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Everything posted by Lucid_Nightlight

  1. @Catpone Cerberus "Yeah, everyone's gotta settle down eventually. Except Ace but, he was... something." "I could easily provide for us but..." He laughed. "You don't seem like much of a housewife. What about security in some kind of bar or whatever. Nothing too violent but you get to beat up anyone that causes trouble." ------------- "That's a problem. If I take it off she'll die but she's under control of someone dead. I am not exactly an animus anymore since it was made to go away at the moment of Darkstalker's death. Can we switch owners to me? I don't trust anyone else with that power."
  2. @Catpone Cerberus "Well, I tried on inanimate objects first. What do you think you will do with your life next?" He was vague but figured Ember would know what he meant. He didn't want to give away anything Ember didn't want anyone else to know. ------------------------------------------------- "Let's hear the details."
  3. @Catpone Cerberus "It's definitely a party trick. All I can do is shoot a single piece of rice off someone's head." ------------------- Quasi nodded and walked outside. He had business to take care of real quick. After some time Darkstalker was chained to the wall of his castle with a large crowd gathering. Four of Quasi's soldiers stood their with guns. "Darkstalker has plagued this world for too long. He is a traitor and has destroyed the first nightwing kingdom trying to take it over. He then tried to take it over 2000 years later. And just recently again, he has tried to steal the throne. He has viewed you all as slaves and nothing more. Today you are free from his tyranny. You all will be made citizens of Starlania, you will have freedom. Soldiers! Fire." The soldiers took aim at Darkstalkers heart and fired, killing him instantly. Darkstalker's general would come out and sign an unconditional surrender. After this, former citizens of Darkstalkers regime would push over a statue of Darkstalker. He'd then seek Cinder.
  4. @Catpone Cerberus "I guess that's what I get." Arrow would take some sips of his drink. "Usually ponies light the drink outside the cup and try to drink it. Doesn't always go well." --------------------- "Medics, get her transported to a ship and into a sick bay. We'll get her treated on our way and then we'll get her treated further in Starlania. Don't take off the collar."
  5. @Catpone Cerberus "Maybe you're more dragon than pony. I don't know genetics honestly." Everything here was geared towards dragons though, Arrow has developed tolerance for alcohol. "Did I tell you about the drinking contest I had with one of those really large dragons the size of a cave? It wasn't even close. Woke up in a hospital on the other side of Equestria. It was my first drink. I've become stronger since that day." ------------------‐-- Quasi was horrified at the sight. This was something that not even his world was use to. And for it to happen to Ruby of all dragons. "We need medics now!" When the medics came in, they too were horrified by the sight of their queen. Just a few days ago before she was gone, they saw her looking healthy and stronger than any dragon they knew. "How is she alive? No dragon can survive that." "What should we do then?" "Moving her like this may cause her pain, we should get make her sleep while we transport her. Something has to be keeping her alive otherwise she'd be long dead."
  6. @Catpone Cerberus "Sure but I'm buying." Arrow would look to find the nearest tavern after asking directions from a stationed guard, one was found. "Thinking I want something strong... none of those fancy colorful drinks." "Like... beer or something?" A dragon asked. "Yeah why not." Arrow would then buy Ember's drink if she ordered anything. ------------------- "I want Darkstalker and the general out of here. Put them in a cell for now." After this, Quasi would open the door.
  7. @Catpone Cerberus "I will. I'm always there when you need me." ------------------------------------------------------- Sky and Myra would go with Quasi to find Darkstalker, this is what they were use to back when they worked for the U.S. government, going after enemies. To them, Darkstalker was just another terrorist leader that needed to be taken out. Soon they'd find Darkstalker's quarters. "1... 2... 3... breach!" Sky would use a small satchel with explosive powder to break the hinges and opening mechanism. It was lit with a fuse, so it definitely wasn't the advanced technology Sky was use to. In the room was Darkstalker in a twisted crown. "Interesting, I was hoping you'd surrender to get Ruby back. Though... perhaps you knew I wouldn't. I'm stronger, Quasi. I'm the true king of the nightwings. You? What are you? Right, a pretender. A pretender playing dress up. Democracy, what a joke. You're not a true nightwing. You're not even a true dragon. Your little independence movement in the rainforest? You couldn't even bring yourself to pick up a spear and fight, you chose to try and negotiate like a coward with your little protests and your demands of independence." "You had to mess with the minds of everyone to get what you wanted because you were too weak and foolish to convince them with words alone." If someone were to brush against Quasi's scales or something, they'd feel buzzing in them, he was an animus. He wasn't before. This was the weapon he was going to use against Darkstalker. "I enchant you to obey my every command." "What? What are you-" "Do not speak unless I tell you to. Sit down. Now for an ironic ending...- no... I'm not like you, I will not follow in your footsteps and kill you like you killed your father. You will have a proper execution. I enchant Darkstalker to become mortal and his scales to become like those of a normal dragon of his tribe." The animus magic was technically Darkstalker's that's why it was working. Some of Quasi's soldiers would bring in a nightwing with some sort of armor. "I'm Darkstalker's general, I was next in line to rule in case Darkstalker became incapable or dead. He never counted on this happening. Only placed me in line to shut his advisors up. He rules with fear, everyone is afraid of him. He referred to his subjects as slaves while he was alone. He told his people he had animus magic still to make them bow to him. I knew he was lying but, he could easily kill me if I told anyone." "Alright, soldiers, I want four of you. It'll be quick to just execute him using a firing squad. I want this execution to be public."
