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Jade The Pegasister

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Posts posted by Jade The Pegasister

  1. 5 minutes ago, Duality said:

    Quadruple banned for having intestine-related issues. That can't be healthy.

    Alright that's it

    that's the last straw 

    banned like, literally forever and ever

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Just now, Duality said:

    Banned for being innards.

    Double banned 'cause I'm probably not popular so much as I talk a lot. Like, a lot. :orly:

    Triple banned for being probably accurate and I have issues 😂😂😂

    • Brohoof 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, Duality said:

    Banned because this obviously falls outside the jurisdiction of Sugarcube High Command. It is an issue relating to psychosis or other mental illnesses, hence it is squarely the responsibility of Pinkness Headquarters, from which I have obtained all necessary permissions.

    Banned for being so popular and icy 

    • Brohoof 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Misty Shimmer said:

    I understand your animation concern, it will take people some getting used to, I on the other hand got lost on the sparkles of Pinkie Pie´s eyes in the first 20 seconds :lol:, I guess the Disney movie vibes are kinda there, but I dont see the girly as much, and as long as the movie does well in box office it will be justified(the Disney and even the animation bit). I saw plenty background ponies and I loved the idea of merponies come back(for me it´s that way). We see some pretty strong female characters, interesting situations, good designs. I´m pretty much content with it.....wich means I am very concern about some backslash it could receive, like any big project.:rarity:

    I agree 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Foxy Socks said:

    First of all, bronies are not the main audience dor the franchise,  and while they do market to them sometimes, they will always have to appeal to family friendly audiences too. Second of all, I don't see that much more of a "girly" vibe than the show, in fact, it seems even less so. Just look at the new character designs, they don't look that bad to me. Lastly, even if/though it does give that vibe, what's wrong with it? It's always been that way with the show, and I like it's cute or girly moments as much as the more "serious" tones. It's My Little Pony, of course it's girly. Isn't that why we like it?





    I certainly can't argue with that

    you made some really great points and also I hate harshly and rudely arguing because that would be unlikely of an mlp fan lol 

    Well I'm a girl and I'm not girly or tomboyish so to answer your last question

    it really depends 

    • Brohoof 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, GrimGrimoire said:

    Did you watch the movie trailer for the older generation accidentally? I have no idea where you got  "barbie vibe" or a "cheesy girl movie spin-off" from this trailer. If anything the movie trailer definitely shows a push away from a strictly "little girl" film, and actually seems to contain properties fans of any age and gender can enjoy. By the looks of it, the film will have something for both new and old fans, the curious and the die-hards... whether it will all come togetehr or not, remains to be seen, but it is there. Also, you see plenty of cameos in the trailer so I have no idea where you are getting all this. We cannot possibly have watched the same trailer.

    I meant like vinyl scratch and stuff and octavia talking or something 

    but yea that's just your opinion and I accept and understand yours

    (btw yes it was mlp 4th generation movie trailer XD) 

  7.  Before anyone reads further I would like to note I DO know that the intended audience for my little pony: friendship is magic is girls 4 to 12 years of age and that over the years it's evolved into people of all ages and genders. 

    Anyways here I go, I saw the trailer for the new movie coming out in October and I had mixed feelings about it, my first reaction was that the animation was stunning, yet unusual to decipher that it was actually my little pony,  I don't know how to describe it, the animation is so great, lovely and beautiful, but it will take a while to get used to while I watch the movie. 

     Besides the animation another thing that kind of freaked me out a bit was this movie trailer actually came off with the vibes of an actual movie trailer for a Disney film or other huge movie, this might sound kind of weird, but The idea of my little pony becoming so big and presented so big like it's an actual movie that's out in the open kind of makes me a little uneasy, I'm not sure why, but it does. 


