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Posts posted by Canteen_the_unstable

  1. @Selkie

    Rouen looked at Leege throwing up as she complained about the taste. He blinked and looked at the men on the ground "Right...maybe I shouldn't of let you do that, I didn't think they were that drunk though if you want you can come with me and we stop at a place and get you all the juice boxes you can carry. Sound like a deal? This was sorta my fault anyways." he walked up towards her "Though you have to carry the ramen." he offered her the bowls as he smiled softly at her

    @Skylord Nexus


    "Aww and here I was hoping for a bit of fun with that handsome man." he swooned a bit as he fanned himself some, when he heard Lucis speak of being called weak and called Perpe pretty. Going on and on he began to look around him almost disinterested in his little rant "That's nice you should head home to your mother before you get hurt buddy." he smiled looking right at Lucis. Seeing the dark fireballs surrounding Lucis he rolled his eyes some "Dark this dark that blah blah..darn dark magic users always gotta be a dark in the name." he looked at Perpe as she sat in the snow eating some crackers now "No refinement I swear it gets old."


    He began to dig his right foot into the snow a bit as the fireballs came towards him "Oh boy guess it's time to play.." he kicked the snow up at a fireball as he jumped back, they were coming fast as he grabbed his shirt he ripped it with ease from his body seeing it was still wet he wadded it up in front of him as the rest of the fireballs landed knocking him back towards the ground. "AHhhhh..HOT HOT....COLD." he flailed a bit on the ground before he went still..his arms buried in the snow now. His power became active as the white rope began to appear around his left wrist. It snaked it's way through the snow a bit "Ugh...you know fire was probably a bad idea. So easily defeated by snow or water. Seems I was right about one thing...you are weak." he raised his head up looking right at Lucis "Weak as you are HOW MUCH FUN CAN YOU BE!?"

  2. Canteen looked at Brume acting all shy behind Perpe or at least how he took it. As he was told that Lucius would be a top notch catch he rolled his eyes a bit before looking at Brume again "Not if he was the last one alive. Besides I don't go for people who are weak." he watched as Brume was now running off and took off down the street "Oh my he is such a silly little man isn't he? I am sure he is just shy but, I bet he is a beast in the sack." he chuckled as he twisted around in the snow before looking at Perpe "Attack? Oh don't worry if I were to attack I would probably break you both. I am however gonna say a guild..does sound good to join. What does a guild do anyways?"

    Rouen chuckled as he looked at the gemstone Leege showed him "Oh that is lovely looking where did you find it?" he tilted his head to look at the men who said to kill him and take the gem from her. The guy was drunk or stupid, he held the ramen up and nodded at Leege who questioned about eating them "Aye usually I say no but, if I worry for their safety the ramen will get cold, you can have them as long as you eat the ramen afterwards." he began to take a few steps back as he smiled at the men "Not her boyfriend but, she doesn't need me to help protect her."

    • Brohoof 1
  3. @Skylord Nexus @Selkie


    Watching as Lucis moved away from him to stand with the others he tilted his head to the left looking them all over now. A date? What was she talking about...he blushed some and wrapped both of his hands together acting all shy "Oh my miss you know I never really went on a date with a girl I just met..or one as energetic as you." he looked at Burme seeing him laughing hard on the ground saying he was tough he smiled some "Indeed I am, however miss if I were to date someone it would be your handsome friend there." he pointed at Burme and licked his lips a bit "


    Unfolding his hands he began to walk towards Burme and smiled big at him "How about you and I go get a drink?" he gave a wink as he looked at Lucis talking of his younger brother would get along with Melio "Oh that would be wonderful if Melio could get more friends." he thought a bit as he reached into his shirt pulling out his inhaler taking a hit off of it "I think though be nice to get out of this hostile environment she." he pointed at Perpe and frowned at her "Is a crazed lady I swear."

    Walking down the streets Rouen held a bowl of ramen in each of his hands. A cover was over the bowls to keep them warm as he wandered the streets "Let me see Leege's place should be close." he went around a corner and bumped into one of the men that was there harassing Leege "Oh, sorry about that almost got hot ramen all over you as well." he smiled as he looked at Leege "Ah hey I knew your place was around here somewhere thought you would like to eat some ramen with me."


