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Posts posted by genessee

  1. Go to the OOC if you wish to join, when we get enough characters then it will be open.


    There's your OOC for you!


    Welcome to the house, a horrifying sight to be seen. It contains secrets, frights and lore, what more could a an adventure-seeking pony want? You haven been dared by the neighborhood bully, Qwerty, to go inside the local abandoned house and stay there all night on Halloween. You have accepted, unknowing to what awaits you inside this house of horrors.


    A few notes:

    Please follow the global rules at all times.

    You can always quit the roleplay by saying in the roleplay thread 'I have left The House'.

    Use the OOC chat for out of character talking, please.

    There will be very few late joiners, you have to be able to work it in, and I will not like to have ten people join halfway through the roleplay.

    There can be some drama, but nothing crazy like murder.

    No pony will perish in this roleplay, it's supposed to be fun, not hunger games.

    I'd like it if we'd keep the age limit for lowest is 10, please. No foals in this roleplay.

    Have fun!

  2. Every year in Noncannon, young ponies often dare each other to explore what they call 'The House', an old abandoned mansion at the top of Change Lane, on the big hill near the cemetery. It's perfect bait for a few teens to wait and scare some foals passing by for the trick-or-treating. Nopony, however, has been willing to go inside. They say there is a horrifying secret in the house, and anyone who lays eyes on it will never be the same. On Hallows' Eve, you and your buddies have been dared to prove yourselves by the neighborhood bully, Qwerty, to spend the night in the house. Will you accept the challenge and go on and find this horrible secret? Or will you go in, and never come out, becoming a simple legend told to scare foals to not go in... 'The House'.


    (This roleplay is supposed to be a scary one, for halloween's sake)


    Roleplay Thread




    Lance - genessee

    Kyubi - Acnologia (Apologies if I misspelled.)

    Maia and Dawn - Drago Ryder

    Thrillseeker - Yoshi89


    Other notes

    I'd like ages to be over 10, but I'm flexible with ages.

    The RP will open soon!

  3. Prologue

    Once in the land of Noncannon, in the days of old, there was a pit. This pit was used by gladiators world round to show their skill against horrifying beasts from the deepest caves to the highest clouds. Originally, this pit was used to fight Gladiator versus Gladiator, but the spectators were too kindhearted to watch a pony perish for their entertainment. A new gladiator, named Copper Heart, was joining his family business of fighting great beasts for fame and fortune, as his father did, because his father was the great Golden Hooves, a warrior known country-round for his devastating golden boots. In a stunt gone wrong, Golden Hooves was severely injured, and was unable to fight anymore. The public had waited for his son to rise up, and this, Copper Heart had a hufe weight on his shoulders. Thus, we begin our tale.


    Chapter 1

    Copper Heart hacked away at the dummy with his bronze sword as if it was fruits he had prepared for supper. "Dad, how much longer?" He whined. His father, the great Golden Hooves, glanced up from his textbook and snorted, "Not until you get it right, Copper," Before Copper could complain, He added, "You are a gladiator, not a bloody changeling. You don't fight head on against these beasts, they'd take you out on the spot. You use a stance, like this." Golden struck a heroic pose, textbook as a shield, and he snatched up a nearby stick to use as a weapon. "Dad, you don't look nearly as heroic when you're sitting," Copper remarked smugly. Golden dropped the stick and shot a steely gaze at his son. "Training's over. Go to your room." "But--" Copper started. "NOW." His dad pointed his hoof at the nearby cottage. Copper clunked over to the door in his heavy armor, glared at his father, and trudged inside.


    Chapter 2

    After supper, Copper hadn't spoken with his father. He felt bad that he had made fun of his disability. After all, he was the only one taking care of him. His mother had passed when he was only a foal, and he only had stories now. He hardly remembered his mother. All he truly remembered about her, that he could be 100% sure about, was that she had a beautiful laugh. He had a vague memory of a laugh that he was sure was his mother. He couldn't place where they were, or anything of the sort. Just the laugh, like a scratched music disc. He replayed it constantly, trying to find more information within his maze of a mind, but he always found himself at the same dead end. Copper climbed the old wooden stairs, and back into his room, with his armor and sword in a corner, his notebook on his undersized bed, with many drawings in it. He flipped through his recent ones. All were pictures of his mother. Or at least, his fantasies of her, as he had no idea what she looked like. A few older ones were cartoons of him having made-up conversations with her, and some were just questions. Why do I remember her laugh? Is it even her laugh? Why can't I remember?! He was too stressed. He flopped on his bed, and blew out his candle. He lied for a minute before giving up. It's still too bright outside.