     My third and final opinion on this trailer is by far the most I feel strongly about,  I had to watch the trailer several times to mentally process things for the reasons I wrote above but as I watched it over and over, I noticed something. This movie almost gives off a Barbie vibe or  another cheesy girl movie spin-off if you know what I mean, it's almost as if they completely forgot bronies exist while directing, producing the movie ETC. I understand that tons of little girls are going to watch it, but I'm going to be a bit disappointed if there isn't any background pony cameos, or silly fan references.  


    I've been waiting for this movie a long time and I hope it doesn't disappoint because if it does I'm going to be down in the dumps for a little while LOL 


    • Brohoof 1
  8. When i get home from school I'm usually a mix of relieved bored, and stressed sometimes I'm home alone but mostly I'm surrounded by others. I usually take refuge in my room where every corner you turn there's a pony or 2 or 3. As i sat on my bed i turned on the TV only to find that the 6 beloved ponies were on it. I giggled lightly at the certain scenarios that they'd get themselves in but no one made me more happy than pinkie pie. That's right! Pinkie pie loves sugar has a pet baby aligator and is often hyper enough to run on only cookies without sleep for a week (probably) but she always is true to her element of harmony making everypony she knows feel extreme bliss and happiness. Sometimes i feel as if she brakes the 4th wall just to get my attention. She would just jump out of your TV  if she could I'm pretty certain of that (no seriously I'm certain) but out of all the qualities that she has it's her element of laughter and her ability to be comical but yet still serious in a very subtle way. Pinkie pie has made my day many times if i feel anxious lonely, or just bored I'll put on "the smile song" and it just brightens my day every time the line that always gets me is: "it's true some days are dark and lonely and maybe you feel sad but pinkie will be there to show you that it isn't that bad" it makes me realize time and time again that not only is pinkie pie incredibly good at making anyone anywhere smile but also that the message she's sending to everypony is universal you see laughter is the best medicine laughter binds friendships bonds, and connections laughter makes you feel grand and like no one can bring you down laughter is love and showing that we're easy at being care free about negative situations so in the long run that pink pony skipping down in Equestria will be and will always be a blessing of positivity to all who know her. Just know that if there's any emotional shifts in your life that cause you pain sorrow, or worry pinkie will want you to smile. Forever and for always.


    There are many stereotypes on pinkie pie for example some people speculate that she's actually a serial killer and you can have any image of pinkie pie you want because your opinion is always fine but in my opinion she's just a happy go lucky spirit always spreading fun and happiness across ponyville. In fact i used to think pinkie pie was just annoying and silly but my opinion on her personality quickly changed as i got older. i mostly relate to pinkie pie because of my ability to spread laughter myself my dream is to one day become a comedian and make everyone's sides split continuously. so pinkie pie is a big inspiration in my life and i think that after a while you really warm up to her. Okay i know i know i just went on a big and annoying rant about my favorite pony pinkie pie but i mean come on how am i supposed to get my point across if i just say completely nothing. Oh how rude of me where are my manners! I should start from the very beginning. But before tell you about the very emotional and topsy turvy yet happy life I have i want you to keep in mind that there's going to be at least one thing you'll relate to. So without further ranting this time I will begin. When I was 11 years old I knew what my little pony was and i liked it but i was more into other things. As 2012 passed it became 2013 as I sat in my bedroom (that I shared with my mother) I was browsing Netflix.

    I couldn't even seem to find anything good then I stumbled across "my little pony: friendship is magic" and I was so bored I decided to watch it as I watched the episode a big smile became present on my face I went from episode to episode and season to season. Before I knew it I was watching things like "epic wub time" and "vinyl and neon" but the thing was nobody except my mother and my best friends knew I was a pegasister. As we were at my family's old ranch picking blackberries my mom and her best friend were contemplating going to Disneyland. They thought about it for a while until they made a decision that we'd go in a few months. When that day came we all got in Celine's van (that's the name of her friend) and headed for California. As I sat in the back with Celine's son Duncan AKA my old crush and best friend i'd always brag about my little pony and he'd just laugh it off and say haven't you heard of "Bronies" i was very confused you intrigued at the word "Brony" i looked at him "what's a  brony?" i asked "it's a guy that like's my little pony"  back then when i first heard the  term "Brony" i'd  pronounce it "brawny". Me Dawson, and my  mother were all waiting in line for The Matterhorn when a couple of bronies walked into the line. I was mentally freaking out and when I shouted "BRONIES!". They  seemed very pleased to  see me yet they were minding their own business. I kept trying to get their attention but my mom told me to leave them alone.

