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Posts posted by Canteen_the_unstable

  1. @@Dakcka, @@dragon4111, @@Skylord Nexus,


    Looking at Brume and the others seeming to be very hostile or avoiding him. Antonio rolled his eyes as he watched them "Games? Oh right the magic games. Probably heard you all took on the magic council, guess it's good you all became a guild yesterday." he looked at Merri gnawing on Canteen and asking him to thaw him out, sighing softly "Very well Merri for you my dear." he smiled softly at her before snapping his fingers, the ice around Canteen, the bridge, and the fire he froze over broke off, inhaling the ice shot towards him as he devoured it after it was gone he looked at how Brume was now off to go sleep. "Vanderbilt is right, wanted to see how the guild was coming along and drop off that item. Nothing to be hostile about." he pointed at Canteen "I only did that because he came at me soaking wet."

    Getting some of the meat Draco offered him he watched everyone, Rouen was shaking his head it seemed everyone was on edge...well except Leege. Hearing her he pointed at his bags and the meat of the dino "There is still some dino meat, and snacks." munching on the meat himself he watched as Canteen was thawed out finally

    As Canteen was frozen and on the other side of the lake, he was thawed out and sat there shaking from the cold. Looking at Antonio he gave him the finger before yelling at Draco "And You suck you kicked a frozen guy...YEAH I could still see you..JERK Hope you choke." he started to go towards the other side of the lake shaking as he called over his little pal "A...Aiden...lettts go take a hot shower." the goblin grabbed more meat before running up to Canteen climbing up to sit on his shoulder as they went back to the guild hall.

  2. @@Skylord Nexus, @@Dakcka, @@dragon4111,


    Antonio nodded at Vanderbilt as he got out of the vehicle and could hear people at the nearby beach. Looking over he saw most of the members there and walked towards the beach, getting there he called out "Brume I have a small thing for you." he looked around seeing Merri there along with Dawn. "Shame you left us Merri, however I am not one to stop someone from doing what they want in life." As he heard yelling he looked at the water seeing Canteen there and water bubbling. "Seems I have interrupted something." he chuckled a bit

    Canteen called out to Brume as he was called reckless "She would of been fine you just pushed her as well." he chuckled feeling the water warm up "Ugh I think Draco peed or something." he began to swim towards the shore allowing his link to disappear releasing Draco he got closer as he was now standing in the shallows running towards Antonio "Hey you heads up." he said rushing towards him at full speed and jumped towards him

    Looking at how Canteen and Draco were acting he just smirked shaking his head. As Leege was pushed twice off the cliff he chuckled some yelling out "Thanks Brume. Sorry Leege that was for the kick." he looked at Antonio who showed up as he tilted his head some "Mister Antonio it is nice to see you sorta weird seeing it's not even been 24 hours. Did we do something or need to pay for more damages?" as he heard he had something for Brume he nodded "CANTEEN!?" he went to go stop him as he was jumping soaking wet at Antonio

    Waving softly to the little Goblin nearby chittering as it ate "Well aren't you a cute one? A little goblin, and yellow such an unusual color." Antonio heard Canteen and looked at him his eyes glimmering a bit, he took in a deep breathe  before blowing towards Canteen "Gale Force Blizzard" as he blew the wind picked up as the temperature dropped making the flame under the dino meat freeze over. Showing great control over his powers as he avoided everyone else, focusing his power on Canteen. Ice and snow formed in the winds instantly freezing the ground along with the water in a straight line to the other side of the water leaving an ice "Bridge" in it's wake. Canteen was on the other side of the lake in a pile of snow almost frozen solid

    "Right now where was I?" he said as he looked at Brume smiling some reaching into an inner pocket of his vest and pulled out a Stamp for him "Your very own magical stamp, so you may add people or even remove people."

