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Everything posted by Mirage

  1. "But...I cannot answer for thee..." The servant raised his head then stood up. Without making eye contact, he turned away, ready to lead. "The Princess wishes your company, Ri...uh, master."
  2. "If thou say it, tis true." The servant remained low, tears streaming down his cheek. "I shall lead you to the Princess. If thou wishes, speak of my trespassing so that I shall be punished for offending thee."
  3. The servant gasped in fear, falling to his trembling knees. "Forgive me! Don't hurt me!"
  4. Banned for meat product forcing conspiracy.
  5. "Hast thou fallen and popped yer noggin? You're in The Castle." The servant raised his voice, stomping lightly in frustration. "Wouldn't be good to lose all thine memory right before the Summer Sun celebration...if ye can remember what that is!"
  6. "You jest surely! Thine name is Rigel, the Princess knows this." The servant huffed dismissively. "Remaining loyal is wise, my child. We are all Loyal Defenders here, lest ye forget." The servant salutes, rather clumsily, but it worked.
  7. Just a coffee so far. I'm really hungry now...I think I'll make an omelette.
  8. Last night I dreamed that my dog was talking...and he was a smart ass! wtf - I raised him better!

  9. @SeriousMax First things first - ditch the depressing avatar and try something more colorful and cute. I'm sure you don't like feeling depressed, and guess what, no one else does either, so don't remind them of saddness, remind others of happiness.
  10. Her mane and tail simply reflect the night sky perpetually, like a magic mirror. Celestia's mane I always thought reflected the land, sea and blue sky.
  11. My famous chili of course. I've been refining a recipe for a while, and I think I've nailed it!
  12. I like to remain fully dressed and groomed, but sometimes, just my robe if it's one of those days.
  13. Banned for snow, and bunnies in the snow.
  14. As Loyal walked closer, he sees a towering Princess Celestia. With a highly raised head, she looked down at him, her mouth in a snarl - the whites of her eyes plainly visible above her dark irises, staring down like jagged knives through his soft flesh. *click...click...click...* For a moment, Loyal's eyes tore away from the gaze to see the source of the clicking sounds. Looking down he could see that Celestia was atop a marble podium, with a golden clock affixed to the front. Its face was carved with the sun and moon, clouds, stars, and bright red jewels for the hour places. The minutes were measured by a graduated ring of silver and onyx. The slight distraction helped him to realize that the figure before him was actually a great white statue. It may or may not have been Celestia, it was perhaps hard to tell for sure, he realized. "Rigel?" He heard a small voice from beyond that great status. Bright golden light shot through a long slender opening that grew in width slowly, along with a slight creaking sound. The light eventually brightened the room Loyal was in, revealing the glorious status in the middle of a grand atrium. The alicorn statue was certainly proud, but the new light made it plain that it was in fact Celestia, not angry and snarling but smiling and serene. Her gold cutie mark was now plainly visible, along with her chest plate and slightly blue and green colored mane and tail. "Rigel...what are you doing in here?" An elderly servant pony walked up to Loyal. His blue coat and silver mane and tail shimmered slightly in the gold light, and his tattered leather saddle bags, stuffed with supplies, seems to absorb all colors into its worn, dull finish. "Rigel?" His voice was soft and weak, but very friendly and relaxing. His horn lit up and he adjusted his spectacles, watching and waiting for Loyal to respond.
  15. The only response Loyal received was his own distant echo from the great chamber. No stirring in the shadows, no motion whatsoever. Only a large figure looming behind him. He would have to walk closer to see what it was in such dim light.
  16. Nose boop. I always want AJ to win between those two for some reason...
  17. *hugs* @DivineGlow1000 Keep those Tia's coming my friend!
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