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About GeekyPsycho

  • Birthday July 2

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My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Pinkie Pie
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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  1. I guess what bugs me is that there aren't really separate words, or classifications to differentiate sapient from non sapient. We call ourselves "humans" to differentiate from non sapient "apes" or "monkeys", but in the show, both Capper and Opalescent are referred to as "cats". There is no separate species to distinguish between sapient and non sapient.
  2. Thank you The show often brings in sapient characters of the same species as a non sapient creature, only when it will add flavor to the defining of that character, will add diversity and flavor to the story, or is necessary for the plot. In evolutionary and survival terms, none of it makes much sense. There may be some flukes in which something lines up, but I don't think the writers thought it all through. That is an interesting observation. I believe they also referred to them as parrots in the movie. Captain Celeano herself was originally designed to be a harpy, and "Celeano" comes from a harpy from Greek mythology.. Nevertheless, they went ahead and branded her as a parrot.
  3. Woke up this morning to find a stink bug crawling on Miss Rarity's face, and into her hair. They can be a pest, but to crawl upon Rarity's face and ruin her mane is simply cruel.

  4. Ahhh. I haven't read any of the comics, so I wouldn't know. They were probably trying to be more thematic when they convirted the story over to the big screen. But why then keep the multicolored feather sail? Perhaps they (involuntarily) shed their different colored feathers when they felt weaker and something less? A physical response to emotional trauma? But my guess is they really didn't plan to explain the feather colors.
  5. I am very religious, but not part of an organized religion. I believe that belief builds your world. Belief equals personal reality. I believe every god that has ever existed does exist, through the will of those who believe in them. I also believe their power can take the form of confidence, courage, blind trust, shame, love, and many more emotions or beliefs, all of which affect how the individual perceives the world, and how they react upon that world. I believe in personal hell, or hell on earth. I do not believe there are any universal rules, as each person is living on their own plane of reality. I strongly believe in unverified personal gnosis (UPG). [the phenomenological concept that an individual's spiritual insights may be valid for them without applying it to the experience of others] I personally am a polytheist. My pantheon originates from the Hellenic pantheon, though it weighs heavily on UPG. I draw practices both from Hellenic Reconstructionism and Revivalism, as well as modern day paganism. I do believe in some form of reincarnation, but in my view, it's very messy, as spirits mix and mingle. I do believe in karma in that you get back what you put out, but I also believe that you don't always deserve what you get (shit happens). I do consider myself deeply religious, though I am not nearly as studious, or devoted as I would like to be.
  6. I guess I meant what separates species from themselves? (Cats from cats, birds from birds).
  7. I love that shot. It was very horse-like and natural. And it was so sweet the way Twilight clung to her in a protective way, and Tempest still retains that look of independence and poise. I really like how even after she was converted to good in the very last scene, she still held an air of confidence and dignity. Her character changed without losing her identity.
  8. There is an increasing number of sapient animals outside of Equestria, of which are non-sapient within Equestria. For example, Capper is sapient, but Opalescence isn't. Captain Celaeno is sapient, but Fluttershy's birds aren't. Within Equestria, ponies, griffons, dragons, buffalo, and cows are sapient, as well as other various appearances by episode. Are there certain laws governing sapient versus non sapient? If so does this apply to birth place, genetics, or by temporary location? What defines something as Sapient or Non Sapient in the My Little Pony universe?
  9. But we haven't seen any sentient blue, purple, or pink parrots. They are all green and red, or yellow. And they don't really carry around items of this color. Other than the sail, the entire ship tends to stick to the green, red, yellow, and brown color scheme.
  10. Why does Captain Celaeno's ship have a sail of multicolored feathers? We see color outside of Equestria is rare ( pastelus coloritis ). Even the pirate crew doesn't have much diversity among themselves- aside from the captain, they are all green and red, and they wear an occasional brown or yellow. It interesting that you rarely see blue, purple, or pink, yet they have multicolored feathers that spring from their ship... They had those feathers long before Rainbow Dash came along... within the show, there is no cannon for (sentient) blue, pink, or purple birds. How did this become a symbol of their identity? What could be the source of these rainbow feathers as their parrot pirate symbol?
  11. As I said, rainbows mean different things. I pointed to the rainbows as a symbol of boldness, not strictly and lgbt+ symbol. And: Not asking for arguments sake. I'm genuinely curious... what about the rainbow feathers the pirate crew had stored away? We see color outside of Equestria is rare ( pastelus coloritis ). Even the pirate crew doesn't have much diversity among themselves- aside from the captain, they are all green and red, and they wear an occasional brown or yellow. It interesting that you rarely see blue, purple, or pink, yet they have multicolored feathers that spring from their ship... They had those feathers long before Rainbow Dash came along... within the show, there is no cannon for (sentient) blue, pink, or purple birds. How did this become a symbol of their identity? I'm in no way implying it's lgbt. I'm genuinely wondering what could be the source of these rainbow feathers as their parrot pirate symbol?
  12. Rainbow Tears
  13. Like I said... "I don't think it's exclusively one thing or another. I do think it's about accepting one's identity, as I said, "lgbt+ or not". The message is generic. I was merely noticing gay pride themes. Gay pride is a thing of culture, and in this case not an explicit message, but rather an underlying societal truth with tones of that culture." I know this was not what they were aiming for. It is simply a theme.
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