    Chapter 3

    "Morning, dad!" called Copper Heart as he pranced down the steps. He had had a nice dream, so that put him in a good mood that morning. His father looked up from his precious textbook, grumbled a greeting, and went back to his scripture. Copper walked into the kitchen and made himself some wheat flakes. "You need anything?" He called. He heard some more grumbling that sounded vaguely like 'Yes.' Wheat flakes! They make you... uh... something... Copper stumbled over the song's words in his head. At the town market, there had been two marketeers selling the wheat flakes Copper usually bought, and they were singing a tune. It had been stuck in Copper's head since then. Copper poured some milk into his cereal. he had found the carton in the back of the pantry. "Breakfast is served." Copper smiled at his handywork. He liked cooking more than fighting, but his father was counting on him to continue the family tradition. Plus, Copper was too afraid to tell his father he liked cooking. "This smells spoiled," his father critiqued. Copper stuck his snout over the bowl of what flakes and milk. Ewww. "I think you have a point, dad," Copper remarked as he grabbed his coat off the coat rack near the front door. "I'll be back soon, I'll get some more. Don't starve to death." 


    Chapter 4

    As Copper approached the town square, he heard the tune that had been stuck in his head for the past few days. Wheat flakes! They're really tasty! Eat 'em up while they're nice and craspy! "What even is a craspy? A new pastry-type thing?" Copper wondered aloud. Copper walked towards the milk stand. "Hey, Jackson! What's up?" Copper met his old friend, Jackson. He was a farmer and sometimes worked the milk stand while the milk salesman ran errands. Jackson and Copper had met at a party, and became friends. "The sky," grunted Jackson. Jackson didn't like working the milk stand. Copper placed a coin on the wooden box they used as a counter. "One gallon," Copper asked. As Jackson rustled under the counter, looking for milk, he made small talk. "Hey, have you heard that they're starting the gladiator trials early this year?" Jackson inquired. What?! The gladiator trials were a competition where many young gladiators fought for access to the higher matches, which eventually one would get a grand prize of coins. "What? Really?" Copper was dumbfounded, this was the year he was supposed to compete in the competition, and he wasn't anywhere near ready. "Yep. You should get trainin'. I can see by the look on your face you haven't been." Jackson smiled, passed the milk, took the coin, and bid Copper farewell. Copper staggered back to his cottage, unable to comprehend what truckload of news had just hit him.


    More Coming Soon! How soon? How should I know? Ask Siri, maybe she'll know.

    Update Notes: Added 2 chapters and fixed some spelling errors.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Hey, everyone! If you read the title, the you're probably going to know what I'm about to ask y'all (Or not, how should I know), I kinda want a new avatar. I do have ONE requirement, and that it has to be based on my personal OC, Lance. Here's some facts about him... 

    Okay, so first off, he's a guy... pony... whatever, he's male.

    He has a crush on another OC of my creation, Gale, we'll get into her later if you wish to include her.

    His fur or hair, I don't know what it's called, is a light gray color.

    His MANE, not to be confused with the stat above, is all black.

    His tail is also all black.

    His hairdo is... I don't know what to call it... just look at my current avatar and you'll know what I'm talking about.

    His tail is a basic one, not poofy, but not super slick. Go wild on this one, just don't make it the main peice of the pony, if it even shows.

    He doesn't really have any cosmetics, but if you must add one, it usually is basic gray shoes on every leg. I would advise against this because first off, it's extra work, and second, he generally doesn't wear shoes. But I won't complain if he does have shoes.  :)

    His age is a young adult. You decide the exact age, I don't care too much.

    His personality is usually shy, but when you get to know him he's pretty peppy.

    Alright, onto some more characters that you may (or not, I don't know) want to include in the avatar.


    Another young adult, has a large amount of money from a lucky lottery ticket. Lance lives with him. He is hyperactive, like a male pinky pie. His fur is white or very, very light gray. His hair is long, and his tail is similar to Lance's. His hair's style is also similar to Lance's, just longer. His hair and tail color is orange and red, mixed.