    • Brohoof 1
  4. Character Name: Rouen Blackrose


    Physical Description and/or Picture:  Standing at 6'7 and wearing a long white leather trenchcoat that hung just above the ground, upon the back of it was a set of red wings done in rubies and fire topaz. Under the coat the figure wore a pair of black leather knee high boots that had straps across it, a pair of skin tight black leather pants tucked into the boots, white spirals going up the legs. Wearing no shirt just revealing the tan flesh with  a scar going  across the stomach. Brushing aside long white hair with red and black tips, a pair of orange eyes


    Personality and Traits: Rouen is pretty intimidating at first glance, being built pretty solid. He has a kind heart however and usually tries to watch after members of the guild he is part of. Always in a mood to help and spends most of his days napping in the sun as he is more of a night owl


    Guild Mark: The blue Pegasus guild has a white guild mark on the back of his neck under his hair. Thinks of the guild like family


    Fighting Ability/Magic: Rouen uses a very forbidden form of magic called Satan Soul.This particular form of Magic allows the user to take the powers and forms of different demons. Using this he has gone alone on many a mission against very strong enemies. Usually going alone so he doesn't endanger his guild mates.


    Weaknesses: Rouen's biggest weakness has to be his heart in  not attacking a downed enemy or someone who claims to have submitted. Or if he has a friend taken hostage he submits to protect them. Another weakness he has to face someone fast before he uses his satan soul power to even his speed with them


    Need to Knows (no specifics):

    Knows Leege and protects her even from herself, likes t eat large amount of food Ramen being his favorite followed by sushi, keeps in shape to try and avoid using his powers on useless things

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Feeling his rope tossed aside by water he blinked a bit as it disappered, as he was looking around he saw the new person enter the place as he counted them up "Let me see four of you vs little ole me. Alright I can do this just need to link and trample you all." as he was asked by Perpe why he was attacking her he grumbled a bit folding his arms over his chest as he tapped his left foot "You know it is very rude to not say goodbye or even offer a name to someone. And then you seemed almost embarrassed by me and this one." he pointed at Lucis with a finger "When that one showed up." he pointed at Wolf

    "Then you began to just walk off as you know a simple hey "Canteen see you around." but, Noooo you just had to be all..." he turned to look at his hand a few seconds before back at them "You ever notice how pruney your fingers become in snow? I mean I know it's frozen water but, I was in it for a few seconds. You know what else is pruney? Raisins they sorta look like little old men faces." he chuckled a bit before looking at Perpe again tilting his head "What were we talking about again? Something about prunes I think right?"

    • Brohoof 1
  6. @Skylord Nexus @Selkie


    He stood there as Lucius spoke about Melio now the lady was up next to him "Working together I see...guild members do I suppose." he tilted his head as he was asked again who Melio was by Perpe "Oh he is my younger brother, pretty shy otherwise he would of been down here. Pretty sure he is still on the roof watching us." his eyes looked both of them over as his left wrist began to glow a bit "He should come to even the odds but, he would just get in the way he isn't much of a fighter."

    Hearing of picking a fight is the reason he came down here he shook his head "Oh no not picking a fight I was walking and got distracted then off the roof. You two are the ones being so..itchy for a fight and I'm about to oblige you."


    @Selkie @Venomous

    As the third member showed up he held up a finger as he pointed at her "You should introduce yourself or interrupt people as they talk. I swear people are always so rude. you know what I mean? Look at that I feel from a roof and took asking a cane wielding cripple to help as a very nice flower watched." he started to rant on as even he was motioned by Perpe it was probably bad time to do that and began to walk away he let out a shout "DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!" he threw his left hand forward "Link." as he did a white rope of energy flew out towards Perpe's left wrist aiming to catch her with it

  7. @Skylord Nexus

    Canteen sat there with his arm buried in the snow, as the magic came forth from Lucius' cane and then around him he giggled softly as he was lifted off the ground "Ooo dark magic..it sorta tickles doesn't it? I should try it myself one day." he was up in the air and when the magic disappeared he landed on his feet tilting his head to look at Lucius "Thanks if it wasn't for Melio distracting me I wouldn't of fell off the damn roof." he brushed himself off a bit as his eyes looked towards Perpe he smiled big towards her his teeth showing a bit "My name is Canteen." he looked her over and tilted his necked till it cracked a bit "Well aren't you a pretty rose hidden beneath the snow."