  3. Looking at the outfits Rouen tilted his head some "Well whatever Brume wishes us to wear I'll no objection. Leege is right however if I can get the design, I know a woman who could do it for me. She made my coat for me. So has most of my measurements plus give me time to help her and her husband out seeing all of this happened I was unable to make it this week." feeling the kick between his legs he stumbled back holding himself as he closed his eyes. She didnt get a good kick but, it was enough. Keeping himself calm as she ran off he said softly "You do that...Brume. Shove her off for me." he chuckled some before dropping to the ground sitting on it

    Canteen was watching them from his tube as he chuckled. Everyone had a groin shot so far, moving Aiden's tube close to shore with him the little guy jumped off and went after the food. Grabbing a chunk of it and chewing it chittering some. As Canteen got close he shoved back out to the middle of the water. Getting off his tube he  he allowed his link to form and slither through the water, getting to the sand it wiggled through the sand till it was near Draco's foot. Leaving it there he dove down under the water he went through some of the reeds and under some other things. Coming up he went to the other side running up to the top of the cliff shoving Leege and Brume out of the way "CANNONBALL." as he said that the link snagged onto Draco, planning to take Draco for a ride as the link's slack snapped tight

  4. @@Skylord Nexus, @@Dakcka,



    Antonio along with Vanderbilt were off to Crocus, using the vehicles device for fuel by feeding it his magic. As they got to Crocus he was just looking at Vanderbilt a second "You know maybe you should fill me in on a few things, like where we might be going, or anything in particular that might help us." as they got to the city he pulled up in front of the new guild place of Red Rock

    As Leege complained about the bikini and ran off in her undergarments Rouen sighed some "Come on it's a two piece so it's practically undergarments." he ran off after her til she was stopped by a man. Coming up to her he looked at the man moving his arm around Leege's midsection in case "We are honored to be part of the games." he bowed his head as Brume ran up to see the lacrima. As it spoke of the games, how only five could participate he tilted his head "Guild masters are out? Sorry Brume." he said as Brume ran off to the water to think he grabbed the sunscreen and began to open the bottle "Now that I got you Leege stand still." he chuckled nuzzling the back of her head "Or you are going to burn from the sun."


    Canteen laid out in the water on his inner tube with Aiden in the one beside him. Hearing them all talking of some magic games he just tilted his head up looking at them "Magic games? I heard of that but, never really saw that." he paddled his tube towards the shore as Brume was resurfacing about who would joint he games. Hearing his name he slipped off the tube into the water, swimming to the shore he stood there soaked as he put Brume into a big bear hug lifting him off the ground shaking him vigorously "I KNEW YOU THOUGHT I WAS STRONG HA." he said letting go of Brume letting him fall unceremoniously to the ground "Right Aiden." he turned ran towards the water, jumped and landed on his tube. Skidding out to Aiden he chuckled "I wonder if they have a animal version."

    Rouen watched everything chuckling, as Dawn declared she didnt wish to join cause she did not care giving her spot to him. He bowed his head gently to her "Dawn, thank you as well you Brume. We should continue to relax today to allow this to soak in. Tomorrow I wish to do some training Brume will you do me the honor of sparring with me?" he said as he looked at Leege in his arm still "And if someone is unable to join I say Leege is a backup for any of us..she may not seem it but, she would be a valuable asset." 


    • Brohoof 1
  5. @@dragon4111, @@Skylord Nexus, @@Dakcka,



    Having been out most of the night, Rouen headed to the beach wearing a different outfit. In a pair of dark purple swim trunks without his shirt on showing off his physique, toned abs, scars over his body, his new guild mark on his upper arm. Along with that he had a tattoo on his upper back which was of a heptagram done in white ink. At the points were words written in a different language each point had a word "Fire, wind, earth, air, spirit, dark. celestial." the middle had an eye. Under the heptagram was a single word "Peace." Setting down a few bags he could hear Leege yelling about suntan lotion and dug through a bag taking out a bottle and a new bikini for her. Walking over he looked up at her "Leege get changed then we can get you sun ready. I also brought drinks and snacks for everyone." he looked at how Draco was cooking up the dino meat on a spit roast "Draco has dinner."

    Canteen had got a full night rest..a rare occurrence, he got up rubbing his head as he could feel it was sticky from dried blood. Seeing that the little goblin wasn't near him he began to stand up "Ugh, alright we were to do something." he rubbed his head as he thought "Something about swimming....OH the beach right." he heard noises as he saw the goblin was tearing into fruit left out. Going over to him he picked him up "Alright let us go." he held up a piece of the fruit for the goblin as it sat on his shoulder. Going out the door he headed over to the beach before he stopped "Hey wait a minute, Brume said we would have inner tubes." as he said that a few already inflated ones were launched at him hitting him in the gut and making him grunt "Ooof."

