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Tiny Hoofs

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Posts posted by Tiny Hoofs

  1. The fringe groups of Bronies that unironically associate themselves with Neo-Nazism. You can see stuff like shoving Nazi paraphernalia into the show and memes like Aryanne (she would actually be a cute pony without all of the Nazi references). It obviously reflects badly on us all to be associated with bigotry. And honestly, how you can watch a show like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and genuinely come to the conclusion that fascism is correct is beyond me. The show has always celebrated diversity and acceptance. How do you miss the point that much? On a kid's show no less.

    I also guess I dislike the cynical bronies who think they're being hip and self aware by calling other bronies autistic. The level of insecurity is deafening. I suppose the thing I dislike about this fandom is occasional nasty and mean-spirited individuals. But you find them in all walks of life. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  2. I think it's cool that all kind of people can relate to the Mane Six, even if they haven't explicitly been confirmed to have any mental conditions. While the Mane Six were probably never written with any disorder in mind, it's a great thing to have relatable characters to people of all walks of life. There's probably not as many relatable mentally ill characters as there should be (especially in children's TV shows) and I'd hate to rob these people of their fun.


    I've related a lot with Twilight and Fluttershy in the past because I have Asperger's and socializing is very difficult for me (Pinkie is only best pony becasuse she makes me laugh the most :pinkie:). I'd also be fine with more ponies with disabilities being introduced to the show provided it was done well. I actually hope the show touches on it more in the future.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I've never been concerned with how 'nutty' their beliefs are and whatnot. Provided that you're not harming anybody or society at large, it's none of my concern what people believe. It's their lives. But Scientology's views on psychiatry and mental health seem really backwards and harmful. Not to mention the creepy reports of them operating like a cult and charging their members to advance within their organization.

  4. 19 hours ago, Prospekt said:

    As long as this isn't just a remake of Baby Cakes with Twilight instead of Pinkie, I'm sure it will be alright.

    There are some around the fanbase who would much rather not have her around. I don't mind her, but I remember some annoyed fans as long ago as the very first teaser clip of the Season 6 premiere.

    I don't really see how she is any worse than Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake. Is it the fact that she's an alicorn or because they see her as a marketing ploy? :sunbutt:

    I don't get that. And yeah, the episode should be fine as lot it's different from Baby Cakes.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Banjo-Kazooie! Playing through Banjo-Tooie now.

    Thinking of playing Yooka-Laylee later as well.

    On 14/04/2017 at 2:35 PM, Cakey said:

    DOOM 2016 loved every second of it

    It's a great game! I love how similar it is to Doom and Doom II with fast-paced gameplay and omission of modern FPS mechanics.

  6. Definitely one of the weakest Disney films of the Renaissance era. The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Mulan were far better. The story wasn't that gripping, the morals were a little too simplistic and I can understand people's concerns about it whitewashing history and being historically inaccurate. But the animation is great and I loved the whole spiritual elements with Grandmother Willow. Oh, and the raccoon was super cute!



    • Brohoof 1
  7. Since Equestria is just a country or a continent at best, I'm hoping they'll one day announce a map of the entire MLP world or a globe. We've seen places like Yakyakistan and Griffonstone, but I'd imagine a map of the entire world being even bigger than this one that they officially released.


    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but we haven't even seen where Zecora and the zebras are from. I'm guessing it's a lot more like Africa. I also wonder if there's other distinct continents separate from this map. Maybe a pony equivalent of Europe or Asia for instance. I think Equestria clearly takes inspiration from North America.


  8. I haven't watched Equestria Girls so I can't comment on its quality. But I've always been put off by its art style, setting and the forced incorporation of humans into the series. I might give it a try at some point for the sake of fairness, but it's never looked too appealing to me.

    I'm much more excited about the My Little Pony movie and I think it looks far more promising considering the talent going into it. Plus it actually has the Mane Six as ponies...as they should be! :D

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I wouldn't expect the movie to be overly saccharine. The show already contains a fair amount of conflict and some surprisingly dark themes, especially in episodes like The Return of Harmony, The Cutie-Remark and Twilight's Kingdom. Yet at the same time it's unreasonable to expect anything overtly grimdark or devoid of cutesy moments given the target demographic. I'd hope for a nice balance of fantasy conflict and sweet moments like the show. In fact one of the things that draws me to the show is the lack of negativity and mean-spiritless, so I shouldn't be bothered by it. I usually like the sweet stuff. :)

    I think the team said they didn't want the show to feel like an extended episode. So maybe it will be like a traditional two-part episode but with the stakes raised considerably and a much more elaborate quest (maybe like Lord of the Rings but not as long or complicated).

  10. I think my history with MLP is sorta strange. I remember first watching the show around 2011 and 2012 because of how popular it was. I genuinely liked it, but I didn't participate in the fandom much because I had a few bad experiences with bronies at the time. I lost interest in the show for a few years because I didn't like season 3 that much and I got really busy with college around that time.

    I've just recently regained interest in the show after deciding to watch some of the newer episodes, and I thought it would be a good chance to give the brony thing another try. The fandom seems a lot nicer these days. :pinkie::)

  11. I'm a little worried about it in all honesty. I also don't have any brony friends to go with. :okiedokieloki:

    I am hoping it'll be okay. My experience with The Secret Life of Pets was horrible because of a couple of kids moving down the aisles and screaming. I suppose the best thing I could do is go during school hours. That worked when I went to go see the Shaun the Sheep movie. I also hope I can be brave enough to ask for a ticket. :love:

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