  8. @Catpone Cerberus He got close to Ember. "You're worth it. Let us face this together. Whatever enemies you have, we will face them together. I love you." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quasi would give orders and the soldiers would get to work on their tasks. Quasi would fly into a window and kill whoever was in the hallway, his soldiers that were with him would open fire upon any enemies.
  9. @Catpone Cerberus "Jobs like ours can be... complicated. Well, maybe not my current job but, you get the point." ------------------ Quasi would lead a path with the least amount of enemies according to Intel. After a while, they'd stop on a large hill overlooking the castle. "Looks well guarded. The they seem to not expect anything with the windows. Always the windows, I always have guards posted at those things Darkstalker seems to have not thought of that. Everyone ready?"
  10. @Catpone Cerberus "Of course, I'd be glad to help you with that. I've got plenty of room. I found it odd living on my own after my time of active service. I mean, I guess I'm kinda active service still but, I'm in reserves now as you know. Might try my old job again, more local and more than just dragons. Maybe take on local threats in exchange for money from the government. Seems like a compromise between not having to lay down my weapons and staying in one house. It would be nice to have some company though." Arrow wanted to ask something. "I hope this isn't a bad time to ask but, I was thinking... would you like to be more than just friends? To be truthful, the amount of time we've been friends, my feelings have only increased. If that's not what you feel, I understand, you are your own and you have the right to say no I won't blame you for that and I can assure you, I can still be your friend if that's what you want." Arrow wanted it to be clear that Ember didn't have to say yes. Sure, he had feelings for Ember but that didn't mean she should have to go down a path she didn't want. Arrow felt that if she really cared for her, he should let her make her own choice. "Sorry, maybe it wasn't a good time to ask... I don't know, I was never good with this sort of thing. I'm sorry." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And with this said, they were on their way.
  11. @Catpone Cerberus "What was your idea?" Arrow wasn't sure was Ember was referring to when she said idea. -------------------------------------------------------- "Seems like a fair idea. Shall go then?"
  12. @Catpone Cerberus "Anytime." It was at this time a dragon came in to remind Placidus of something involving learning about the dragons of this world. He gave Ember a card before concluding everything. ----------------------------- "Teams are planned for the special forces but for us, we can figure out what to do whenever. I'll probably face Darkstalker I've got something that I can kill him with."
  13. @Catpone Cerberus "I'd be glad to meet again on this. Free of charge of course, a friend of Arrow is a friend of mine. I should say again that the exposure therapy can be stressful starting out. You probably won't be traumatized though; it will merely simulate violent situations, but it will create the same responses. It may start off with smaller subjects and work up to larger subjects of violence. Actually, the Earthlings brought in some new technology that we're using to help with this. Scientists in this field are actually testing out exposure therapy using virtual reality headsets. It would just be tests to see if it would invoke the same response and not be part of your actual therapy, they are looking for individuals with your issue to run tests on, they're paying very well for it actually. It would help to find other ways of treating things like this and other things too." -------------------------------------------------------- "We'll do that then." One of the nightwings who would help in the rescue showed them the entrances to the place Darkstalker was at. "There are multiple ways in. Windows and doors mostly. Blowing holes into the walls is no go, we don't know where the Queen is within the place, we suspect in the lower levels possibly underground, but we cannot be certain. Spies were caught and killed pretty quickly because of Darkstalker's mindreading; it seems he still has that. Our good friend Arrow was able to use a spell to limit the range during that speech. Once we get into the castle, assume he can read your mind. Because of this, stealth is not an option. Poison gas was considered but deemed to risky to the Queen's safety. We have to act in a fast a manner to ensure the Queen makes it out alive. We'll split up into teams. Some will go after Darkstalker, others will go to Ruby, and others will kill every combatant in the castle. Another team will keep the civilians out of the area." Then he made a joke. "Now let's hurry up before the yankies find out they have oil."