    Looking down he saw them, grabbing them he ran off to the water "Alright." he jumped into the lake with his little pal taking one for him as well..Skidding out towards the center he laid back into the innertube and set the other next to him. The goblin getting on it relaxing on it as well "Think I'm going to name you Aidan it means light." he said softly to the goblin hearing a chittering come from him

    As Antonio walked out the door he looked at Vanderbilt smirking some "I have many hobbies. My main love is reading, however I try to learn different things to keep myself busy. Crocheting is just the new one, before that was violin, before that reading runes, before that was dancing. I learn for isn't that what we are here for? Learning. Besides if I just read the books and never did anything they were about what would be the point?" as he said that he opened another door walking over to a magical atv. Opening the back he set in his suitcase "Alright shall we?"


    • Brohoof 1
  6. @@Skylord Nexus, @@dragon4111,


    Looking at his books he nodded some "Yes, that would be very nice to have so we are more prepared." he went over to a section set up for old magic, moving the ladder Antonio climbed up near the top taking out a few books "Let's see ancient magic volume one." he went through the books taking out more till he had at least eight thick leather bound books. Climbing back down he set them on his chair before walking over to another section about magical runes, inscriptions, written words etc...taking a few books from there "I think this should suffice for now." setting them atop the pile neatly he took out another lacrima suitcase setting it down "Ok Kemu Zaleon for you I will just grab a few other books so we have a nice selection." setting the books into the suitcase they disappeared, the magic this suitcase had was to be able to hold almost anything and be light as a feather. "A few of these." he grabbed a few more magic books, his entire Kemu collection, even a book about crocheting. Setting even some yarn and crochet needles into the case before closing it "Shall we? We'll take a vehicle."

    Looking at Draco Rouen sighed some "I am right, and you are more worse for wear then you let on. If you are out a few days or weeks we can survive. Tomorrow is an easy beach day and then we can take some jobs here and there." he smiled as he got up off the floor seeing the pearl and hearing of the scales he chuckled some "Yeah that should pay for quite a bit of supplies. And the scales I do not need them or anything if you wish though they are all yours make something for yourself, Canteen, Leege or someone else." he went over to the door and looked back at Draco "You are sleeping on the table, the stitches are nice. However if you happen to pull one and bleed onto the beds I'll have to choke you with the sheets. Goodnight my friend I shall go out for a stroll."

    • Brohoof 1
  7. @techno universal


    If I may you had you and your clones go to Malygos who is skylord's character who is unable to make them a guild, second he doesn't approve anyone for the gmg. Malygos is the leader of a guild. The castle and a secret basement most of us are wondering what you are talking about. If it is about what Antonio and Vanderbilt are talking about that is not a place with a door to be left open. If Antonio is right it would be a secret area with only a magical way Malik knows about to enter and exit. Herobrien was outside red Rock guild hall so how would he go to about castle secret basement. The reason some are not replying, is because they are confused and how you are pushing this digital magic and how you are this alien robot, and assume things of people's characters like Rouen doesn't know own his full power and being a universe destroyer. Or wanting to have techno give them digital magic and or make them into these file things that can be accessed and their memories like files on a computer. I have tried to help you but I can't follow where you are trying to go and stuff.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Antonio went to his study as he began to collect a few things "Come on in Vanderbilt, I have to get a few things then we can go. Take a look around if you want." he went to a chair with a small table near it, an empty tea cup next to it. The room was rather large, the floor being made of light blue granite tiles. There were books lining the walls from floor to ceiling, ladders around the room to allow access to the books at the top, many of them were foreign all over the lands. Magic books, stories, fables, exotic creatures, history, even cook books. "Take a look around I need to grab my glasses, a few other items and we'll head off." he opened the drawer to the little coffee table taking out a pair of black framed rectangular glasses. They were gale force reading glasses to allow him to read his books quickly when need be. Along with it he pulled a small cube out that glowed, a judgement field cube "Ok got this, now then I should grab a few books for the trip. Vanderbilt what do I feel like today? Any that catch your eyes?"

