I am like Pinkie Pie a little. I can be silly and make others laugh. I also like to eat lots of sweets. (Though, in real life, I am actually not too sociable at the moment.) I don't think I'm like Rainbow Dash that much, even though I'd like to be more confident like her. Suppose I'm a bit like Fluttershy in some ways. I think I have slight Rarity traits, but none of the ones to do with fashion and dresses. I think I only relate to Twilight in some ways, like enjoying reading. (Usually things like Harry Potter, which I'm reading through again for like the 10th time or so.) I'm...too lazy to be Applejack. But, I do like apples and apple pie! xD (Who doesn't?)
So, guess three ponies would be...Pinkie (50%), Fluttershy (30%), Twilight/Rarity (20%).