  14. @Catpone Cerberus "Well, there are types of medication that can calm someone down, they are a take when needed sort of thing, though, if you're in combat it's a little hard to do since it would take 30 minutes to work. I tell this to a lot of patients. Therapy is good for helping to remedy the issue itself but, having someone to be with you through the issue is irreplaceable. It seems that's probably covered, you and Arrow seem to be on good terms. As for someone who has already lost it, well, if you're somehow restrained, your best chance would be an mental institution in that case where you probably would have to be medicated. You'd probably be let out once you're more stable but, you'd have to take medication." "However, seeking therapy is an important step to prevent it from getting that far. Keep in mind that your case isn't impossible fix, there are many dragons who could control their instincts. We could use behavioral therapy to train your brain to respond differently to things such as violence. Exposure therapy could possibly help. To simply put, we expose you to things that would activate your instincts and you need to try and to try your best not to give in to your urges. It can be very stressful but it will get better over time. Keep in mind that at first it is important to be supervised by a professional until you have a better control of things. Over time, your brain will grow numb to any urge to follow instincts." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "*To remain hidden, if you can hide yourself go ahead if you can keep up.*"
  15. @Catpone Cerberus "Your sister at best is replacing one unhealthy problem with another. Things such as that turn into addictions pretty easily. Plus, the other health problems you risk getting for the rest of your life. It's a really big gamble. And medicine isn't for everyone, if that isn't for you, therapy is a good thing. Have you tried cognitive behavior therapy? You had your therapist for a decade, I'd imagine that idea would cross their mind." ------------------------------------------------------- "The forces will try to advance soon, I trust the generals to keep the invasion going. We should try and get being enemy lines and sneak Ruby through. Our Special Operations Unit will be helpful in that regard. Problem is you cannot fly. While you could ride the nightwings, Danthe has no wings. However... we do have stretchers meant for wounded dragons, we could carry Danthe over. If we fly at night, we'll be hard to spot. Alternatively, we could push further and then attempt our attack on Darkstalker and rescue Ruby."
  16. @Catpone Cerberus Placidus would go over the instincts of dragons and what parts of the brain involve instinct. He'd go over the instincts of ponies and explain how the two when combined could lead to the thing Ember is dealing with. He also explained how hormones came into play and the therapies used for dragons that have trouble dealing with their instincts. "We have not had dragon ponies to study but it seems many of the theories are correct. Careful studies have been done on the theory of dragon-pony hybrids, along with therapy, medications could go a long way also though I suggest doing one of the therapies with the meds for more longterm help. It's a lifelong issue but these things will help you manage it properly." ----------------------- After a while, what was left of the defense retreated. The chaos of unexpected factors and the fact it wasn't heavily defended due to the landing here being unexpected gave Quasi and his forces the win. "I need drones to survey the area and I want to know where forces are." A defense was set up to defend the gained position and reinforcements would arrive soon after. "Dragons are hard to kill without a firearm. I had to improvise so much because my training back in the U.S. never prepared me to fight dragons with blades. Or at all really. And now they have guns and I don't." "A weapon is as only as good as the one using it."
  17. @Catpone Cerberus "I've treated a lot of species with their mental state. I'm aware that certain types of dragons can have such instincts. You're part dragon, a thing not typical to Equestria though I'd imagine you'd have instincts on both sides. Can you tell me exactly what you feel?" --------------------- The battle was a violent one but, in all the chaos, the enemies didn't expect Danthe and Vix, there were so many dragons and coyotes, it was difficult to spot them. Once they were past the line, a lot of dragons would try to take Danthe and Vix down though some would flee seeing that their guns didn't work and their spears did nothing. Dasonians would use that opening to get behind the enemy lines. Sky and Myra would be targeted by many dragons as their armor signaled high rank, though, they held their own long enough for Dasonian soldiers to come to their aid. Many of both sides were being killed, ones storming the beach took the most casualties at first as to be expected, this was a sacrifice they had to make to win this battle.