    Rouen just looked at Draco speaking his oath, how he he did the right thing and was cheated and treated like an animal. He was getting upset and trying to calm himself which was understandable. While Opus worked on him he smiled some sighing a bit "We each have our stories but, that is what they are. OUR story and it affects us. The seventeen years of loyalty to be tossed aside to basically be banished so you are unable to see someone that raised you or friends." he leaned down so he was now face to face with Draco "However it is our stories, our hardships, our pain, our glory, sorrow, anger, joy all of it is what makes us who we are today. What you did jumping into the battle is just who you are it is you. Do I find it stupid? Do I want to lift you up by your scrawny neck and slap sense into you? Yes but, I dont do it out of spite I do it because you tried throwing your life away."

    He began to move to sit on the floor as Opus finished "I'll get to bed in a second, I will make sure he is comfy first." he began to chuckle as he sat there on the floor looking at Opus "Thank you, if you happen to see Canteen somewhere I would just leave him alone. I have a feeling if he is asleep waking him is like poking a bear." looking back at Draco he moved his hand up moving to his own head and moving his damp hair from his face "Look you may have face beasts we may never of seen before same goes for us though. There are going to be things here you will think nothing of and it will tear you in two. We are here to help one another, if you need a shoulder to cry out on one of us will be there and let you get it out. Some more then others, some may not show much by way of caring but, it is just who they are. Things in their story is the reason caring is hard or seeming like a decent person. If you have a job one of us will go with you to make sure you have back up..and if you fall on the battlefield we have that person will bring you back and tell your story around a drink for years."

    "Or if they fall you can bring them back to us for a proper burial. Morbid but, it is how things are, the story will be told for years and years so people in a guild will never die. You see what I am saying? You do not have to worry in a guild...we are here for you and if you think "Well that beast is so tough only I could handle it so I saved everyone." Let me remind you most of us have battled things that could eat that thing. Most of us have magic that could incinerate that thing. Hell if Dawn was here she would of Blasted it for disturbing the place she built. Speaking of her I need to have this talk with her as well someday." he chuckled some "Now then is there anything you need before I head to bed?"

  9. Antonio chuckled at Vanderbilt talking of the kiss probably be harmful cause of his years of alchemy. Nodding at the fact he could die he shrugged his shoulders some "And? As a member of the council, as a man of valor...death doesnt frighten me. What does is leaving people out there that if alive could be a threat to people." he began to move his things back into the drawers as he he reduced it back into a suitcase "Alright, let us prepare for the days ahead. Also on our way out I can stop by Crocus to see how Red Rock is doing and give them a stamp of their own. Cant keep coming back here to get a new member in now can they?" picking up his suitcase he went towards the building "Come Vanderbilt we have much to get and places to go."

    Canteen felt the smack to the back of his head and grumbled. Getting up he heard Draco yelling out orders, rolling his eyes some "Aye Aye captain." he mocked saluted before walking off to get some cleaning supplies. As he did he could hear the attack going on and stretched some "They can handle it I'm sure." walking into the kitchen he saw a bit of blood on the floor, following it he came across the little yellow rodent that attacked him earlier and got away. He had heard of these creatures before...werent they called goblins? Getting closer he could see the little guy was bleeding on it's left leg. When he went to see it hissed at him swinging around a ladle it had gotten off the counter. "Woah hey there."

    Thinking a bit he reached into his shirt taking out the cracker Leege gave him earlier, offering it to the little guy he watched as it took it and began to nibble it as it held the ladle out still in defend mode. Standing up he began to grab a few things, a towel, some antiseptic from a first aid kit, gauze. "Hey let me see what I can do little guy." he went over kneeling down as the goblin swung again smacking Canteen with the ladle. Chuckling some he just let it keep hitting him as he dabbed some of the blood away as he poured the antiseptic onto the wound getting a small hiss and a ladle to the head. "You know, you remind me of Melio...he always fought like this when I tried to help with his ouchies." as he said that he got a look of sadness in his eyes as he continued, wrapping up the wound now as he sniffled a bit "There we go little guy." he began to see the goblin move the ladle down...as Canteen leaned back against a cabinet he felt a few tears dropping

