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Posts posted by Nara

  1. I guess I only ever had someone confess once? I mean, if that even counts as a confession? When my closer friend was dumped by his then fiancee of 9 years he kinda told me that if it weren't for the fact that I'm primarily attracted to women he'd totally hit on me. I took it lightheartedly and brushed this of as a joke without really thinking about it. We were always cool and honest with each other tho! And a year later he found a sweet girl and I'm happy for him! At least one of us isn't moping around haha!

    Usually I'm being on the other end and I get rejected every time :lie:

  2. I had a dream about my teen crush :blink:

    It's funny how I haven't seen or spoke to them in at least 7-8 years but every now and then I have dreams about that person, usually that we're just chilling and being pals. Actually I have more dreams about people long forgotten than about relevant people. Funny how the subconsciousness works :P

  3. I love the smell of air after the rain, new and old books, old wooden furniture, coffee beans (even tho I hate the taste of coffee I love smelling beans)

    When it comes to flowers it's lilac, lily of the valley, and my current flowery perfume which is Wet Garden from Demeter :wub:

  4. I always marvel at those weird commercials that show some kind of scene and it's either funny or heartwarming and at the end you see some kind of product totally unrelated to what you saw. They could at least have a related setting for the product but nope :'D

    Or those mobile ads (usually for games) that don't show even a second of ACTUAL gameplay, just some CGI rendered animation intro :'D

  5. I have never, ever found someone else who has this tick. It's always the actual nail for most people, I'm glad I'm not alone.


    Oh, never thought that's something rare XD I just really don't like messing up my nails so I never really developed a tick to bite them

  6. Perhaps you mightn't draw them often, but what you do draw is superb! This looks wonderfully graceful and calming. :o


    And yes, floofy mane... :-o


    Aww thank you!

    Yess fluffy manes are the best <3


    ​If you do decide to draw more ponies I'll be looking forward to it. You did a grate job!  :grin:


    Thank you! <3

    • Brohoof 2
  7. I don't often draw much pony related art (besides some sketches I never post) but I figured I'll have a topic of my own to have a place to post things whenever I suddenly feel the need to draw MLP related things :blush:


    And this evening I really wanted to draw Saffron Masala for some reason haha

    It's the mane I tell ya... so fluffy...


    • Brohoof 4
  8. If done well they can be a really great addition to the gaming experience! For me I guess the voice actor has to get my attention first and then I'll start wondering on what they're actually saying haha! :D

    I really liked the 'audio logs' in Bioshock Infinite and The Talos Principle(those made me tear up near the end!). I do believe I've stumbled upon some dry and uninteresting ones but I can't remember in which games... which sorta proves that they did a bad job since they were so boring I can't even remember the game :P It's also important for them to not be too long. I guess up to a minute, minute and a half long is pretty okay!

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