  18. @Catpone Cerberus Arrow knew dragons well, he knew what the gesture, never used it or had it used on him. "I'm always here when you need me." He would go with Cinder to find Placidus. He would be available few days. But after that, they would finally catch up with him. He told him that Ember would like to speak to him about an issue but, he'd let Ember tell him. "What ever problem you have, I'm glad to help. If you'd like to talk alone we can have Arrow wait outside." ---------------------- Days would pass before they reached shore and then... the fight was on. Nightwings and Rainwings would fly off the ships and engage in battle at the enemies. The Dasonians seemed to have small wooden boats with sails, they would land on shore and the Dasonians would run into battle in large numbers. Archers would fire a volley of arrows enough to make a large shadow on the ground. One group of Dasonians captured a bunker on the beach, poison gas was thrown in only for those coyotes to run out at the enemy dragons. They looked as if there was no way they should be alive, some were coughing up parts of themselves as they kept running towards a large group of dragons on the far side of the beach would flee in terror. Quasi was shouting commands while machine guns fired all over the beach. Any dragon that came at him was quickly killed. "Capture the bunkers on that ledge!" Sky and Myra would be with their Dasonians fighting at the front. Queen Glory would be ordering the rainwings, it was easy to notice that they weren't experienced in war but, Glory seemed to ensure they were trained enough to properly fight. One dragon would attempt to attack Glory only to get a face full of corrosive venom and a stab to the heart by her bodyguard, Deathbringer who probably insisted he go with her after his insisting she stay home failed. There was one bright side to this, relations with the Rainwings would certainly increase.
  19. @Catpone Cerberus "There's wounded dragons in the med area here, he's been watching what doctors here do. I think he has a room somewhere here. Odd that Quasi chose to let some hospital nurse into his palace. He's been known to go out and do whatever normal dragons do and talking to his citizens as if they're equals. And... not like one of those Earthling leaders trying to put on a persona, he is... genuine." "Anyway, we could go look for Placidus, he really won't mind." -------------- "I guess you're right. She needs some she trusts."
  20. @Catpone Cerberus "You're not the kind to do that. You care too much to harm someone that is innocent. I hear Quasi has ocd, could that be the issue? He says he gets all these intrusive thoughts and worries and sometimes he'll have to do something to... 'undo' that thought. He's learned to cope with the issue though with the help of his caretaker when he was little. Her name was Mira. I hear she went crazy and tried to harm Ruby, so Quasi killed her." "Whatever it is, I obviously couldn't tell you what you have going on, I think I know someone actually who could help you, Placidus. He works at a hospital in Ponyville and is also a psychiatrist and therapist. He's might be near actually, I heard he's been trying to study dragons so he can know how to treat them medically. If you'd like to speak to him maybe we can set something up for you." ------------------------------ "Ruby may not agree but, I think we should have her medically treated. And, probably get Ruby therapy."
  21. "Crows are odd, quite cute when tamed. Have you considered seeing some sort of doctor? Maybe that Zebra that lives in everfree? My parents actually dumped me in everfree once when I was a baby. That's why they're in jail and that's why my grandfather took care of me. I'd probably be traumatized if I could remember it." He looked thoughtfully. "They could've dumped me at a some station, fire department, or hospital. Or an orphanage, they really didn't think that through. I know a yellow pony who lived in an orphanage, well he just looks like a yellow pony. He's part draconequus oddly enough. Not related too Discord though. He was turned to stone for the duration of the war, turns out Gladia is his mother. He turned himself to stone, afraid he'll be tempted to aid her. He's fine now though." -------------------------- "I've heard her speak in her language, calling for help. She's afraid. I just don't think Darkstalker is nice enough to feed her."
  22. @Catpone Cerberus "I don't think you have. Whats up with that anyway. Are you able to turn it off?" ------------------ "I'm certain. Imagine not eating and being unable to die. Then getting your horn cut off... what else..." Quasi couldn't finish his words. It was too much.
  23. @Catpone Cerberus "Weirdly enough, I have nothing to ask. Even if I did, you have a right to keep your secrets. But you can always tell me if something is upsetting you." -------------------- "It'll take time to find Ruby I think. It's upsetting. Who knows what pain Ruby is feeling. If we save her, it will take time for her to heal. The trauma even more."
  24. @Catpone Cerberus "No, I never hated anyone not even the ones I killed. The ones I killed were the ones that were a danger to others. I've met some pretty nice dragons back then and even done bounties for the Dragonlands to hunt down criminals there especially dangerous." "The reason I hunted dragons is because everyone else was afraid to handle them. The average pony would be killed if they tried." ------------------------------ "Darkstalker will fall. I want to put an end to Darkstalker forever."
  25. @Catpone Cerberus "I needed to keep the name to accept what happened. It was a way to move on. At this point, I know myself as Arrow, and it's who I want to be. My name on my grave shall be Arrow." -------------------------------------------------- "I should've noticed and stopped her. Had I done that, she would be safe."
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