    She knows both previous ponies as friends, and is oblivious to the fact that Lance likes her. (Lance is pretty good at hiding it... if you count telling Gen to do the talking to her hiding it well) Gen has known Gale for a long time, and Lance has known her for about two years. She works at a local coffee shop called Bigg's Coffee, and lives in an apartment in downtown Noncannon (The town they live in.) She wants to be an artist when she has enough inspiration. She is also a young adult. Her hairdo is a spiky, short layer of gray mane. Her tail is a puff of hair that is spiked at the end. Her personality is similar to Lance's at first, but when you get to know her she is daring instead of peppy. 

    In conclusion...

    I will take pretty much any avatar as long as it somewhat follows these guidelines. I won't mind if Lance is doing something daring as long as there is a clear reason why in the picture (For example, Gale watching) My only requirement is that Lance is the main focus in it. (Or at least, is one of the main focuses) Have fun, or not if you aren't, and I will try to list every submission up here, even if I am not going to use it. See ya!  :ninja:



    Edit: As I read this, I notice that I say I have one requirement, and then the rest of the post is stating requirements...  :unamused:

  5. I find that its talk about religion to me. I'm an atheist, but I straight up hate it when someone talks about their religion because 1) It makes me uncomfortable, as it's a very touchy topic that can easily ruin friendships by saying the wrong thing, 2) It just bothers me because I don't believe in anything (Atheist) , so I basically have to sit there and say nothing, because if i say anything against what they are saying it could be taken as an insult to their religion, and I never want to get into an argument about that. What do you find the most annoying thing someone can do?


    • Brohoof 1
  6. Hey! You! Yes, you! The one sitting or standing in front of a laptop, computer or whatever doodad of the internet you're using! Pay attention! These words may change your life!  Ready? It's pretty simple and true. YOU ARE AWESOME. You are the coolest living thing (Or non-living thing) I have ever met. I can feel your vibes coming through the computer internet waves. Don't let any person, dog or banana (Cats are fine because they tell everyone their not awesome) tell you otherwise. They are lying to your face. if you need to remember this post whenever you're in a pickle, then remember these 3 words: I AM AMAZING. You are weird. YES! That kind of weird. Think about it. Weird hasn't been BAD. It's meant different. It's meant unique. If someone ever comes up to you and says 'you're weird' you can reply with a smile and a 'Thanks! You too!' because its true. We are all weird. See that invisible tater tot over there? He's weird. See that amazing human being over there? The one that looks exactly like you? Yeah, that person is the best thing on earth, ever. You may be thinking; What about the other 10 people who bothered to read this post? Well, they're also the best people on earth. The people who didn't bother? Also amazing. The only people that are the least amazing people are the ones that tell others that they aren't the best. Anyway, when you read this, think of only happy things. When you opened this post, we banhammered all the bad things right at the door. With that first word. So, anyway, I want you to have a GREAT day, or night, or blue moon. Just have a good one. Always, always, always remember these three words: I AM AMAZING.

  7. Welcome welcome @genessee! I think the cartoonist/animator route is definitely an awesome one to take. ;) It winds up being a difficult road for some I'm sure, but I've seen many people who just seem to have fallen in love with it. So, I do hope you keep going with it if it's something you're interested in! :squee:


    Anyways, once again, welcome to our little corner of the internet!

    Thanks man, this forum seems so dang nice compared to other forums I've seen... cough, cough, steam discussions, cough.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Welcome genessee. A cartoonist? Awesome! I hope you have a fun time on here XD

    Thanks! Where should I post normal discussion? I'm thinking about posting a pep talk, but I don't know where without getting me in trouble :3

  9. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash

    How did you find MLP Forums?: A blog post by Cupcake pulled me in about animating, being fascinated by the Rainbow Factory creepypasta (Not the ending, though) and wanted to be a animator myself. Also, I have a small stockpile of Google Drive pictures that I'm itching to share.

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I originally did not like the series, and personally I only like FIM. I began to grow into the series from constant exposure to it (Via YouTube) and eventually accepted that I was destined to be a brony.

    Hi! I'm genessee, and I'm a cartoonist wannabe. I'm fascinated on how much fun it is to create a character and build a world around them. I'll be posting drawings for sure on here, and maybe some animations if I find I enjoy animating. My personal OC is a Earth Pony named Lance. He's in high school (Even though I'm not) and he really just wants to fit in, the classic teenager story. Nice to meet you, everyone! I'm excited to become a helping member of this community!  :)

    • Brohoof 2
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