    His eyes looked over Perpe as he heard her ask if he was on drugs he chuckled and quickly pulled out his inhaler and showed it off "I am indeed on drugs..well medical drugs. Made from gems that helps with me they said my brain is how did they say.." he stood upright and coughed some quoting his doctor "Now mister Canteen you have a mental illness, without medication you are a danger to yourself and others." he set the inhaler back into his shirt attached to the string around his neck "Other then that I am as gentle as a cat with rabies." his eyes looked at Lucis once more

    @Skylord Nexus

    Narrowing his eyes a bit he grumbled a bit "It's not funny." he said softly before turning around to him "I Said it isn't funny so stop giggling." he twitched a bit as his hand moved up to brush it through his hair grabbing it some and tugged on it "It isn't nice to laugh at someone's illness."

  8. Canteen sat upon one of the roofs of Magnolia and stared at the night sky "Melio you told me to come here, why this place is boring." he began to grumble some as he seemed to be hearing an unheard voice in his head "I don't care you said that we might find work here we haven't yet and we are sleeping outside yet AGAIN because we can't afford a place to stay at." he started to get up as the wind blew making his peasants shirt blow making him cough a bit "Damn it this it's getting colder."

    Walking along the rooftops in Magnolia, his eyes looking skyward as he spoke softly "Melio it's so cold out here dont worry I wont let you freeze. When we are somewhere warmer you will be more talkative I bet." he reached into his shirt and pulled up a string holding his inhaler on it. Taking a deep inhale from it he didnt see where he was going and walked off the side off a roof. Slamming into the snow next to Perpe and Lucius, he laid in the snow as he stared up at the sky still saying allowed to no one in particular "Why didn't you warn me I was gonna fall off the roof? Hey stop your laughing this isn't funny."

    Sitting up in the snow his eyes looked at Lucius tilting his head a bit at him "You going to stand there? Or are you going to offer me a hand here.." his eyes closed for a moment as he seemed to be off in his own little world. His eyes snapped open before he screamed flailing his right arm around "SPIDERS GET THEM OFF." he flung his arm more till he finally buried it into the snow

  9. Character Name: Canteen


    Physical Description and/or Picture: Canteen is about 5'8 and just slightly underweight where one can see his ribs start to show through his light tan skin. He usually wears a pair of tight black leather pants with white stripes up the legs, wearing a loose fitting peasant shirt that is white in color. His hair locks are ebony with stripes of light blue going through them. The sclera are a light pink color while his iris being light blue with white pupils


    Personality and Traits: Suffers from a form of schizophrenia that he manages through an inhaler medicine made from gemstones. With his medicine he can function in a group/guild for long time..always needing some alone time though so will stay awake late into the night talking to the stars. Without his medicine he begins to hear voices or even hallucinate things that do not exist. Believing the hallucinations so much can send him into a rage even against his own team members



    Guild Mark: will fill in if anyone wants me in their guild]


    Fighting/Magic Ability: Canteen uses a magic called Link Magic in which he uses his energy to chain him with his opponent. the energy chain gives Canteen the ability/magic of his opponent. The longer the link stays the stronger Canteen's grasp of his opponents magic becomes.



    Weaknesses: Losing his medicine without it no one would be safe from his attacks, the realization that his brother died long ago, allergy to certain fruits and flowers. When using his magic it is possible to over do it and trap himself inside his own pockets, taking a day to escape.


    Need to Knows (no specifics): his brother died a long time ago which set him down this road not wishing to accept it. He talks to his brother regularly at night and when off his medicine for a long time will have a mental break down shattering his mind more. Carries an inhaler with him

  10. Favorite songs? Oh man I have too many, let me see *pulls out a scroll*


    Trans-Siberian Orchestra: All their songs

    Krokus: Screaming in the night

    Alex Boye: Shake it off

    I Prevail: Blank Space [taylor swift cover]

    Cyndi Lauper: All through the night

    Bob Dylan: Hurricane

    Diana Ross and the Supremes: All songs

    Janis Joplin: Piece of my heart

    etc etc I just love so much music why must I chose

  11. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle

    How did you find MLP Forums?: A friend of mine told me about it after I said been needing to get back into rping

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I became a fan after I was talked into watching an episode by another friend

    I go by many names in the rp society anything from Arid Blitz, Amai Crimson, Rouen Blackrose, Jayden Blackrose, Odiar, etc etc. I've been a big roleplayer ever since I got an email to join a roleplaying thing back in 2003-04 ish. I love many different genres of roleplay fighting being one of my biggest and a large story line driven one.


    My music type is all over the board I love all genres, from the 50's through today, country, techno, rock, etc even foreign. I do not like rap at all though so I guess it's the only genre I refuse lol. Um let me see I used to work at Wal-Mart and currently unemployed for a month or so. I love making new friends and hope to get a few dozen rps going to keep me occupied

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