    "Sometimes the ouchies are to much." he began to bang his head against the counter as his eyes closed trying to prevent the tears from falling. His head began to bleed from the hitting as his hands clutched his hair pulling on it. He felt like screaming before he felt fur against him. The goblin was in his lap nuzzling into him, the tail brushing against his cheeks trying to comfort Canteen. Leaning his hands down he pulled the goblin up some and began to hug him softly starting to lean over to the floor laying down on it "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he said softly to himself before closing his eyes  with the goblin nuzzled up against him on the floor

    Walking to sit down he ate a bit as Canteen walked off, eating he saw the thing break through the wall with Draco yelling out orders. Standing up he went to help but, it was over. The beast fell over and was dead, Draco was bleeding as he fell over with a pained smile. Hearing Opus he went over finding some of the stuff in first aid kids and other things coming back over to them "Yeah...I can get him up on the table." helping him to a table he set the stuff out for Opus as he took a few towels dabbing up the blood "Well I'll give you a hand Opus...I've done my fair share of helping people with injuries." Looking at Draco a different look came to his eyes as the normal calm was replaced with almost a look a parent would give to a child "You are laughing about this? About the simple fact you are not injured to the point where you are now gonna be sidelined?"

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Looking at Leege playing with Brume he grinned some, as he said hit the beach he looked at himself then shrugged "Sure a beach...only if I can buy some inflatable tubes. I like lounging on them maybe if we are lucky a shark will come by." as he heard Brume say they were in the same room he kissed the air at him "If you cry dont worry I'll lick you clean maybe get Leege to help one to a cheek." smirking when Leege headed off for her nap. Being asked to watch over Leege so wolves or something dont get her he rolled his eyes "I believe I would feel bad for the wolves, she would probably chase them trying to hug them like that flying rat thing you have." Canteen ate more of his food as he was told of the guard or he would starve "Oh no how could I let that happen." as soon as the other was out of the room he pushed the plate onto the floor "Oh no." he fake gasped as the food was on the floor now

    Walking into the room Rouen stood there rubbing his head as it just seemed to be Brume and Canteen in the room now. Well he took that back Brume was on his way out "Brume, your bed might be wet sorry. Was so tired." he went over taking up a plate of food noticing food on the floor he walked past Canteen his arm coming up elbowing him in the back of his head "That's how we get rodents, you are going to help me clean that or I'm gonna rub your face in it like one would when an animal goes in the house."

    As Vanderbilt came out with the coffee and spoke of the blueprint he grinned some "I could kiss you, you beautiful soul." Antonio stood there taking up his coffee and held it in the air "Soon Malik a notorious criminal shall be brought to justice." he looked at Vanderbilt as he sipped his coffee some "Or at least find his body. When you told me of his plan involving the Darkflare ancestral castle I was right in a way and so were you." he set the coffee down and began to draw on it "Ok let us say he is underground in a way." he drew a fake castle as he drew a few room to go with it "HOWEVER his plan involves the castle right? Why go underground you may ask? He wouldnt leave the castle right? You are right." he made room with no visible way into it on the castle "What if he never left?"

    As he drew he put a figure in the hidden room as he started to smirk "He was a brilliant man, he could very well be inside that castle inside a room only accessible to him. Using his own spells creating a one way entry for him. Leaving the other in a place no one would even suspect or notice, making it something that looks like it belongs and undetectable cause it only gives off magic when activated from his side."  on another paper he drew a small cabin like place and then drew the figure again "He could warp from place to place, no one being the wiser. THEN using Lacrima he set up years ago for surveillance for all anybody knows it's just an everyday piece of the castle, that allows him to continue his quest and keep an eye on everyone."

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Getting put into a seat Canteen grumbled some before seeing Leege run off to get something, returning he saw her offer some crackers with stuff on them. Shrugging some he took one up nibbling it before grabbing another and set it inside his shirt pocket for later. The moment the food came out he smiled some "Leege can wait to deliver the food, we are all hungry." he chuckled some tilting his head some "Well the others I think are sleeping, most of them were busy fighting. I was more or less playing seems I played too rough with them." as he began to eat the food he leaned back a bit in thought about something "What are we gonna do now? We are a guild hooray what the hell does that entail?"

