in Bratislava next week, and every concert we'll do with the orchestra will livestreamed ^^

    If you want to check us out, you can watch the live stream here


    You can watch the orchestra at Thursday 7 PM CET, Friday 7PM CET and Saturday 11 AM CET :3

    We will be the string orchestra with red shirts from Hungary ^^

    1. Bronyfordays


      Have fun! Break a leg! I mean metaphorically of course...but you probably knew that...I'm just gonna go.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. *Is bored but has cleaning to do which makes life fun* :D 


    1. Bronyfordays


      *looks at disaster of a room...* "Sounds like a plan!"

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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