    I'd seriously spend all my time on ponies! No seriously it was endless! Pony this pony that ponies blah blah blah blah we're talking pony radio stations pony art, pony videos, pony merchandise you name it!  I had plenty of pony shirts. Me and my stepmother Quincy were sitting on the dining table one night discussing a bucket list for me and I thought it sounded great! So we got out a pen and proceeded to make one but the most important things on the list were "singing lessons" and "volunteering with cats". When I woke up the next morning I found Quincy on my computer "what are you doing?" I asked "trying to find a place for you to apply to volunteer with cats" she replied, I was so excited we had our first orientation meeting there and it seemed pretty cool by the time our second orientation came up I had my name tag and everything during such of an orientation I saw a guy walking by, he was skinny and had an awkward yet cute face I started to check him out because I was a curious teenager I found him to be cute in someway but decided to move on  I continued to stare intrigued by him he happened to be carrying a box or something once he set it down I saw the most mind-boggling thing I had ever seen he was wearing a shirt with rainbow dash on it and it said "Brony" my heart was practically beating out of my chest and I couldn't believe what was before me I could've fainted right there seriously I walked up to him awkwardly and asked him if he was a brony he obviously said yes ...... to be continued

    • Brohoof 3
  9. I thought I was the only one who felt this way, seriously I did 

    with the things and positive vibes I got from reading the forum posts on this thread, I'd say we never actually die even if the show ends and merch, clothes, toys etc. stop being produced. Seriously we're still coming out with season 7-8 and to everyone's shock and surprise there's actually a my little pony movie coming out with amazing animation style, sometimes I'm surprised and overjoyed by how far we've gotten (hasbro as well)  trust me it's not dead at all it's only the beginning at this point 

  10. 1 minute ago, Cestrum said:

    Well, I don't have a request page, but I have a commission shop if you're interested?


    Can't, broke 

    I'll eventually get your artwork in 20 years, but keep up the good work looking great! Too bad you don't take requests 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Sierra L said:

    Hello! I'm very new to the fandom :squee:

    I do art and maybe I'll start doing some pony art?

    I mainly just want to make some friends in the fandom because well, I'm new and don't have any and I'm sure you're all great people :D

    Also I'm kind of really loving these emoticons:pinkie:

    My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: fluttershy
    How did you find MLP Forums?: Through a friend
    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Recommended to me


    i like you already 

    • Brohoof 3
  12. Name: Rigor Mortis
    Type: Earth pony
    Gender: Female 
    Appearance: orange coat with different gray colored mane, usually blushing from embarrassment 
    Cutie Mark: Wooden casket
    Hobbies: singing, trying to hang out with ponies more, getting over her social anxiety disorder 
    Additional Details: This timidly awkward mortician will usually be found in the local cemetery or somewhere very quiet to think to herself or sing, she's very shy and has mild social anxiety disorder, but lemme tell ya, she has the most gorgeous, angelic singing voice, she'd be humiliated and mortified If anypony found out about her amazing singing talent. She is the mortician's daughter so to speak and her mother who runs the funeral parlor is teaching rigor how to embalm and such, so that when she retires rigor will take her place and be in charge of the ponyville funeral home. IMG_0540.thumb.PNG.f2cd21e23e71804b4dc6555243cf480b.PNG124AF1A2-1181-4AC5-8F6E-150291FD0725.PNG.8e5476c86029f628999b3621138f79da.PNG

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