    Having slept a few hours Rouen awoke getting out of the bed yawning along with a good stretch making his spine pop. Standing up he looked at his naked form and chuckled some "I should get something on and see what people are up too." he didnt get much sleep but, it was enough for now. His stomach was growling anyways as he went down the hall opening up doors till he found his clothes, putting on his pants at least before heading downstairs rubbing the back of his head

    Smiling some at Antonio he nodded some "I may sound like him, because to catch him one must think as depraved as he would." smiling he bowed his head "Yes some coffee would be nice, two sugars please." he thought about what Vanderbilt had said about the castle, lost in thought he tapped his pen some on his desk "No..." standing up his chair fell back onto the ground "Damnit why hasn't anyone seen it." he began to move papers looking for something "VANDERBILT DO WE HAVE A BLUEPRINT OF THAT CASTLE?" he had thought about it and if the case was the castle was the key he wouldnt of left, he would be there still...at least he hoped so

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Looking at Leege tiredly he patted her head some "Bed, I'm gonna sleep I havent for days now. You can have my food." he shrugged as she got out of the bed. Yawning he just rolled over onto his side not caring this wasnt his bed. If someone wanted him out they would have to fight him for it. Rouen closed his eyes and was out like a light starting to softly snore

    Canteen was placing a few bandages on his face from the scratches he received hearing Leege he groaned "Ok Sorry your face got in the way, you should of held the little furball tighter so I could of just crushed it. Glad it ran off, if you want another go into the forest and get one." he let out a meep as his hair was grabbed and pulled along behind Leege to go eat "Ah I'm coming let go." he struggled against her grip but couldnt get loose

    Looking at Vanderbilt he nodded his head "Yes, the stories of his spell creation were incredible real visionary. His methods were just way out of line. If he is alive why not continue research? Over ten years he could achieve quite a bit and his motive? Well because sadist dont need one really." he set some paper aside as he thought leaning back in his chair "If I were like that, creating spells and other creations, using people as guinea pigs I wouldn't want to stop." he began to look up at the sky closing his eyes "Personally speaking, I would continue and gone underground hiring mercs to do stuff for me. Supply buys, kidnappings for test subjects etc etc. Keeping an eye on the world from the shadows as my experiments went unquestioned." slowly he opened his eyes some "Till the time was right. A giant chessboard set out before me as I am neither the king nor queen, just the player so I am always in control."

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Rouen sat on the floor of the shower as he heard the people around him, not really registering anything as he felt his eyes closing on him. Almost two days with no sleep, very little to eat, and turning demon twice in fights really drained him. Leaning his head down his eyes shut on him as a light snore could be heard coming from him.

    Canteen tried to yell out "No, I got..." he was cut short as his face had Leege's foot in it. Falling back in the closet he watched as she climbed in grabbing the furball calling it cute and if she could keep it "No you are not keeping that little critter...I dont think it likes me." he said watching the critter now gnawing on Leege's arm trying to free itself from her strong hold. It was a little yellow critter, pink polka dots all over it, large eyes looking at Canteen as it's large tail swished around angrily.

    It began to squirm out of Leege's grasp chittering as Canteen was making a fist "Damn thing attacked me with a pack back in the forest." he threw his fist at the creature missing by inches his fist now making contact with Leege "DAMNIT HOLD STILL."

    Rouen soon woke up drowzy from the short nap in the shower, turning off the water he began to get up walking out of the shower area no towel or anything on. Looking to see his clothing gone he shrugged some dripping water everywhere, he walked through the hall till he came into Brume's room walking over to the bunk bed he lifted the cover to lie down on the mattress

    • Brohoof 1
  14. But experienced linker who can use their own magic against them and keep them linked so they can't run away. If you even make the cut though Draco they want strong not strong mouthed so you and Lucis be out. -canteen grinned-

  15. Looking at Vanderbilt Antonio smirked a bit "Well think of it, underground and having a few people assist you so a big thing could seem small. A person goes missing almost all the time, imagine one in every town going missing in a month. Small to the untrained eye." he smiled hearing that he wont destroy the evidence and didnt like the fact he was going for Lucis "I know you don't like I wish to get Lucis but, a man of the council and trying to rebuild our reputation I must investigate. How many people he bribed or murdered it is Justice sometimes people must pay for the crimes they committed no matter how much it hurts." he began to move some papers around as he wondered about Malik "He was a monster from what I heard, experiments and other things. If we find out he is alive and we catch him he will be brought legally in...unless he resists and we need to put him down."


    Rouen was spent as he had used a brief moment of his demonic second form to jet their way to the guild. He was actually stumbling around some "Ugh...shower...bed. Maybe sleep in the shower." he said removing his jacket and shirt, removing his pants and boots he went into the shower. Hearing someone in there singing he came upon Draco "If you are gonna be in here singing lock the door." he went over sitting down on the floor turning on the hot water letting it pour over himself

    As the rustling stopped Canteen went towards the bush before something fast came up attaching itself to his face and sending him backwards onto the ground flailing "AH GET IT OFF." he was on the ground being scratched and hit with something hard before getting it detached from his face. More rustling came as pink blurs came running at him and a scream could be heard.

    A few moments after the attack Canteen was running towards the guild as small wooden spears were being tossed at him, rushing past everyone he went inside and through a few doors locking himself in one of the closets. Leaning against the door he slung down to the floor chuckling some "Those damn furry things, should of took a branch to them all." he sat there as he brought his new stolen leather bag up feeling it was heavy "Ooof, guy must of had this loaded with his stuff...wonder if there is anything valuable in here. Opening it up he saw yellow fur before something attacked his face and he let out a scream "AHHH."

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Canteen walked off after the stamp, they didn't tear into each other which was a shame really. Might of been interesting to see that, oh well "Wait don't we get like a goodie bag or something? I mean we are a new guild you should give us all some sort of like bag with free stuff." he grinned before grabbing a leather bag off one of the bodies heading off "This is mine now he isn't going to need it." he hurried to avoid people trying to catch him if they tried to stop him. Going through the forest he just looked around "Hmm oh, hm which way. Crocus now which was was it?" he said walking past the trees, he ended up being tripped by something as he face planted onto the ground "Ooof...well now I just feel silly."

    As he began to get up he could hear rustling in the bushes, slowly standing up he grinned "Oh no a terrible monster is going to attack." he faked a cry of horror as he licked along his lips "Come beast, your doom awaits." [have something planned]


    Rouen walked over holding Leege, getting her stamped as well before forcing her pants up "We need to get going, now then do you need anything before we go cause we are not stopping Crocus shouldn't be that far from here, hour tops."

    Taking the stamp he put it on her right cheek, Antonio tilting his head some "Never saw you miss, if someone comes looking for you, I never saw you." he said bowing some as Vanderbilt spoke of the investigation and how he will be helping. As he went to get the stuff he moved a hand up taking out something from his drawer. Dropping it on the ground a pair of chairs formed as he sat down in one. When he returned with the documents he pointed at the other seat "Weird to have you on any investigation with Lucis when you have such a fondness of him. It clouds judgement as well gives you easy access to any evidence against Lucis." he said cracking his neck some "I hold my judgement over you for now prove me wrong." he began to open the folders

    Looking over the stuff he saw that Malygos was in charge of the guild not Lucis, interesting to know tidbit. Alexander was the man servant of the brothers "Hmm I see, and yes I know of the files being gone for the father well most of them. I didn't realize he got to all of them. Most of my dealings of that man are from stories and a few books." he set the stuff down as he pondered on a bit "Ten years no sign of him at least anything willing to draw attention to himself." he took up his pen and a piece of paper writing down on it "Now given the things I've heard of him, and ten years. He could be "Underground" and the actions could be so small we could never see it." he began to chuckle a bit as he wrote out some "If I work this case well enough I could catch two of the Darkflares. Of course you wont like that fact if I go after Lucis, however with you telling me of how he shot you I am sure the father is on your list for wanting to find." he grinned some "Let me investigate Lucis, no tricks, no false evidence, no anything and I'll promise we will figure out what happened to the father as well." He held his hand out to Vanderbilt "Deal? I do things by the book, anything I find you are not to misfile or destroy...or inform of what I found out to Lucis. A fair trail as well if it gets that far."

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